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8/2022 “Media Must Stop Whitewashing Republican Worship Of Dictator Putin”

Updated: Jan 7

“It’s a shame leaders of the world pick and choose when they want to have morals.”


“Ukrainain sailor regrets nothing after attempting to sink Russian boss’ yacht”

“A Ukrainian employee tried to sink his Russian boss’ $7.9 million superyacht over the weekend after watching footage of Russia’s attack on his home country.

The man, who’s been identified as D. Taras O. by local Spanish media, had worked for 10 years aboard the Lady Anastasia, a superyacht owned by Russian arms dealer Alexander Mikheev. Mikheev is the CEO of Rosoboronexport, a Russian state-owned military weapons company. The employee attempted to sink the Lady Anastasia while it was docked at a port in Mallorca, Spain. He succeeded in partially damaging the vessel.

‘My boss is a criminal who sells weapons that kill the Ukrainian people,’ the employee reportedly told authorities upon being arrested.”


Ah yes, Democrats’ American Judiciary:

“Retired Florida Cop Who Fatally Shot Popcorn-Throwing Man In Movie Theater Acquitted

According to a witness, Curtis Reeves shot Chad Oulson in the chest and muttered: "Throw popcorn in my face."

Pearly Crescentspot (Phyciodes tharos)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2014-07-18 085aaaa

“Teen who tracked Elon Musk's plane launches Russian Oligarch Jets account”

“Jack Sweeney, the teenager who made headlines tracking Telsa CEO Elon Musk’s private plane, has created "Russian Oligarch Jets," which has tracked the helicopters, private jets and commercial-sized airplanes of prominent Russians.

“The aircrafts these oligarchs have are absolutely crazy,” Sweeney, 19, told Bloomberg.”


“In 2017, FIFA decided not to speak out about Israeli football teams based in settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

However, in 2022, it decides to suspend Russia because of the war in #Ukraine.

Blatant double standard!



“Double standards: The Western Version”

“One is simply an “act of solidarity”, the other one is “breach of ethics code and the Olympic Charter.”

1 “Poland, Sweden refuse to play Russia in World Cup qualification playoffs after invasion of Ukraine” CNN

2 “Algerian judoka Fethi Nourine receives 10-year ban for withdrawing from Olympics to avoid Israel” CNN


“Anti-capitalism is flooding TikTok as young people question a life that prioritizes productivity over well-being”

“Anti-capitalism is flooding TikTok as young people question a life that prioritizes productivity over well-being-- Work is life for many Americans, and the obsession with endless productivity is taking a toll. Many have taken to TikTok to explain their frustration.”


“Media Must Stop Whitewashing Republican Worship Of Dictator Putin”

“Fascist-adjacent American politicians [Mike Pompeo Koch] cheerleading a dictator as he sends tanks into a neighboring country and bombs a sovereign nation ought to be a huge news story. The fact that right wing pols and media sanction Russia’s invasion of Ukraine represents a stunning turning point for the GOP and how the US traditionally deals with foreign crises.”


“We should measure the prosperity of a nation not by the number of millionaires, but by the absene of poverty, the prevalence of health, the efficiency of the public schools, and the number of people who can and do read worthwhile books.” W. E. B. Du Bois


Facebook blocks my trying to share this:

“If you’re a member of the working class, and you read Marx objectively, it’s really, really hard to disagree with the basic premise that waged workers are exploited for surplus value.

Which is why the ruling class teaches u to hate Marxism from birth onward.”


“What is the Difference Between Native, Non-native, and Invasive Plants?

We break it down for you, and provide some alternatives to plants you might have in your backyard or local box store.”

“Invasive species degrade habitat and negatively impact birds and other wildlife—but do you know what makes an invasive species invasive? During this National Invasive Species Awareness Week, learn more about invasive species and discover the importance of swapping out invasive or non-native plants in your yard for native ones!”





“In early 2020, there was a toilet paper shortage, which caused consumers to panic-buy the product and further contribute to the growing shortage. The industrial real estate sector is seeing a similar trend right now with warehouses. Warehouse capacity remains at record lows across the United States, while demand keeps rising. This blog post by Phoenix Investors, LLC discusses warehouse hoarding and industrial shortages.”


American Christo Fascist Nazi’s are attacking schools so as to reposition them as brain washing institutions:

“There are people in Iowa who are trying to get cameras in every classroom. Parents would be able to tune in and watch any time. This is being discussed in other states too. As a parent, you might feel this is your right, but please think about what a teacher friend of mine writes below. Cameras in classrooms is a horrible idea, and it has nothing to do with not wanting parents to see what or how I teach. I am very proud of the work I do.

By Susan Vernon:

The people in power in this state want to install cameras in our classrooms that would allow any parent to watch what is happening there. If this doesn't infuriate you as a parent, you are not understanding it. You have a right to know what teachers are teaching and, by the way, you can already access that. But do you really think you have a right to know whether your neighbor's child struggles with reading? You will see that. Do you really think you have a right to know if your neighbor's child needed extra help in math today? You will see that. Do you really think you have a right to hear a child tell me they couldn't do their homework because their family couldn't afford to pay the electric bill? You will hear that. Do you really think you have a right to see which child didn't come to school in clean clothes, and which child had an accident in kindergarten, and which child got her first period in the middle of 7th grade social studies? Do you? Because you will see that. About someone else's child. They have outlawed facts. They have outlawed literature. Please don't let them outlaw your children's privacy. Please don't let them outlaw your children's safety. You have a right to know what and how I teach. I am proud of the work I do. If you want to see the 20+ hours of work I do at home each week to prepare for the work I do at school, I'll show you that too. But you do not have the right to watch other people's children learning. You just don't. This is not the plan of a truly free country. This is truly terrifying. I hope you understand this is an issue that goes beyond traditional liberal or conservative divides. I try hard not to post things that are too political because I want all of my students to know I value their right to their own opinions and beliefs. This goes beyond that. This is a liberty issue and a safety issue.”


“Al Jazeera Live”


The war the rich and fossil fuel continues to wage on the global environment is World War III, and we all are losing:

Kevin Hester\Near Term Human Extinction:

“Up until a few year ago Professor McPherson and I believed that some of the less complex life forms like Tardigrades would get through the 'Hot House Earth' bottle neck.

That all changed with the peer reviewed article that Guy quotes and our subsequent interview with Professor Corey Bradshaw from Flinders University in Australia.

That interview can be found at the NBL archive at PRN.FM and on my website.

Guy will be presenting an audio course in "Conservation Biology", I've signed up for it and additional details will follow shortly.

Guy has left social media so all posts here are via Kevin Hester”

“Science Snippets: Loss of All Life on Earth Explained … Again”


“Scientists: Earth Endangered by New Strain of Fact-Resistant Humans”


The rich are questioning some of the prices that certain stock have been bid up to:

“This Stock Market Is Coming Unglued Stock by Stock”


Was it Winston Churchill who said something like ‘if you want to destroy a country, destroy its currency’ and no one has been more effective at destroying America’s currency than the Democratic and Republican parties of America. America is losing on the international stage because it proving it can not sensibly govern itself, a problem it is only going to get worse.

“China, Russia and the race to a post-dollar world

Financial markets are going to become a major field of battle — a place to defend liberal values and renew old alliances”


“China’s Yuan Becomes Unlikely Haven as Geopolitics Roil Markets”


This is what is instore for the oligarchy of the rich called America. Russia is observing that their currency is a proxy measure of the personal wealth of a few, not a country of millions with natura resources:

“Russian stocks crash 33% and ruble plunges to record low”


“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” Edward Snowden


Biden’s Private Equity DeJoy will cut Postal Workers pay:

“‘This $3 cut takes a toll’: UPS slashes pay for part-time workers as profits grow”

“UPS part-time workers recently had their hourly wages cut, some losing up to $6 an hour.

UPS reported record profits in 2021 at around $13 billion.”


The climate catastrophe induced by the Rich:

“Can we weather the Danger Zone”


“Parallel from history (and yes, Biden approved of the invasion of Grenada)”


“It could have been avoided — Daniel McAdams on Ukrainian crisis”


“Wall Street Is Buying Starter Homes to Quietly Become America’s Landlord

Private equity money is pouring into the Phoenix real estate market, turning first-time homebuyers into renters.”

“Wall Street won't allow Corporate Executives or Politicians to build or invest in America. Like feudal Lords of old, they want to collect rent and debt payments. Bill Gates is the largest landowner in America. They are buying farmland, timberlands, apartment complexes, trailer parks, charter schools and single family homes. Americans are renters & debtors. They already bought our Politicians. Now they are buying us. Feudalism has become our economic and political system.”


“Ukraine: Russian Crimes, American Hypocrisy - Wilkerson and Jay”



While the U.S. president refuses to condition military aid, Israel has toppled more than twice as many Palestinian structures in the West Bank than it had by this point in Trump’s term.”


“The Boeing Company's Executives were prevented by Wall Street from sourcing parts in the United States, employing union labor in South Carolina & designing new airframes. Every available penny was paid out in dividends and share buybacks...

346 people are dead.

An iconic American manufacturer and one of our biggest exporters was wrecked. Our Politicians & Regulators at the Federal Aviation Administration serve Wall Street. Our safety, prosperity & the future of our country mean nothing to them.

Legalized bribery overthrew our Republic.”

“Boeing Would Kill Us All to Increase Its Profits”


Caitlin Johnstone:

“Twelve Thoughts On Ukraine”


“Rule of thumb: As soon the media starts calling a foreign leader a madman, psychopath or megalomaniac, you know you're being propagandised. It's the corporate media's way of normalising as 'rational' the west's own violence.”


“Number of wildfires to rise by 50% by 2100 and governments are not prepared, experts warn”

“The report, Spreading like Wildfire: The Rising Threat of Extraordinary Landscape Fires, finds an elevated risk even for the Arctic and other regions previously unaffected by wildfires.

Wildfires and climate change are mutually exacerbating. Wildfires are made worse by climate change through increased drought, high air temperatures, low relative humidity, lightning, and strong winds resulting in hotter, drier, and longer fire seasons. At the same time, climate change is made worse by wildfires, mostly by ravaging sensitive and carbon-rich ecosystems like peatlands and rainforests.”


“Ranking heat waves like hurricanes is being proposed in California”


“A warming event is starting around the Polar Vortex in the stratosphere, powered by the strong cross-polar ridging in the Northern Hemisphere, affecting a deep layer of the lower Atmosphere.”


“Empire Politician – 1981: Biden and Reagan’s CIA Director, William Casey”

Democrats and Republicans should all be jailed

'In one Navy airstrike early on in the invasion, the U.S. bombed a civilian hospital, [killing]

at least 12 people and possibly as many as 47. The U.N. Security Council[ condemned]

the invasion as “a flagrant violation of international law” by a vote of 11-1, with the U.S. vetoing the measure.

In the immediate aftermath of the invasion, Joe Biden emerged as one of the Reagan administration’s strongest defenders among Democrats. After receiving a classified briefing from [William Casey]

Reagan’s CIA director, Biden said, “I’ve now seen facts sufficient to put me in a position of saying I think the president was right” to invade Grenada '


“Child poverty surges after Child Tax Credit payments end”


“Democrats & Republicans are garbage:

U.S. Postal Service going ahead with plan to buy mostly gas-powered vehicles in defiance of EPA and White House”

“U.S. Postal Service going ahead with plan to buy mostly gas-powered vehicles in defiance of EPA and White House”


This should be interesting seeing as Putin is in bed with Saudi Arabia:

“Biden turns to Big Oil, Saudi Arabia as energy costs soar”


“The SEC is investigating whether Tesla stock trades made by Elon Musk and his brother violated insider-trading rules, WSJ report says”


“Thousands flee air strikes as fighting erupts in Myanmar”


He needs to get to Ukraine and protect some private property:



Even if we are doomed, putting forth effort to combat the problem can mitigate mental suffering and maybe a little actual physical suffering:

“There is another excuse. It's too far gone. Nothing I can do will change that. That's the most powerful one. It is also the most wicked”

“Here’s how to demolish the most common excuses for climate crisis apathy”


“Facebook Failed to Label Top Posts From Climate Change-Deniers”


“Glacier Melting: Chile”


Sam Carana:

“Black carbon pollution from tourism and research increasing Antarctic snowmelt, study says”

“Pollution generated by burning fossil fuels causes snow to darken, absorb more solar energy and melt faster”

“Black carbon footprint of human presence in Antarctica” - by Raúl Cordero et al.


“New study shows that Earth's coldest forests are shifting northward with climate change”


“Swiss rivers on track to overheat by the end of the century”



New report finds the world has more than enough renewable energy potential to replace fossil fuels and meet 1.5ºC target.”


Sam Carana:

“Extreme heat will bring worse mental health. People shouldn’t have to cope alone.”

“With new evidence that heat waves worsen mental health, we urgently need collective solutions.”

“Association Between Ambient Heat and Risk of Emergency Department Visits for Mental Health Among US Adults, 2010 to 2019” - by Amruta Non-Sarma et al.


Providing cover for inaction today:

“Why we have only 3-9 years left to get the climate change extinction emergency under our control”

Lawrence Wollersheim:

“Why do we have only 3-9 years left to get the climate change extinction emergency under our control? Most people that hear our governments talking about global or national fossil fuel reduction targets for 2040-2060 have no idea if we fail to make key fossil fuel reduction levels over the next 3-9 years; we are totally screwed!

They do not understand why sometime between 2025 and 2031, accelerating global warming and climate changes goes beyond our possible control. After that, not even the proposed radical new technology fixes can save from mass then total extinction. If you want to understand why this government-hidden painful climate reality is factual and happening now, see this article that illuminates precisely why the next 3-9 years of climate action or inaction will determine the future survival of humanity.”


“The Rising Methane Emergency: Dangerous warming gas methane rising fast in atmosphere. World leading methane scientist Euan Nisbet from Royal Holloway, University of London.

Brent Ragsdale with Astrophysicist Tom Murphy & Fashion Sustainability Prof. Melody LeHew on the PLAN (Planetary Limits Academic Network) to avoid eco-catastrophe.

As always, find this week's show & show blog, previous shows, related materials, links, suggested reading, and more at


Kevin Pluck:

“Sea level rise is accelerating.”


Sam Carana:

“Jet stream that brought storm Eunice has been getting faster over last century

New research from the University of Southampton shows that the winter jet stream over the North Atlantic and Eurasia has increased its average speed by 8% to 132 miles per hour. “

“A regional (land–ocean) comparison of the seasonal to decadal variability of the Northern Hemisphere jet stream 1871–2011” - by Samantha Hallam et al.


Peter Carter:

“2021 RECORD METHANE EMISSIONS from the 23 Feb 2022 International Energy Agency's Global Methane Tracker. Methane emissions are increasing, now at record high, like atmospheric methane. The natural gas industry is leaking enormous amounts of methane (natural gas is mainly methane) making the three fossil fuels emit about equal amounts of methane. The only solution is to get off all fossil fuels replaced by 100% clean zero carbon combustion everlasting energy. #climate

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