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7/2022 9

Updated: Jan 6


In the face of government inaction, the country’s best chance at keeping the crisis from spiraling relies on everyone to keep caring.”


“Ecuador could stop pumping oil within 48 hours due to protests”

Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019 7/08 _F2A1112aaa2

“The disease after tomorrow

Five illnesses spreading in a hotter world”


“UN chief warns of 'ocean emergency' as Lisbon summit opens”


America’s Supreme Court will keep the rising going:

“World pledged to cut methane. Emissions rising instead, study finds.

Kayrros, a firm that analyzes satellite data, says emissions of the potent greenhouse gas ‘appear to be going in the wrong direction’”


The planet is increasing hostile to plant life:

“Farmers and scientists are increasingly observing that unusually high springtime temperatures can kill pollen and interfere with the fertilization of crops.”

“Pollen and heat: A looming challenge for global agriculture”


“Broadcast and cable TV news shows mentioned climate change in just 17% of extreme weather segments in mid-June

News coverage also largely failed to mention the need to rapidly reduce carbon emissions to ensure these climate-fueled events don’t worsen”


“BP Paid Rural Mexicans a “Pittance” for Wall Street’s Favorite Climate Solution

The oil giant has found a climate bargain in some of Mexico’s poorest areas, paying a fraction of market rate for carbon offsets to rural villagers working to protect their forests.”


“What Air Pollution in South Korea Can Teach the World about Misinformation

Tracking how misinformation campaigns begin and amplify can give scientists tools to combat them”


“Global Famine Has Already Begun

‘Food insecurity’ is just a fancy word for famine”


“Grain shortage could cause food crisis in Ireland by the winter”


“Earth is Heating at a Rate of 1,150,000 Hiroshima Bombs Every Day”


“The Oil Industry and Involuntary Liquidation”


“Fierce local battles over power lines are a bottleneck for clean energy”


Things are going to start shutting down. Are you ready to live without ANY stores to shop in?:

“Many Winters Are Coming. Start Saving Energy Now.

Europe’s energy-intensive industries range from aluminum to chicken farming. All will be under threat of closure.”


“Power: Chapter 4. Power in the Anthropocene”



“Videos Show Cops Beating Journalists and Protesters at Abortion-Rights Rallies

“While I'm filming a police vehicle, I look to my left and stare down the barrel of a 40mm riot gun.””


“What America Teaches Us About How Democracies Die”

“How 30% of a Nation Ends Up Ruling the Other 70% With an Iron Fist”


“America’s snowballing collapse”

Yep, like an iron curtain coming down, suddenly all of it will unravel and abruptly close up. Our politicians will be nowhere to be found, but rather safety ensconced in their luxury bunkers:

“Americans Are Pissed”


America’s modus operandi - “Killing Our Way to a Better Tomorrow”

We wouldn’t be where we are right now in America if it weren’t for billionaires (and I’m referring to our fucked up mess, not DemGOPs delusional self serving lies)


“How “self-made” billionaires got their start”


Now that Christofascism is starting to flex its muscles, does this mean Democrats aren’t going to take action to reverse the privatization of the people’s Postal Service?


“The Supreme Court is not a legitimate body.

55% appointed by a president who didn’t win the popular vote

33% appointed by a president who tried to overthrow the government

11% spouse conspired to overturn a presidential election


“The Salt Lake Tribune

GOP lawmaker says she trusts women to control their ‘intake of seme’ as abortion trigger law goes into effect”

“Utah Senate President Stuart Adams said he would support the Supreme Court also reconsidering same-sex marriage.”

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