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12/2021 First there was Gary Webb now we have Julian Assange:

Updated: Jan 18

“I’m so sick of seeing Christians in America claim persecution. You are not being persecuted for loving Jesus you are being held accountable for not acting like him.”


When it comes to waging violence against the Non-rich the Democrats, Republicans and Judiciary have a systemic advantage.

“When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you – pull your beard, flick your face – to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor.” John Lennon


“Wondering what the *PEAK* wind gusts have been so far? Here is a list of villages/cities with the peak wind gusts for the past 24 hour period.”

Polyphemus moth (Antheraea polyphemus)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016-07-10 275aaa2p

“China BANS Flaunting Wealth On Social Media | The Kyle Kulinski Show”

“China is banning flaunting wealth on the internet because it enhances economic inequality and mindless consumerism. China recognizes that adulation of wealth and the wealthy, promotes class differences and causes divisiveness. This is also the reason they are taxing the wealthy proportionately. Do you agree?”


O.k. try this:

By paying slave wages you create consumer purchasing power indicative of slaves. And if a biz wants to capture the demand of slaves, and still make a profit, they are going to have to cut costs because slaves don’t have much income. One way to cut costs is to simply not recognize all the costs of production. Cut corners. Cut overhead - give a politician a check so you don’t have to pay for pollution abatement and so the people that you subsequently kill can’t sue you in court.

Alternatively, assume you can live with the wages of the slaves that work for you being indexed lower than is needed to buy your product (made in China) because you are exporting to a different economy (America) where the slaves have slightly enough purchasing power to fulfill demand for your product. This export arrangement can be even more attractive if the country whose slaves are even worse off doesn’t require you to bribe a politician in order to kill people by crapping on the environment.

Brian Tyler Cohen:

“I don’t get the argument that employers can’t afford to pay $15/hr. That’s the value of labor. If I can’t afford a Porsche, then I can’t get a Porsche. I don’t get to demand a discount on Porsches. If a business can’t afford labor, that’s on *the business*, not the labor market.”


“The surveillance activities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Portland and other American cities earlier this year is reminiscent of FBI-CIA-NSA efforts to disrupt anti-Vietnam protest groups in the 1960s and 1970s. In 2021, FBI agents, dressed in plainclothes, were embedded in Portland’s racial justice protests. Agents alerted local police to potential arrests. The Department of Justice and its Office of the Inspector General must investigate these activities closely because they replicate the illegal activities of the FBI’s counterintelligence program during the Cold War.”

“J. Edgar Hoover’s Legacy: Spying On Democracy”


“The Nihilism of Moderation”

“When the survival of the planet is at stake, calls for moderation and compromise aren’t a mark of adult politics — they’re a threat to civilization.”


“A Free Press Is Too Important to Trust Capitalists With”


“Germany shuts down half of its remaining nuclear plants”


“They could easily send free tests to every house. They could easily send us monthly $2k checks and mandate remote work & learning. They could do all these things – but they don’t want to. And every time they come on TV and say they can’t, they’re lying.”


“Since the French Revolution, the Right has deployed a common set of arguments to resist the drive to democratize economic and political power. The Left will only win if we analyze their rhetoric — and counter it.”

“To Beat the Right, We Have to Understand Their Arguments”


“When the American Physical Society issued its first statement on climate change in 2007, it faced flak from outspoken climate contrarians. But the new statement APS has adopted is its strongest yet call for action.”

“In a New Policy Statement, the Nation’s Physicists Toughen Their Stance on Climate Change, Stressing Its Reality and Urgency”


“Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude.”

- Anne Frank -

Stay strong for #JulianAssange and yourself, before it's too late.


First there was Gary Webb now we have Julian Assange:

“Meet Gary Webb



“On Earth, something is always burning. Wildfires are started by lightning or accidentally by people, and people use controlled fires to manage farmland and pasture and clear natural vegetation for farmland. Fires can generate large amounts of smoke pollution, release greenhouse gases, and unintentionally degrade ecosystems.”


“Joe Biden Has Been Very Good for the Military-Industrial Complex”


“Are we living at the 'hinge of history'?”

"In Toby Ord’s (Oxford University) view, what makes our time particularly hingey is that we have created threats that our ancestors never had to face, such as nuclear war or engineered killer pathogens. Meanwhile, we are doing so little to prevent these civilisation-ending events. The UN Biological Weapons Convention, which is a global ban on developing bio-weapons like a super-coronavirus, has a smaller budget than an average McDonald’s restaurant. And collectively the world spends more on ice cream than we do on preventing technologies that could end everything about our way of life."



“What is the future of capitalism?”


“California Sues Walmart for Dumping Hazardous Waste in Landfills

“Walmart’s own audits found that the company is dumping hazardous waste at local landfills at a rate of more than one million items each year," said California Attorney General Rob Bonta.”


“Israel Kills a Father of 5 Children

Ameer Rayan, 36, is a father of five children and his wife is pregnant. Ameer was executed by the Israeli occupation forces at the entrance of his town of Salfit in the north of the occupied West Bank. Israel killed Ameer for no reason but to prove that the end of a year must be accompanied by the end of a Palestnian youth's life.”


“Warmest New Year's Eve recorded in Somerset ushers in 2022”


“Students who acquire large debts putting themselves through school are unlikely to think about changing society. When you trap people in a system of debt…they can’t afford the time to think.” Noam Chomsky


Forrester Finchum\ NearTermHumanExtinction:

"Deep beneath the surface of the sea, buried in the oxygen-depleted muds that have accumulated over the ages on the underwater margins of the continents, lies a vast store of natural gas that probably well exceeds, in its carbon equivalence, the entire supply of all other oil, gas, and coal on the planet. Most of this immense store of natural gas, largely comprised of methane, lies trapped in icy cages called hydrates. Below these hydrates is a huge quantity of methane as free gas bubbles, blocked from release by the hydrate, and temperature and pressure conditions above. Still more methane, as hydrate, is found in the permanently frozen (permafrost) regions that surround the poles.

. . . Methane is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, the gas which is currently warming our globe, even though methane remains in the atmosphere for a much shorter time. If released abruptly, seafloor methane has the potential to deliver a stunning jolt of heat to the planet's already increasing temperatures. Even if released more gradually, seafloor methane will inevitably compound the problem of global warming. But abruptly or gradually, as we warm the planet by our dumping of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the seafloor will also warm, and its methane will inevitably be released.

. . . Methane catastrophes have occurred several times in Earth's history, and when they have occurred, they have sometimes caused abrupt changes in the history of life, and at least one significant extinction. That extinction, at the end of the Permian Period 250 million years ago, is the greatest in the history of life. More than 90% of the then-existing species perished, and the course of life on Earth was altered forever." - Dan Dorritie, 'Methane Catastrophe'


Destroyers of worlds:

“Meet the Mining Billionaires Ransacking Australia”

“The super-profitable mining industry in Australia has produced a new class of ruthless billionaires. Their fortunes tower above those of the nation’s other business elites, and they’ve used this wealth to shape the political landscape in their interest.”


“Religion is fine as long as you don’t use it tell anyone else how to live”


“An Arkansas school district installed 1,400 solar panels, saved 1.6 million kilowatts of energy in 3 years and turned a $250k deficit into a $1.8 million surplus. Now it’s raising teacher salaries by $2,000 - $3,000 and surrounding districts are copying its model.”


“Noam Chomsky talks about the January 6 insurrection, why neoliberalism is a form of class warfare and how President Biden's climate plans fall short of what is needed.”

“Noam Chomsky on Rising Fascism in U.S., Class Warfare & the Climate Emergency”


" #methane map is out for the 28.12.2021

This is clearly the worst ever, again , at this stage Incredible concentrations in #Arctic, Russia simply mind-blowing, Destruction of #future on the way, I have no words, really


“This is not about just telling people to change their light bulbs or to buy a hybrid car. This disaster has grown beyond the choices that individuals make. This is not about our industries, and governments around the world taking decisive, large-scale action.” Leonard Dicaprio


This alone is grounds for Biden’s imprisonment:

“Vaccine Apartheid Shows Global Injustice Is Very Bad for Public Health”

"It is time for rich-country governments and the pharmaceutical companies whose interests they serve to share vaccine doses equitably. Until everyone has access to a Covid-19 vaccine, no one is safe."



“Elon Musk made a total of $122 billion in 2021. By contrast, an individual from the poorest half of the global income distribution made $3,920 all year, according to the World Inequality Report 2022.

Far from being the “self-made billionaire” his sycophantic followers make him out to be, Elon Musk’s extreme wealth was made possible by the massive inheritance of his father’s emerald mining empire in apartheid South Africa.

Elon Musk, who added $122 billion to his net worth this year as 100 million people plunged into poverty, was recently named 2021 person of the year by Time Magazine.



“Elon Musk Brags About Owing Small Fraction of His $280B in Taxes”

“Elon Musk bragged about receiving an $11 billion tax bill, but it is only due to large stock sales over the past month from which he will most likely continue to profit.”


Ed Krassenstein:

“Jesus Christ would tear down a wall, and give immigrants the shirt off his back. I’m Jewish and I known this. What the hell has happened to Christianity in America?”


Christian baker

"This is the most educated generation in the history of the world, stifled by debt and chained to wage slavery in a fake economy. Our labor and debt keeps this machine turning--if we walk away our noncompliance will kill it and our unrealized talent can create the new world."


How You Can Help to Save Wildlife



“Huda Al-Sarari was forced into exile after her work documenting human rights abuses by U.S.-backed Emirati forces garnered global attention.”


“I’m kinda glad dinosaurs are extinct because I’m pretty sure I’d try to ride one after a few drinks.”


“Ranchers DROPPING LIKE FLIES As Meatpackers Fleece Public | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar”


“Earth Emergency”


“Sixteen Native Milkweeds”

“As Holli , mentioned in an earlier post, native milkweed seeds need to go through stratification of cold and moisture to be able to germinate. And now is the time to winter sow those seeds if you live where it is cold. If you need seeds, click here:”


“Visualizing the $94 Trillion World Economy in One Chart”


“The Scientists

Climate change is a complex and intimidating threat. You can't see it when you look out your bedroom window. Its impacts are often not immediately noticeable, nor are the benefits of acting against it.

Luckily there are a large group of passionate individuals who have dedicated their lives to studying climate change. These people write complex research papers, unpacking every aspect of climate change, analysing it thoroughly and clinically. They understand the numbers, the facts and the figures. They know what is causing it, what the impacts will be and how we can minimise these impacts.

But they're not robots. These scientists are mothers, fathers, grandparents, daughters. They are real people. And they're concerned.”

“Letters written in 2020

Below are a selection of first time contributors to ITHYF”


“The vertical farm uses 250 times less water and 250 times less space to grow the same amount of crops.”

“Inside Europe’s largest vertical farm

The “plant factory” may foreshadow the future of agriculture.”


“Awfully warm for the end of Europe”


Ever wonder why the vast majority of countries don’t have a relative number of super rich? It’s because not every country has the societal infrastructure to support vast LEGAL formation & accumulations of wealth

Tax billionaires. What’s the risk? If they move jobs out ban their products entry into the States. if they don’t pay go tax foreclosure on their assets & facilitate new owners.


“"In late December," Alaska climatologist Rick Thoman marveled on Twitter. "I would have not thought such a thing possible."

The new abnormal.

Once we pass the equinox and the days get longer these new records will be trashed.

Remember this analysis from the corporate media is really just the edited highlights of a catastrophic situation.”

“67-degree day in Kodiak, Alaska, sets new statewide temperature record”


“The number of billionaires pushing for everyone to work early proves one thing and one thing only. They don’t make their money. You do.”


“Native Hawaiians Fight US Navy for Polluting Island’s Water”


“Welfare in the 21st century: Increasing development, reducing inequality, the impact of climate change, and the cost of climate policies”


“There is a difference between a person who hurts you by making a mistake, and a person who hurts you by continuing a pattern.

Mistakes can be forgiven.

Patterns should be broken.”


“Few tragedies can be more extensive than the stunting of life, few injustices deeper than the denial of an opportunity to strive or even to hope, by a limit imposed from without, but falsely identified as lying within.” Stephen Jay Gould


“A celebration of ignorance? (jkl)

“That’s the beginning of a chilling excerpt from [Carl] Sagan’s 1995 book, “The Demon-Haunted World,” which was dug up and splashed across social media [in 2017].”

“Carl Sagan saw today’s ‘demon-haunted’ America coming over 20 years ago”

“‘I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or my grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness. The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantative content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.’”


“A new law in San Diego, which will go into effect at the beginning of 2022. Requires grocery stores and other food suppliers to donate all edible food waste to a food rescue organization or food bank.”


“When your boss’s income has risen 940% since 1978 and yours has only increased by 12%, it’s time to stop blaming minorities for your problems.”


Rainforest Alliance:

“An area of rainforest as large as 40 football fields is destroyed every minute. This December, we can’t afford to wait.”

“80% of tropical deforestation is due to agricultural expansion”

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