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12/2022 “Greenland is Worse Than Ever, Much Worse”

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-07-16 018aaap.jpg

“This week on Radio Ecoshock:

UNBROKEN NEWS: Why Is the Arctic Suddenly Burning?

*Guest Dr. David Gaveau on newly seen Arctic feedback. A new feedback loop of wildfires and self-perpetuating heat erupted in the last three years – in the Arctic! This has not been reported in the news, but shows up on satellite images.

*Alex rants on COP27 Climate Conference. “The clock is ticking. We are in the fight of our lives, and we are losing. Greenhouse gas emissions keep growing. Global temperatures keep rising – and our planet is fast approaching tipping points that will make climate chaos irreversible." - António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, opening the 27th Conference of the Parties in Egypt, November 2022.

*Al Gore’s COP27 opening remarks: we are failing and no one believes we will do anything to stop emissions.

Listen on Soundcloud –

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...where there is no sign-up required, just lots of great information on the latest climate science. Thank you for listening and for caring about our world


“Ursula Le Guin: “We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art, the art of words.”

As usual, Mr. Hunziker presents literate, timely criticism of humanity's folly that relies solely on scientific research. Meanwhile, in Egypt, COP27 presents oil company lobbying and greedy lies.

Elizabeth Kolbert, Field Notes from a Catastrophe, 2006: “It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the process of doing.””

“Greenland is Worse Than Ever, Much Worse”


“We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator.

We can sign a climate solidarity pact, or a collective suicide pact.” Antonio Guterres


Sam Carana:

“Rapidly thinning Northeast Greenland ice sheet could add more to sea-level rise than thought

“Extensive inland thinning and speed-up of Northeast Greenland Ice Stream” - by Shfaqat Abbas Khan et al.


Val Eisman:

“If sanctions were relaxed. Russia could invest in alternative energy (my point).”

“COP27: Russia committed to climate targets despite sanctions - TASS cites Putin's climate envoy”


DemGOPS are using America to act like whelchers:

The fossil fuel industry is still driving the climate train, said Brian O’Callaghan, lead researcher with Oxford University’s economic recovery project. He said there have been some successes at the climate talks over the decades, but that it’s mostly been “27 years of obstructionism, delay, and greenwashing. If COP were a football rivalry, it would be amongst the most lopsided; fossil fuel Interests: 27, humankind: 0.””

“Is COP27 the End of Hopes for Limiting Global Warming to 1.5 Degrees Celsius?

The climate talks are going into overtime with little progress toward the emissions cuts required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.”


“Mag: North Pacific climate change peril at Fish Expo”

“North Pacific climate change peril”


Sean Hill:

“Places recently underwater are now facing extreme fire danger.”

“South East Queensland facing extreme fire danger”


“Berkeley Earth's Independent Scientific Research: October 2022 Temperature Update

On land, October 2022 was the warmest October ever measured.”

“October 2022 Temperature Update”


Impacts of Climate Change and Air Pollution on Neurologic Health, Disease, and Practice: A Scoping Review” - by Shreya Louis et al.

Reader Comment:

“It's because nature's elements are out of balance..

Excessive Fire = wild fires, drought

Excessive Water = floods

Excessive winds = tornado and hurricanes

Excessive Earth = earthquakes

The outer elements are interlinked with our inner elements which regulate bodily functions and the mind

Balanced Heat = good body temperature, good digestion, overall well-being, sharp thinking and a sharp mind

An excess of Water element = lethargy, dullness, depression, crying, fragility, floating, water retention, puffiness, heaviness

This is basic Ayurvedic Medicine

Which has been healing tons of people over 3000 years”

Peter Carter:


16 Nov 2022, Impacts of Climate Change and Air Pollution on Neurologicical Health, Disease,

Note: global warming increases air pollution

Climate change increases neurological diseases and disorders

Temperature extremes and variability both associated with stroke incidence and severity,

~ hospitalization in dementia patients

~ multiple sclerosis exacerbations.

Exposure to airborne pollutants, especially PM2.5 and nitrates, associated with

~ stroke incidence and severity,

~ dementia risk,

~ Parkinson’s disease,

~ MS exacerbation.

Zoonotic diseases

~ Climate change has demonstrably expanded favorable conditions for zoonotic diseases (spread via animals),

16 Nov 2022, “Impacts of Climate Change and Air Pollution on Neurologic Health, Disease” Shreya Louis et al”

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