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5/2022 Bidens genetic-malady “hunter” is involved in biological weapons activities

Updated: Jan 9

NOTE NUMBER NO 6 – It’s coming:

“Steven D Grumbine posted in April 2017......

1. We are not on the gold standard and thus the constraints imposed are no longer in play.

2. We have a sovereign, non-pegged, non-convertible fiat currency not backed by oil, gold, bees wax or chicken necks...

3. The Fed is a creature of CONGRESS not a private banking cartel.

4. We aren't broke and can never go broke without an intentional act of congress. The debt ceiling is a garbage construct used for politics to force "tough decisions" and is a relic of the gold standard era.

5. The national debt is not debt as you and I know it at all but is instead savings accounts at the fed for people who want to save in US dollars.

6. A balanced federal budget would in fact make us like Greece by taking away our ability to deal with shocks to the domestic or global economy.

7. Federal taxes do not fund spending but they are essential to maintaining the value of the US dollar

8. Taxation allows the US Government policy pace to provision itself.

9. Full employment comes before inflation.

10. Money growth does NOT cause inflation.”

Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)

Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, Dane County, USA

8/31/2013 0001_IMG_9897_99999aaaa3 2018 z2010

Bidens $33 Billion to Ukraine:

“How much of that monthly alimony will Zelensky redirect to his off shore tax havens?”


“How much are my trees worth?”


“UPDATE: Despite a continuing La Niña, March 2022 was the 5th warmest March since 1880, finishing at 1.1°C (1.9°F) above the 1951-1980 baseline. This continues a long-term upward trend since 1880 due to human activities, like burning fossil fuels:”


Spoiler alert: It’s because they’re price gouging us.

“Why corporations are reaping record profits with inflation on the rise”


“The point of propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda.

It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”

Garry Kasparov


“America Gave Up on Overtime—and It’s Costing Workers $35,451 a Year”

“If it feels like you’re working longer hours for less money than your parents or grandparents did, it’s probably because you are.

You might remember hearing your parents’ generation talk about “time-and-a-half” pay. It used to be that the majority of salaried Americans had overtime protections, which meant if they worked more than 40 hours a week they got paid extra. But we’ve let that standard fall so far behind that today barely 1 in 10 salaried workers qualify. And you better believe employers have exploited those outdated standards with fake "assistant manager" titles and barely paying people above the threshold so they can squeeze more work out of them.

I wrote about what went wrong and how the Biden administration can fix it, restoring overtime protections to give millions of overworked Americans a well-earned raise, more of their time back, or a bit of both. Next to raising the minimum wage, this is the single most important thing we can do for American workers. It’s the minimum wage for the middle class.”



“Make no mistake, the fossil fuel industry is for profit, not the people”

“More drilling isn’t going to help lower prices for families — it will only deepen our nation’s dangerous dependence on fossil fuels. None of us can afford the toll that increased drilling will have on our climate.”


“‘This is not typical’: Arizona wildfire fighters brace for threat ‘on steroids’

Winds and dryness heighten danger from Tunnel fire as teams battle blazes in American south-west”


“The level of denial is extraordinary, particularly in the US.”

“Nearly 30% Of Americans Aren't Worried 'At All' About The Deadly Climate Crisis

In a survey of more than 30 nations, some 29% of Americans -- the highest percentage of any country -- said they don't worry at all about climate change.”


President Bidens genetic-malady “hunter” is involved in biological weapons activities:


“How these 5 cities became the most intense urban heat islands

These major U.S. metropolises often heat up between 7 and 9 degrees higher than the surrounding rural areas - and, ironically, air conditioning plays a critical role.”


PETITION TO Save American Snakes


“I've been talking about the consequences of the poorly thought out us foreign policies since 2018. I started writing about it in 2019. The theft of MANY countries dollars invested in banks the US has control of us.isbstarting to show up. Money is slowly being diverted from investing in dollars... Most US citizens just don't understand the cost to the average person if the US dollar is no longer the world reserve currency. We will wind up just like the chaos we have created in Venezuela and many other countries we have waged economic war on. A dollar worth pennies many shortages and and hunger. We need change to stop our corporate rules from finishing bankrupting our country so they can continue to purchase our assets for pennies on the. Dollar. Now it seems Goldman Sachs is starting to get it.”

“Doing without the dollar

Pessimism used to be for monetary cranks; now even Goldman Sachs warns the dollar will go the way of the pound”


“Polish journalist quits after paper rejects ‘neo-Nazi’ term for Ukrainian militia

‘If we cannot come to an agreement on the essentials, we will have to part ways,’ he says of decision on Azov Battalion”


“Ukrainians Nazis committed genocide against Poles during WWII. They tortured and slaughtered 100,000 Poles, mostly women, and children. Unspeakable! It blows my mind the Polish government arms the Ukrainian neonazis now.”

“Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia”


How's that voter suppression, USPS privatization, filibuster, Nazi chocked Supreme Court etc. treating ya?!

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