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5/2021 Most of Congress should face charges for VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION

Updated: Jan 7

When Washington political philosophy materially contributes to the death of over half a million Americans from COVID, they graduate from “Social Murder” to having committed “Genocide.”

Negligence in dealing with Global Warming surpasses “Ecocide” to border on “Omnicide.” These are crimes committed by our Politicians who have few if any bylaws they regard when conducting the affairs of our Country.

This is the influence of money.

And the crimes by the political and economic elite do not stop there, but the Peoples’ tolerance of it all must. Surviving the future they have made for us will require international cooperation and their continued malfeasance doesn’t ensure it.

“The Constitution directs the federal money be spent to provide for the good of all (Article 1, Section 8)

For decades corrupt Congress has issued federal money to enrich themselves and their criminal buddies via various scams.

Time for this:

“Most of Congress should face charges of VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION, dereliction of duty, war crimes, & embezzling federal money.”

Pearly Crescentspot (Phyciodes tharos)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021 5/19 _F2A3681aaa

“Congress simply approves spending into existence for Federal Spending, just like they do for wars and corporate bailouts, out of thin air. They can easily appropriate funding for all new Legislation for People Planet and Peace! Spend it into existence! Without raising taxes!”


“Biden Administration Defends Huge Alaska Oil Drilling Project

The administration says the country must pivot away from fossil fuels but backed a project set to produce more than 100,000 barrels of oil each day for 30 years.”


Welcome to Armageddon:

“Lots of helpful info. in this Nick Breeze video which I had to re-listen a few times in order not to miss anything coming from Igor Semiletov, who along with Natalia Shakhova and colleagues have spent more than 20 years conducting field research and gathering extensive methane data in the ESAS. It’s great to see more international interest and collaboration particularly with this recent scientific expedition in late 2020 that included 69 scientists from 10 countries. Their work (along with the work of their international collaborators) has been published in peer reviewed journals and more is coming! To understand basics, for me it was helpful to read "Understanding the Permafrost–Hydrate System and Associated Methane Releases in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf".

Quoting from video: “Semiletov defines 2 different scales of seep sites where methane is visibly seen reaching the surface”…...”we already mapped more than 2000 large seeps and mega seeps”…”Large seeps we mean bubbling methane in release areas with a horizontal scale in 100’s of meters and mega seeps......"its a thousand meters plus".

“but what we can do, we just detect what we can see beneath the vessel; its just a tiny fraction of what we found so what my grandmother told me if you saw 1 mouse in your house it means 100’s of them so I think that if we detected more than 2000 that means hundred thousands of seepage areas”.

“We have revisited several mega seeps and we have found that all revisited mega-seeps, they are growing”…. “and some of them”…...“3, 4 times during 5 years I mean increasing horizontal scale”.”

“Sources of Arctic Methane | Igor Semiletov | Unseen footage of methane plumes from 2020 voyage | pt1”


"In this second episode of the methane miniseries, I speak to Professor Orjan Gustafsson from Stockholm University about his team's ongoing collaboration with the Russian research team, led by Professor Igor Semiletov, investigating the Siberian Arctic."

"Orjan has published over 80 research papers jointly with his Russian colleagues on their findings in the Russian Arctic over the course of more than a decade. In this episode, he highlights why understanding this region is among one of the most important research areas in climate change today."

“Russian Arctic Methane Releases & Subsea Permafrost Degradation | Prof Örjan Gustafsson (Pt 2)”



“A very important article from a conventional source. about how methane clathrates are only STABLE under certain temperatures and pressues! It states DOE is leading research organization into mining methane gas from these deposits. So they know about the dangers involved! This is the proof! Read below.

"Gas-hydrates are structures trapped in sediment, often 1,500 meters below sea level, dormant underneath the polar ice caps, permafrost, and in marine sediments. Challenges include finding and accessing reservoirs in some of the Earth’s inhospitable areas such as the Arctic and developing technologies to verify the stability of the reservoirs and safely enable extractions. Access to these areas is often limited to diving expeditions or coring samples from drilling. These structures are also stable under very specific windows of temperature and pressure. But if the temperature of the ocean rises a little bit, these ice-like structures are going to start to dissolve and start releasing methane into the atmosphere."”

“Team develops model to determine stability of gas hydrates

Comprehensive model can better predict how gas hydrates and methane stabilization could ease global warming”


“bneGREEN: Russia’s weather goes crazy”

"Russia’s weather has gone crazy. There is currently a heatwave inside the Arctic Circle where the coast is hotter than Mediterranean beaches. And Moscow has just reported its warmest days in May ever, where temperatures soared to over 30% while the rest of Europe was suffering from a cold snap that has seen gas prices used for heating double this “spring.”

"The situation follows on from the end of last year, when there was no snow until December. (It usually starts some time towards the end of September.) In short: nothing is normal.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has been accused of ignoring the climate change issue and going slow on implementing Russia’s Paris Accord commitments, which the Russian government ratified in 2019.

"However, after a string of environmental disasters last year, including the triggering of a federal emergency after mining giant Norilsk Nickel spilled over 20,000 tonnes of oil into Arctic rivers, and a once-in-a-1,000-year snow melt flooded the TGK1 power station near Murmansk, the Kremlin seems to have woken up to the fact that Russia’s permafrost is melting. As if to underline the point, there was a another large-scale oil spill this month by Russian company Lukoil"


“This article is from October 2020 attacked the findings of scientists aboard the Akademik Keldish. It is a response to the article in the Guardian reporting the groups findings that for the first time they detected methane coming up from permafrost deposits at bottom of ocean into atmosphere.

It is the most recent article challenging the findings of the international scientists aboard the Akademik Keldysh last year. It mentions a few scientists who challenged the assertion that past climate methane release took place. And claimed there is no methane "bomb'. Michael Mann plus NASA scientists are amongst the deniers.”

“Climate scientists throw cold water on 'Arctic methane bomb' report”


The Rich and their politicians have destroyed the livability of our Planet.

“"The new report from the WMO, an agency of the United Nations, finds that global temperatures are accelerating toward 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming. The authors of the new report predict there is a 44% chance that the average annual temperature on Earth will temporarily hit 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming at some point in the next five years. That likelihood has doubled since last year."”

“Earth Is Barreling Toward 1.5 Degrees Celsius Of Warming, Scientists Warn”

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