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5/2023 Biden is outpacing Trump in drilling permits on public lands

Updated: Jan 6

Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2022-06-28 _F2A9174aaa

“Two Parties Of Capitalist Imperialists”

“They don't just call Democrats "communists" and "Marxists" in order to attack Democrats, they do it to disappear the entire giant expanse of political spectrum that exists to the left of the capitalist imperialist Democratic Party. They want you to think that's as far left as it gets.

Democrats refer to themselves as "the left" for the same reason. Both mainstream factions work to shrink the Overton window into a tug-o-war between Republican capitalist imperialists and Democrat capitalist imperialists. Between two opposing factions of neoliberal neocons.”


“How Identity Politics Aids the Right and Divides the Left

A review of "Not So Black and White: A History of Race from White Supremacy to Identity Politics"”

“Honestly, I think our political and corporate elites are FULLY aware of their benefits from using Race to offset Class self-interests. In other words, there is nothing "unwitting" about Identity Politics. However, the closing is mostly on target:

Closing Passage:

Malik joins here with a small but growing number of leftwing thinkers, including Nancy Fraser and Walter Benn Michaels and Adolph Reed Jr., who view leftwing identitarianism as having been in an unholy, but perhaps unwitting, alliance with neoliberal capitalism over the past decades. As Malik puts it, by “delinking race and class and obscuring the social and political roots of both working-class inequalities and racial injustices,” left identitarianism has made it harder to deal with both. “Just as in the nineteenth century racial identity was used to break-up class alliances, and to persuade white workers that their interests lay in their whiteness, not in their class location, so today the language of identity leads to the same place, though without necessarily the conscious intention of doing so”

Ultimately, the only way forward for the left is to return to the universalism it had historically championed. “Radical universalists from Toussaint Louverture to CLR James...recognized,” Malik stresses, “the importance of Enlightenment ideals in challenging racism and colonialism” and understood “that racial barbarism sprung from the denial of such ideals to all of humanity.” As many in the West question whether our increasingly unequal, divided and diverse democracies can survive, more people on the left should take pleas like Malik’s seriously.”


Biden and Trump, 2 peas in a pod:

“What is the difference between these two? Manners and appearances.

Policy on Cuba: SAME

Policy on selling arms to Saudi Aribia: SAME

Policy on Syria: SAME

Policy on China: SAME

Policy on Iran: SAME

Policy on Venezuela: SAME

Policy on Wall St billionaires: SAME

Policy on Israel: SAME

Policy on for-profit healthcare: SAME

Policy on militarizing police: SAME

Policy on taxing the rich: SAME


“A report, released today, states that ice loss from Greenland and Antarctica has increased fivefold since the 1990s, and now accounts for a quarter of sea-level rise.”

“Ice loss from Greenland and Antarctica hits new record”


“Spain's drought a 'national concern,' PM says”

"The dropping reservoir level is part of a [national crisis](

) in Spain, according to DW, a German news outlet. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez told Spanish parliament Wednesday that the drought is seen as “one of the central political and territorial debates of our country over the coming years.” Catalonia’s more than 7.5 million residents could enter a drought emergency in September, Catalan officials said."

“Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has warned about the consequences of minimal rainfall and intense heat that officially put Spain into long-term drought last month.”


Problem is you can’t dare change the U.S. constitution because all the politicians are owned by fascists and those politicians would use the opportunity to slip the 99% a shiv

“The Constitution Is a Plutocratic Document”

“There’s no reason to venerate the framers of the US Constitution. The document they created was explicitly designed to check the democratic will of ordinary people and protect the plutocratic interests of the propertied elite.:


This is how it all ends..,

Enormous Arctic carbon sources”

“Northern wetlands are emitting more methane as feedback #methane #climatechange #globalwarming


That’s one of the reasons America wants it banned:

“TikTok is banning all climate change denial content

A ban TikTok can get behind.”

“Happy Earth Day! TikTok is making moves to ban all climate change denial content on its platform.

Starting April 21, TikTok will "begin to ramp up enforcement" of its new climate change misinformation policy. All climate-related content searches will be directed to "authoritative information" sourced in partnership with the United Nations, the Daily Beast reported(opens in a new tab). According to a blog post from TikTok(opens in a new tab), the policy means that any content that "undermines well-established scientific consensus" about climate change will be removed from the platform.”


“#CallToAction From: Americans of Conscience Checklist

Look up your House representative here.

Your script: Hi, I’m from [ZIP] calling/writing about several issues. I’d like Rep. [NAME] to:

· Pass H.R. 926, the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act, to finally establish a binding code of conduct for Supreme Court justices.”

“Report on Justice Thomas' trips renews calls for a Supreme Court code of ethics”


Caitlin Johnstone:

“So to recap, the US is raging about Russia jailing a Wall St Journal reporter on espionage charges while:

~ Jailing Julian Assange for doing good journalism

~ Threatening to imprison Matt Taibbi

~ Charging African People’s Socialist Party members with “propaganda” crimes”


“A warning from Russia to the Uk not to send depleted Uranium munitions to Ukraine. UK citizens should take notice. If the UK starts polluting the battlefield with poisonous and radioactive arms it would be foolish to expect that Russia won’t retaliate. This is a clear escalation.”

“Jim Conroy writes, US and Israel both use depleted uranium”


Jamie Dimon has said he will fund fossil fuel projects until +5C:

“Wall Street’s role in the climate crisis”

“Tell America’s Largest Banks: Stop Funding Fossil Fuels!”


“We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health,

Lawyers destroy justice,

Universities destroy knowledge,

Governments destroy freedom,

The press destroys information,

Religion destroys morals,

And our banks Destroy the economy”

Chris Hedges


“The Problem of the Media with Respect to Climate”


“Biden is outpacing Trump in drilling permits on public lands. He's not keeping his promise to end new oil and gas drilling.”

“Ban Fracking on Public Lands!”


It’s a whole other planet from here on out:

“Robert Hunziker ends his article by stating "what on earth can discordant leadership accomplish?"”

“El Niño Threatens Unparalleled Heatwaves”

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