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12/2022 Invariably Biden's America has overthrown Peru's govt for a fascist regime to exploit Peru

Updated: Jan 9

Washington issued survival orders to Castillo and when he didn't manage it well they installed a fascist women to do the western oligarchs' bidding.

There goes the Peruvian jungle.

America's Nazi christofascist Conservative movement is using women to achieve their ends. For example Giorgia Meloni is deeply in bed with the Republican\Democratic Party (singular) in America.

Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

8/16/2023 2A7A1992aaa

"Peru president’s power grab recalls country’s dark past"


America’s education system is atrocious. If America has trouble competing on the international stage it is 100% their own fault:

“This is the logical end point of three decades of “Let’s run higher education like a business!”

The New York Times:

“Universities are partnering with sports betting companies to introduce students and fans to online gambling – and reaping millions of dollars in….


“I don't know who needs to hear this, but an economy controlled by a handful of oligarchs isn't a "free market."”


“A new report says stadium construction is largely to blame.

Use the action link below to tell Congress to tax billionaires to fund a #GreenNewDeal.”

“Qatar Claims The 2022 World Cup Is Carbon Neutral. It’s Not”


“Every time the US “saves” a country, it turns it into a insane asylum or a cemetery.” Eduardo Galeano


“Tempting as it may be, please don’t lick the Sonoran desert toad.”

“National Park Service Asks Visitors to Please Stop Licking Toads

The Sonoran desert toad’s toxins create an intense psychedelic experience, but that’s not an excuse to put one in your mouth.”


“Elon Musk Would Have Done Better With Twitter If He’d Read Noam Chomsky via The Intercept

"He enthusiastically impaled himself on the horns of this fundamental dilemma of political speech, one that no one has ever solved. He could have avoided his hilarious nightmare if he’d just read a few books with a radical perspective on the media. But people who do that tend not to become the richest person on earth."”

“Elon Musk Would Have Done Better With Twitter If He’d Read Noam Chomsky”


“The Chris Hedges Report

Covering US foreign policy, economic realities, and civil liberties in American society.”


Cartoon: “Personally, I’d say the cost of living is the least of your worries – but what would I know”

Says to penguins to consumer fretting over her grocery bill


“Alex…if we can build oil pipelines through indigenous land, why can’t we build water pipelines to indigenous land??”


“The Orangutan project

Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release”


Obama’s Republican dream of a public option is a bust:

“Colorado’s “public option” plan has failed.

Over the next year, Colorado’s insurance premiums will increase by up to 10%.

The Colorado Option forces people to pay MORE money for healthcare—not less!”

“EDITORIAL: A very costly ‘Colorado Option’”


Btw Antarctic ice caps a volcano field:

“Interesting article about life living way beneath the ice underneath Antarctica.

"In June, researchers from New Zealand recorded swarms of shrimp-like creatures in an underground river beneath the Ross Ice Shelf on the continent's southern edge.

Taken together, these discoveries indicate just how diverse the different life forms are under the Antarctic ice.

"Animals surviving deep under ice shelves need to be adapted to extreme cold, with water temperatures as low as -2.2 degrees Celsius (28 degrees Fahrenheit)," Griffiths said. "They would also need to be adapted to low amounts of food, in a similar way to deep sea creatures. These organisms live hundreds of kilometers from the nearest daylight and sources of fresh phytoplankton."

Such adaptations open up the possibility that similar ecosystems could exist in other frozen landscapes."”

There Could Be Something Big Living Deep Beneath the Antarctic Ice



“50 being middle age is a lie to keep you working longer. Most ppl don’t’ live to be 100. The average life span is 73 (before COVID). So middle aged would be around 36. But if they told you that then you would be less inclined to work until 65.”


Know your 2 parties and 3 branches on Climate Change:

“Who does not know the Truth is simply a Fool…Yet who knows the Truth and calls it a life is a criminal.” Bertolt Brecht


“Just in case you didn’t know what different parts of fighter jet are called.

Even if you are not mechanically inclined, or know nothing about aeronautics, you should know this.”

[image of fighter jet with various parts labeled cuts to various social programs]


Carlos A. Rodriguez:

“You cannot lover your neighbor while supporting or accepting systems that crush, exploit, and dehumanize them.

You cannot love your neighbor while accepting less for them and their family than you do for you and your own.”


“Them: “God gives us hardships to teach us lessons & strengthen our relationship with him””

Me: “What would you think of a husband who intentionally hurts his wife & kids and says he’s just teaching them lessons & trying to deepen their family bond?”

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