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12/2022 Billions of years of Evolution destroyed because a select few want instant gratification

Updated: Jan 6

Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016-08-11 050aaa2.jpg

4 billion years of Earth Evolution out the window because homo sapiens in the last 200 years love instant gratifications”


Reality check: America’s Democratic & Republican parties are deadly enemies of the planet. If ANY of them, from ANY level of Govt, should set foot on your foreign soil they should be immediately arrested and transferred to the ICC


Climate Cartoon: “It’s settled…we agree to sign a pledge to hold another meeting to consider changing course at a date yet to be determined.”


Diagram of how Planetary Warming works:


In a couple\few years it will be obvious that their ‘Global Warming’ is more than just an ‘inconvenience’. While they preen themselves for their cunning try to remember a few things.

None of us are going to see the conclusion or recovery from this planetary event.

There will be no reason to fight for your survival unless you plan on being many centuries old.

When your time comes try to be at peace with that.

We’re all in this together and further cruelty to your fellow man will accomplish nothing. Elevate from your baser instincts and know that history will construe your dignity as that of a person better than those who caused it.

We are a deeply flawed species. That includes our ability to convince ourselves otherwise. Nevertheless, nature will take its course reserved for flawed species.


“Probably the most criminally overlooked part of US history is the history of struggle for labor rights…[E]ven in my college classes I never heard a damn thing about the battle of Blair Mountain or the Pinkertons or anything of that sort.”


“It’s not like Victoria Nuland [Secretary of State for Political Affairs of the United States]….is standing in front of a Chevron sign bragging to “Investors” at a private meeting about overthrowing Ukraine’s Government or Anything 2014”


“The U.S. Border Patrol’s policies push migrants attempting to cross from Mexico to the U.S. into dangerous areas, especially the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, contributing to thousands of deaths since the 1990s.”

“Futuro Media Probes Deadly U.S. Border Policy & NY Drug Trafficking Trial of Mexico’s Former Top Cop”


“As economic uncertainty drives up the price of gold globally, Bolivia is seeing a boom in artisanal mining and widespread mercury contamination.

While researchers have found high levels of mercury in communities downstream from mining sites, Bolivia's government has done little to stem the use of the highly toxic chemical.”

“In Bolivia, Mercury Pollution Spreads Amid a Surge in Gold Mining

A boom in small-scale gold mining in Bolivia has raised concerns about pollution from mercury used in the mining process. Researchers are citing the health impacts on downstream villages, but the government has yet to act to stem the widespread use of the highly toxic chemical.”


Erik Parsels:

“Seeing dozens of liberal media hacks dogpile on journalist Matt Taibbi and all use the phrase "doing PR for the world's richest man" as if they've been handed a script sent out from the ministry of narrative management is uber-creepy.

There is no more reason to trust liberal media hacks than there is to trust the right-wing mouthpieces at Fox "News". The FBI and the Democratic party violated the first amendment by colluding with big tech to spike a news story and thus manipulate the 2020 election.”


“Roof coatings? How cool! (Literally.) But cool roof coatings are not just paint. They are typically made with acrylic or silicone and unique pigments that make them very effective at reflecting and emitting thermal radiation. Another key to making our buildings more energy efficient and sustainable!”

“What's the quickest way to cool off a block of triple-deckers? Research says: paint the roofs white


“Granted that civilization could use a good dose of smarts, given our acceleration of climate change, spread of inequality, etc. But Elon Musk?”

“Who’ll Save Us from This Nutty Clique of Rich “Saviors?””


“When you don’t have to worry about paying bills, you have time to think. That makes you extremely dangerous. The system is designed for us to never reach that level. If you’re always in survival mode, you’ll never have the time or the energy to maximizer your full potential.”


“The Great Lie is that this is civilization.

It’s not civilized. It has literally been the most bloodthirsty brutalizing system ever imposed upon this planet.

This is not civilization. This is the Great Lie.

Or if this does represent civilization and this is what civilization truly is, then the Great Lie is that civilization is good for us.” John Trudell

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