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12/2022 The IPCC has been coopted by Big Oil and they are promoting very deadly scientific lies

Updated: Jan 14

Eastern pine elfin (Callophrys niphon)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016-04-27A 183aaa

They will kill us to fund their lifestyles:


IPCC AR6 projections to 2300 [Huge underestimate as amplifying feedbacks and carbon sink decline excluded]

Yes, warming continues long after 2100, while IPCC impacts & mitigation projections only go to 2100-misleading. BUT Huge underestimate, error increasing with temperature, as amplifying feed-backs and carbon sink decline are excluded.


“California sues 3M, DuPont over toxic 'forever chemicals'”

“Great News: California is the first state to sue to hold chemical companies accountable for the cleanup of PFAS pollution. California's attorney general sued 3M and DuPont and several other chemical companies to recoup the "staggering" clean-up costs from toxic pollutants known as "forever chemicals."

Attorney General Rob Bonta said the lawsuit followed a multiyear probe that found the companies marketed products containing polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) for decades despite knowing they cause cancer, developmental defects and other health problems. Bonta said the lawsuit could ultimately seek hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties and costs.

Bonta said the defendants created a public nuisance and demanded they pay to clean up PFAS, which he said has been found in drinking water, rivers, lakes, wildlife and the bloodstreams of about 98% of California's approximately 39 million people.

It's not just California. We hope 49 more states will follow California's lead and make the polluters pay for cleanup and damages. We, the taxpayers, shouldn't foot the bill for cleaning up their toxic mess!

“The damage caused by 3M, DuPont, and other manufacturers of PFAS is nothing short of staggering, and without drastic action, California will be dealing with the harms of these toxic chemicals for generations.” CA Attorney General Robert Bonta


End the Democratic and Republican parties:

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.” Dwight D. Eisenhower


“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” Albert Einstein


Any organization with an affiliation with Washington is party of the problem,…regardless of their choice of words in their title:

“DSA [Democratic Socialist of America] Protects Politicians Screwing Over Railroad Workers”


“Salt Lake City’s efforts to fight pollution face a new challenge: Toxic Dust”


“The Beginning of the End of the World

Why We Have to Take the Idea of Civilizational Collapse Seriously, and What it Really Looks Like”


QAnon is making inroads into German society after its success in America:

“'Glimpse Into the Abyss': Germany Takes Out Far-Right Coup Plotters

In what is thought to be Germany's biggest-ever anti-terror operation, 25 people, including an aristocrat and a former MP were arrested on suspicion of plotting to violently overthrow the government.”


“The Germany coup plot: How QAnon is dangerously evolving in Europe

Experts say unlike groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS, when it comes to QAnon, there’s no centralized structure or leadership that can be targeted.”


“Germany expects more arrests after coup plot swoop”


This is the American Conservative Democratic\Republican party:


Italy’s new prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, has inspired a surge of far-right threats and attacks against journalists and critics.”


It’s a scam, always has been:

“Big Oil Is Once Again Throwing Money at Sucking Carbon From the Sky

Shell and Equinor have invested in an Israeli direct air capture startup that is making big promises.”


“China Is Now Remotely Controlling Cobalt Mines In The Congo”


What they do to the least of us, they will soon do to all of us:

“New York Mayor’s Plan to Round Up Homeless People Is a Trauma-Inducing Horror

It is a horrific rights violation to give police the power to forcibly hospitalize people for being homeless.”


Trump is selling and bartering American state secrets:

“Guess Where More of Trump’s Stolen Classified Documents Turned Up”

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