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5/2023 Fake freedom of choice doesn’t make for free and fair elections

Updated: Jan 7

Pearly Crescentspot (Phyciodes tharos)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2022-07-13 _F2A2723aaa

“Caitlin Johnstone

So to recap, the US is raging about Russia jailing a Wall Street Journal reporter on espionage charges while:

Jailing Julian Assange for doing good journalism

Threatening to imprison Matt Taibbi

Charging African People’s Socialist Parth members with “propaganda” crimes


Moms for Liberty are the stooges for Fascists:

“Source of book bans include this Astro turf conservative racist groups taking over school boards in service of the rich. If you can find a woman of color in their ranks post it here;”


Extreme extremes of temperature are in our future and they will act as accelerants for even higher extremes. This is part of the reason they are predicating billions of humans dying. Good luck. I’m pretty sure I’m not going to make:

“Extreme extremes is temperature will continue and when they occur they will invigorate feedback loops.”

El Niño Threatens Unparalleled Heatwaves - by Robert Hunziker”


Catastrophe as a consequence of not raising the Debt Ceiling is all a ruse to cut programs and services to the 99%. Biden does not have to make any cuts to social security, Medicaid, etc. if he doesn’t want to:

“U.S. Debt: Visualizing the $31.4 Trillion Owed in 2023”


“The Chris Hedges Report: America's dangerous leaders with Andrew Bacevich”


We have mass shootings because gun rights are how Republicans have chosen to get votes – period. Blame Republican leadership for the problem:

“Gun Capitalism: How Lobbyists & GOP Fight Regulation & Push Gun Ownership Despite Deadly Shootings”

“A historian explains how the NRA and pro-gun lobby impede progress on gun control through the implicit threat of “political violence.””


Leonard Leo’s rotten judges on the supreme court we know about, what about the rest of them?:

“Abe Fortas Was First Supreme Court Justice Forced to Resign in 1969. Should Clarence Thomas Be Next?” [and Neil Gorsuch and John Roberts]


“Biden Told CIA To Lie About Hunter Biden Laptop!”


“A tsunami of dark money is flooding our justice system — and it's only getting worse

Will a right-wing electronics tycoon's unprecedented $1.6B donation force us to face the tide of corruption?”


Sometimes you got to rich people in jail. Try, maybe, disrupting the police, material sowing of social chaos, etc. make it up! That’s what the corrupt judges do:

Leonard Leo the father of corrupt judges:

“Watchdog accuses right-wing Supreme Court takeover architect of funneling $73M in non-profit funds

Campaign for Accountability complaint calls for IRS investigation into tax-exempt groups linked to Leonard Leo”


Again, America's malignant Christianity draws a line in their belief of god when it comes to money:

“Rightwing legal activist accused of misusing $73m from non-profit groups

A watchdog complaint filed with the IRS presents an accounting of the money paid to Leonard Leo’s for-profit businesses”


DeSanti’s will use his coming Personal Army to seize children suspected of being trans:

“First came checking genitals of children who wanted to play after school sports in case, then Florida announces that it has passed legislation to confiscate children suspected of being trans from their parents. America’s malignant strain of Christianity is signaling that no act is too depraved when it comes to imposing their values on others. The killing of non-Christians should commence any day now. For instance, ‘do you accept the lord god as your savior? If not I will kill you now to save your soul from any further sin and eternal damnation. You can thank me later’:

And btw, your enemy only advances if they think they can advance against their enemy with a reasonable degree of success. That success being a direct product of their enemies leadership – Biden.

“Ron DeSantis' $100m for Florida "Private Army" Raises Questions”

“DeSantis seeks $98 million to fund Florida’s own military

Florida State Guard could be active by July 1”

When does a State Guard turn into a personal army? With DeSantis, Florida may find out | Opinion”


Nikki Haley is the Darling of the NRA:

“Here is how Nikki Haley made her money. As a member of the South Caroline House of Representatives. Nikki only made $11,000 per year. As governor of South Carolina she made $180,000.

But this is not where the real money is made. Back in 2013 Nikki Haley signed a bill that gave $120 million in incentives to Boeing to expand in South Carolina. In 2019 Boeing appointed Haley to their board of directors, with a minimum annual compensation of $315,000.

But most lucrative of all is the $200,000 per speaking engagement that Nikki Haley is able to charge after she left her ambassador role”


“Hey DNC! Fake freedom of choice doesn’t make for free and fair elections”

“The DNC just announced they'll be no primary debates. So when Joe announces in a few days he's running again, he'll be unofficially running "unopposed," even though the majority of voters IN HIS PARTY don't think he should run at all.

Just remember, this all started with Obama picking up the phone and telling everyone to drop out.

You don't count, you don't belong, you don't matter. How is the message not getting through?”

“Robert F Kennedy, Jr. & M Williamson (Dems), are controlled oppositions. Just like Bernie, the Squad…. They used to be anyways.”


Don’t think a typical backyard garden will save you from the coming global famine:

“Just Because You Can Survive Hot Temperatures It doesn't mean the food you grow can.”


Democrats & Republicans attack of ‘socialism’ is a direct attack on young voters.

And can there be a bigger ‘f-you’ to the worlds youth than today’s Mass Extinction and Thermal Maximum?


America is an Fossil Fuel Company with an Army at its disposal,…and the profits invariable end up in the pockets of the Western already rich:

“Yanis Varoufakis

And the you have it. EXXON, HALLIBURTON & CHEVRON, after Iraq are taking over the Ukrainian oil and gas fields.

Planning to introduce larges scale fracking – a clear and present threat to poison U’s agriculture.”

“Naftogaz held talks with big US oil groups about Ukraine energy projects

State gas producer says it met with ExxonMobil, Halliburton and Chevron in bid to increase output in war-torn country.”

“Erik Meade

Well, here’s a 2016 Forbes story that shows that a foreign giveaway/takeover of Naftogaz has been in the works for at least seven years.”

“World Bankers Thwart Ukraine’s Plot to Strip Key Naftogaz Asset”


Fascists know that America is only a melting pot if ALL kids are only in Public Schools:

Quite the feather in America’s hat when it comes to competing on the International stage:

“Idaho- Here’s what Republican control has wrought in Idaho. This in-depth article from ProPublica provides the details of how the devastation of public schools in rural Idaho has been allowed to happen.”

“Collapsing Roofs, Broken Toilets, Flooded Classrooms: Inside the Worst-Funded Schools in the Nation.”


April 20, 2023, did you hear about the 15,000 Europeans dead from excess heat?

“"Record sunshine and heat and over 15,000 deaths in Europe, but no mention of the strongest regional climate forcing!

This is gross negligence."”


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