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3/2023 Clinton: Democrats Didn’t Just Fail to Defend Social Programs. They Actively Undermined Them

Updated: Jan 6

Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017-08-18 073aaa

The Clinton’s reign was devastating to America’s social fabric:

“The Democrats Didn’t Just Fail to Defend Social Programs. They Actively Undermined Them.”

“In the ’80s and ’90s, the Democrats took a jackhammer to education, housing, and social welfare. This isn’t the story of a weak party unable to defend its earlier gains, but a transformed party demolishing them in service of a new neoliberal ideology.”

“Summer Boismier said angry parents and community members told her she should be sterilized and executed. She keeps fighting for an end to censorship.”

“An Oklahoma teacher faced death threats after she helped students access banned books. She says she's more scared for students than for herself.”


Defenders of Wildlife:

“For more than 40 years, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) has helped prevent the extinction of our nation's wildlife treasures. It's now under attack. Take our quick survey and make your voice heard.”

“Should we protect the Endangered Species Act?” Yes or No?


“A person can decide that they don’t want to read a certain book.

A person can decide that they don’t want their child to read that book.

But a person can’t decide that an entire school or entire town can’t read that book.”


The correct, needed set aside formula is 80% by 2025. 30% by 2023 will force over 1/3 of all plants and animals into extinction. The 50% understatement? It is so Corporations can continued to liquidate the peoples’ earth for profit.

"As researchers who study conservation governance, we have closely followed the four years of negotiations that led to this historic agreement. We believe that as protected and conserved areas increase under the framework, an equity-based approach, which respects Indigenous rights and title, is essential to help bring the transformative changes we need to halt and reverse biodiversity loss."

University of Guelph authors Noelle Gray and Victoria Hodson understand how vital is it that we center Indigenous Peoples' rights, ownership, and empowerment in any discussion of 30x30.

Read the full article: via The Conversation US

“COP15’s Global Biodiversity Framework must advance Indigenous-led conservation to halt biodiversity loss by 2030”

Reader Comment:

Jeff Hand: “with 30x30 America is still expected to be ravaged by extinctions exceeded 1/3rd of all species. It really should be 80 by 2025 but that would cramp big agriculture not to mention other highly profitable but wildly diseconomic scams of corporate America. Finally, I find it odd that when you consider any set aside amount you are actually speaking about a part surviving when the whole is dying. It’s like saying I’ll put him in the casket with his left leg hanging out so it can stay fresh, thrive and live on if it can. The planet’s biosphere is dying, how can you say you’ll reverse the fate of a portion without legitimately curing all that is killing the whole? I fear 30x30 was, like so many aspects of helping the environment, nothing more than a sound bite to quell fears and buy time until our worst fears are realized,….while all the while profits continued to be made.”

Also doesn’t it strike people as flawed that Democrats and Republicans 30% ensure further biosphere collapse effectively making it a question of setting a side a portion of a dying whole so that portion can thrive?! Do Medical Doctors come to you with an upbeat face and say “sorry you loved one is as good as dead but be sure to put them in the casket with, say, their left arm hanging out of the casket so it can thrive”?

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