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8/2021 US Forest Service putting national the People's forests in peril

Updated: Jan 7

“Beyond human endurance

How climate change is making parts of the world too hot and humid to survive”

“Deadly heat waves sweeping the globe are prompting doomsday questions: Will parts of the world soon become too hot to live in?”

Pearly Crescentspot (Phyciodes tharos)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2018 5/24 _F2A5152aaa2

“Time Running Out for Democrats to Block GOP Gerrymandering Bonanza

"Two weeks for Dems to pass redistricting reform before the GOP gerrymanders them out of power for a decade in Congress and at the state level."”


“Biden Wants U.S Automakers to Pledge 40% Electric Vehicles by 2030 -Sources”


Photo is a partial who’s who of American Ecocide:

"It is clear that the deal does not meet the moment on climate or justice," said Tiernan Sittenfeld.

“'This Looks Like the Exxon Infrastructure Bill': Bipartisan Deal Omits Key Climate Protections”

They’re not deaf dumb & blind: Dems\Reps are following a plan, that favors the rich, to dissolve all that is America & it relies on their Environmental Holocaust (that the rich feel they shouldn’t have to pay to fix & as a bonus does some social engineering)


“At least 130 oil companies have used PFAS, or chemicals that can break down into PFAS, in fracking in over 1,000 wells since 2012.”

“EPA Approval of PFAS for Fracking May Spell a New Health Crisis for Communities”


“From the Agriculture Department to the Pentagon to the National Park Service, hundreds of jobs in climate and environmental science across the federal government remain vacant.

Scientists and climate policy experts who quit have not returned. Recruitment is suffering, according to federal employees, as government science jobs are no longer viewed as insulated from politics.”

“Biden’s Climate Plans Are Stunted After Dejected Experts Fled Trump

Hundreds of scientists and policy experts left the government during the Trump administration. The jobs remain unfilled SIX MONTHS into Biden’s term.”


“Yukon permafrost thaw reaching 'critical point' in some areas, says researcher”

“Infrastructure costs will continue to go up as ground becomes more unstable, says Chris Burn”


“Climate change: Arctic heatwave triggered release of dangerous ‘deep methane’ frozen in rock

Fears over new ‘tipping point’ for global warming as scientists discover ice trapped in limestone bedrock could melt, sparking plumes of greenhouse gases”


Democrats Evicting Americans after taking bribe from Big Real Estate:

Not only is it unacceptable to profit from the suffering of the non- rich, but it is also unacceptable to be the ones inflicting the suffering - WOW

Democrats were successfully bribed into evicting countless American working families from their homes in exchange for cash donations by Big Real Estate:

“AOC argues Biden should risk a Supreme Court showdown to extend the US eviction ban, even as he claims his hands are tied”


“The seven-figure contribution to the House Majority PAC came weeks before Congress let the federal eviction moratorium expire.”

“'Give the Money Back,' Demands Tlaib After Revelation of $1 Million Donation to House Dems From Real Estate Titan”


“I don’t wanna spread conspiracy but the same massive, trillions in assets, corporation that has been buy up rental property all over the US has multiple people as official “economic advisers” in the White House. And Dems just let this moratorium end like oops, did we do that?”


“Congress Goes on Vacation while Eviction Moratorium Expires”


“The Forest Service needs to follow science, not logging industry pressure. As ex-Deputy Chief Furnish says, "This forest, like all national forests, belongs to the people, and we have every right to ask the Forest Service to wisely steward these treasures."”

“Forest Service putting national forests in peril”


“The science is clear: the climate crisis is driving the worsening fire seasons we see worldwide.”

“The Climate Change Link To More And Bigger Wildfires”


Armageddon can necessitate some long reads:

“"Despite arguments that hydrate dissociation does not pose a threat to global climatic stability, it appears that the risk this rapid melting could occur in the coming decades is credible. One implicationof this substantial methane release is the potential for a positive feedback loop of hydrate melting. As was the case in the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum, initial methane releases from hydrate destabilization could result in abrupt climate warming. This warming would increase water temperatures at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, resulting in additional hydrate destabilization. The ensuing methane emissions would cause greater warming in a positive feedback loop that would occur independently of human carbon emissions. As such, the initial level of warming at which large scale hydrate melting begins represents a tipping point beyond which humans would not have control over the ensuing warming. Crossing this tipping point would result in an abrupt increase in the rate of global climate warming (Kvenvolden et al., 2003). This would leave human society with very little time to prepare for significant global environmental impacts.Were a 5-8 degree Celsius warming to take place today, a significant fraction of the polar ice caps would melt. This would result in a 100-250 footsea level increase, displacing up to 40% of the world’s population (Nicholls and

11Cazenave, 2010). This would accompany significant pressures on the biosphere, increasing global extinction rates. Climate models have not meaningfully incorporated these contingencies into their projections, potentially painting an artificially optimistic picture of the effects of global climate change in the coming decades (IPCC, 2014). The fact that hydrates have not been widely studied and are still not well understood is not cause for dismissal of this scenario. Rather, it denotes that the risk of this realization is not exactly known, underscoring the need for further research. Despite this, enough evidence is present to generally characterize the risk of hydrate dissociation that would have significant impacts on the global environment. Methane hydrates pose a moderate risk of destabilizing in the coming decades that could potentially..." SNIP

"Hydrates are highly dense and contain significant quantities of methane per unit volume. Additionally, the global reservoir of methane hydrates is significant, containing between 2500 and 10,000 gigatons of methane. This is between 100 and 400 times greater than the total contribution of all human emissions since the dawn of the industrial revolution. Even a small release of hydrate methane could have significant impacts on the rate of climate warming. Understanding methane hydrates is critical to discerning their significance to climate change and their potential impact on the global environment and human society. " SNIP

'1.2 What is the Molecular Structure of Methane Hydrates?While structurally hydrates resemble ice in their molecular orientation, key distinctions render them less stablethanice. Where ice freezes in a hexagonal structure, hydrates freeze in a cubic structure(Figure 3). Because hexagons have more sides than squares, hexagonal molecular configurations have more structural points of contact than cubic configurations. As such, a cubic structure entails less molecular support for hydrate formations than hexagonal ones for ice formations, rendering hydrates more vulnerable to structural instability in changing environmental conditions. This is exacerbated by the molecular incorporation of methane at the center of each cube within the hydrate structure. Because the methane molecules in the hydrate molecular structure are weaker than the water molecules in the ice molecular structure, hydrates are inherently less stable than ice and more prone to rapid melting. These key differentiating characteristics of methane hydrates and ice have considerable implications for their responses to warming temperatures resulting from climate change (Hornbach, 2004). "

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