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Updated: Jan 9

From America's horrific response to COVID, to Climate Denial to the unqualified, purchased, and rapist on the US Supreme Court, if there was EVER an anti-christ in these modern times it is hands down Charles Koch of Koch Industries (better luck next next year Jamie Dimon and Hillary Clinton):

“How Koch Industries, Fake Scientists, and Rush Limbaugh Invented Climate Denial

A new book, "The Petroleum Papers", goes inside a 1991 conference whose goal was to make people doubt climate change is real.”

Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis)

Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, USA

3/30/2017 0001_IMG_3667_99998aaaREPOSTp F:\2018 Photos\OldPhotoZ2012

Mankind is going extinct:

“Title: "Abrupt Climate Change: The World Tour" -- Recorded in October 2020, this conversation with award-winning, prophetic (my word) journalist, Robert Hunziker, is a basic primer -- a fundamental education -- on the exponential, runaway, out of our control nature of Abrupt Climate Change...looking at the latest evidence region-by-region: Antarctica, Australia, Amazon rain forest, Oceans, Greenland, and Arctic. Warning: this is sobering (perhaps un-sobering stuff!”



Washington’s main reason for existence:

“In an ecologically interconnected world, denial of the rights of nature translates into denial of human rights”


“the worldview of separation also engenders hierarchies and the illusion of superiority – of humans superior to other species, men as superior to women, whites as superior to blacks and all colored people, one faith as superior to the diversity of belief systems which have nourished cultural diversity.”


Good Info:



Comments are being accepted through June 4, 2023

Once teeming in the tens of millions, wild, migratory buffalo (Bison bison) roamed over most of the North American continent, from Canada to Mexico, western Oregon to Virginia. Within the span of barely twenty years during the 19th Century, the U.S. Government and buffalo hide hunters all but drove this keystone species to extinction. Today, one last wild, migratory population exists: the Yellowstone herds, and their population hovers at barely 5,000 individuals.

This last wild population faces a myriad of threats (see list of threats below), threats that are so severe the evolutionary potential of these sacred, gentle, Ice Age giants is in serious jeopardy. While the Yellowstone buffalo are beloved the world over, and are celebrated as America’s national mammal, they are afforded no protections. Yet, we now have an opportunity to gain them protections they sorely deserve. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) is initiating a status review in response to three separate petitions to list the Yellowstone buffalo under the Endangered Species Act

... As we commence our status review, we seek any new information concerning the status of, or threats to, the Yellowstone bison, or its habitats. Any information we receive during the course of our status review will be considered.“

TAKE ACTION! This is probably the most important action you can take for the last wild buffalo! Unless they gain ESA protection, not much else is going to change for them. Please submit comments to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in support of Endangered Species Act protection for the wild buffalo of Yellowstone Country. It is important that you create your own unique comments, but we have provided a list of threats below that will help you build your case.

Submit comments electronically here:

Submit hard copy comments to:

Public Comments Processing

Attn: FWS-R6-ES-2022-0028

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


5275 Leesburg Pike

Falls Church, VA 22041-3803.


• The State of Montana’s cattle industry’s unreasonable intolerance for native wild buffalo.

• The Interagency Bison Management Plan, a joint state/tribal/federal plan that facilitates the destruction of wild, migratory buffalo through capture-for-slaughter and -quarantine (domestication), excessive hunting, hazing, and unnecessary and harmful scientific experimentation, all to benefit Montana’s livestock industry.

• Excessive hunting along Yellowstone’s North and West boundaries that blocks migration to available habitat, prevents restoration, and results in numerous pregnant females being killed.

• The presence of invasive cattle along with accompanying fencing that takes away critical habitat

• Threats of diseases from invasive cattle

• Human developments such as agricultural lands, sub divisions, roads, etc., that have all but destroyed ancient migration corridors and habitat connectivity.

• Government-created “drop dead zones” and “intolerance zones” that prevent wild, migratory bison from accessing public and private lands.

• The lack of safe passage infrastructure along dangerous highways, specifically U.S. Hwy. 191, which cut through a critical migration corridor in Montana’s Hebgen Basin.

• The poor decision by the USNF Gallatin National Forest which denied wild, migratory buffalo Species of Conservation Concern status.

• The Draconian law, MCA 81-2-120, that gives authority over wild, migratory bison to the Montana Department of Livestock.

• Climate changes resulting in accelerated rises in temperature and less precipitation that impairs these Ice Age mammals evolutionary potential, by threatening their ability to adapt to increased and prolonged heat.

• Climate changes that change the composition of grasses and sedges rendering them less nutritious.

• The lack of state, tribal, and federal managers to consider the buffalos’ perspective in management decisions.

• The refusal of the State of Montana to allow buffalo to migrate onto buffalo-friendly private lands

• The massive fence and cattle guard at Yankee Jim Canyon, north of the Gardiner Basin, that aims to prevent wild, migratory buffalo from accessing ancestral home ranges.

• Wild, migratory bison exist on less than 1% of their historic ancestral home ranges.

• The bison ranching industry which has reduced bison to livestock and has given the false impression that bison have been “recovered” throughout their native range.

THANK YOU for taking action for the last wild buffalo! Endangered Species Act listing is really their only hope, so, please share this alert widely!



Never again must we permit a system of governance that could potentially allow a relative small handful of people to destroy, inflict suffering and kill for the benefit of themselves and the few at the expense of the many.

“Once again: Warning about climate impacts is not “doomism.” It’s an expression of the urgent need to act in order to avoid as many impacts as possible. As a society we SHOULD be afraid. Fear leads to action. Fear is what provides that kick out of the status quo.


Cheap energy = profit:

“How Energy Is The Economy

And how ‘The Economy’ lives and dies”


“It's Time to Acknowledge the Endless Growth Model Under Capitalism Is Unsustainable

The planet is running out of resources, and humanity is living beyond its means.”


Our Government is leading the 99% off a cliff:

“Lemmings on Parade”


“The End of Cheap Food”


““Climate Endgame”: New Peer-Reviewed Paper Explores Catastrophic Climate Change Scenarios”

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