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7/2022 Rich's Genocide by Environment: “On the Precipice of Global Civil (Class) War?”

Updated: Jan 7


"The wording of the ruling, penned by the fanatic Federalist Society Catholic theocrat Samuel Alito, makes it clear that it is based upon an “original intent” concept of the Constitution where laws are evaluated for their constitutionality on the basis of what the white property-owning, and in many cases slave-owning founding men of the Constitutional Assembly believed to be the natural order of things. That so-called natural order included slavery, the genocide of North America’s Indigenous people, second-class status of women and freed blacks, the denial of voting rights to people — even white people — who owned no property, and the right to a public trial by a jury of one’s peers (except to those excluded populations, who weren’t even allowed in courtroom public galleries, much less in a jury box).

Alito, in outlawing national legalization of the right to abortion and to a woman’s right to choose regarding her own health, argued that abortion was not a long-standing tradition in American society. While that assertion is patently false and ignorant on its face, if it is allowed to stand, it can, and likely will be used and soon, as critics and even Alito supporters “Justice Clarence Thomas noted, to justify an end to federal protections for same-sex marriage, inter-racial marriage, a return to racially separated schools, and end to all efforts at achieving racial diversity in colleges, employment, jury selection, and perhaps even racially balanced voting districts, etc.

This ruling is nothing less than the first step in a return to an 18th-Century America.

That may sound apocalyptic, but it is not. That is pinched and brutal world that the leaders of the Republican Party — a party of a shrinking and ultimately doomed demographic — have been quietly working to re-establish in order to cling to power as long as possible."”

“Hard-Fought Freedoms on the Line”

Pearly Crescentspot (Phyciodes tharos)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

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“DemGop's know full well the coming effects of our having killed the global biosphere. Instead of preparing for it or warning People to prepare for it they instead double down on the causes despite knowing the mass die off of non rich humans that the pentagon and every scientist on earth knows is coming. Climate change and the Mass Extinction is deadly class warfare on asteroids. It is genocide and probably omnicide and govt's know it. This is the Fourth Reich's holocaust.

Our political parties have signed our death warrant. The social murder so prevalent in their policy toward the non rich is on a whole new level - and they are doing it with their eyes wide open. This is the Fourth Reichs holocaust.”

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“On the Precipice of Global Civil (Class) War?”


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1 DemGOP’s SCOTUS and divide and conquer: once the compliant are conquered, liquidate their commons and otherwise pocket the cash for costs you order the court not to make you responsible for (including shit wages)

2 Washington’s “give us your vote and we’ll impose your religion on others so long as you let us do what we want$” is a deal with the devil that you’d have to be very ungod like to accept


Banning Abortion, Expanding Gun Rights, Enforcing Prayer in School, etc. next up disemboweling the Environmental Protection Agency and the entire Federal Govts right to regulate profit taking.

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The ruling comes just weeks after the massacres in Uvalde and Buffalo.”





The conservative majority of the court did away with a half century of American law simply because they can—and regardless of the will of the majority of Americans.”


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They resemble fat grasshoppers and the extreme heat and drought conditions only increase their vast numbers, leaving ranchers and farmers to battle the insurgent mess.”


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