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10/2021 explain why we give Israel $3 B/yr for “infrastructure” but Navajo's water is undrinkable?

Updated: Jan 7

If takes decades, then it takes decades and targeting the heirs and assigns if need be, but Sinema and Manchin must be stripped of their wealth and prosecuted both here in the US and at the ICC:

“Sinemas’ net worth went from $35,000 in 2018 to $1,000,000 in 2021. In 2018 Executive Level pay for her position was $174,000. To keep it simple, 15% of that or $26,100 is all that she could legally have earned in outside income. So how did her net worth increase by $985,000?”

Why does she get to participate in government with such a flagrant violation?

The wealth of those in the 3 branches of government are our social murder

Pearly Crescentspot (Phyciodes tharos)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021-07-05 _F2A0529aaa


Democrats will make sure$$$ Sinema gets a second term:

“While 2024 may seem a long way away, the damage Sinema is doing is happening right now, and she’s acting this way because she thinks she won’t face political consequences.”

“Primary Kyrsten Sinema

She’s actively alienating the very voters that make up the coalition that elected her.”


“25% of all critical infrastructure in the US is at risk of failure due to flooding, new report find”

“Nationwide Resilience Report Finding 25% of All Critical Infrastructure and 23% of Roads Have Flood Risk”


“8 Facts to Know About Food Waste and Hunger”

“Global hunger isn’t about a lack of food

The world produces enough food to nourish every person on the planet, but nearly 1/3 of all food produced each year is lost or wasted.

Here are 8️ ways hunger + food waste are connected. #StopTheWaste


“Kamala Harris: Lost in Space”


Democrats already using the facts to try to scare us into keep voting for the lesser evil – Democrats. In the political parties’ monopoly on power democrats point to the Republicans’ bad behavior and consider that behavior a license to be just as bad,… only an eyelash less so:

“A Harvard Professor’s Warning to America:

“The Republican Party is now clearly an authoritarian party. It embraces, condones, accepts and promotes political violence, and does not accept electoral defeat. Their glorification of January 6 proves that they’re okay with a violent seizure of power. If they can’t win elections fairly, they’d rather end democracy.” Steven Levitsky, Professor of Political Science, Harvard University


America’s Judiciary is a joke and Democrats are refusing to correct it.

The US Judiciary is one of the largest facilitators of Environmental and Atmospheric destruction.

“Chris Hedges: The anonymous executioners of the Corporate State

Imprisoning the David to Chevron’s Goliath is the latest outrage by a US judiciary now engineered to always favor the interest of capital.”


Washington, including the Judiciary, operates as a criminal enterprise:

“UN declares access to a clean environment a human right”


“Honduras has done everything the US has wanted it to do, and what it has received in return is a poverty rate of 70%. Of formally employed workers, 70% work intermittently; 82.6% of Honduran workers participate in the informal sector.”

“US Intervention and Capitalism Have Created a Monster in Honduras”


“Can we save the bees? Absolutely. Let’s start with the native species (commentary)”


It sets a bad precedent:

“Question: why is it that the Build Back Better plan is so ruthlessly opposed by the entire ruling class of this country?

Answer: because with this bill, we are showing that government can deliver for the needs of working class people, not just billionaires and corporations.”


A lot goes on at even +1.8C! Most often the media sanitizes the global environmental collapse by focusing on simply summary metrics and not the death, suffering, loss of food output, feedback loops, tectonic activity, connections to warming, and other consequences of these seemingly benign metrics.

“Two centuries of cunningly disguised liberal propaganda and misinformation.

“It takes a certain blinkered mindset, honed through faithful service to the Guardian bubble and ideological navel-gazing, to believe this guff. In almost 6,000 words, there was no hint of critical self-reflection by Viner. There was certainly no mention of Julian Assange, the courageous WikiLeaks co-founder and publisher of copious evidence of US war crimes whom the Guardian exploited, discarded and smeared.””

“Two Centuries Of ‘The Imperialist, Warmongering, Hate-Filled Guardian’”


“The crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism.

Our who educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career.

I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals”

Albert Einstein – “Why Socialism?” - 1949


“Throughout decades of neoliberal counterreforms, the most resilient parts of the Nordic welfare state have been the ones under direct popular control. Their experience shows that the best way to push back against capital is to democratize power in society.”

“Socialism Isn’t Just About State Ownership — It’s About Redistributing Power”


Lakota Man:

“Someone needs to explain to me why we give Israel $3 billion a year for “infrastructure” – when the Navajo Nation’s water supply remains undrinkable?”


“Means Testing Is Inhumane, Divisive, and Very Bad Politics”


“When news outlets frame abortion as a “divisive issue” they’re putting a slant and opinion on the story. Public opinion hasn’t changed in 50 years. Nearly 80% of Americans believe abortion should be legal & accessible.

It’s politicians who don’t agree.

It’s a gerrymandering issue.”

2021 _F2A0529aaa

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