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8/2021 Feedback Loop: Wildfire smoke is transforming clouds, making rainfall less likely

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

"A new study finds smoke could be making it harder for clouds to drop rain and alleviate drought, potentially kicking off a 'very scary' feedback loop."

“Wildfire smoke is transforming clouds, making rainfall less likely”


“Coca-Cola killed trade unionists in Latin America. Tobacco companies suppressed cancer research. And Boeing knew that its planes were dangerous. Corporations don't care if they kill people — as long as it's profitable.”

“Corporations Would Literally Kill You to Turn a Profit”

Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017 6/24 085aaa

“I want to talk about the poor marketing of climate change in the last 30 years.

1. The planet isn’t in danger; we are in danger

2. The planet has been through worse; we have not.

3. It’s not being obsessed with nature; it’s being obsessed with surviving

4. It shouldn’t be “do you care about the environment?” It should be “do you care about your environment?”

5. It’s not global warming; it’s forced climate transformation

6. It’s not controversial; it’s currently happening, measurably. As predicted.

7. The planet doesn’t care if we step up and heroically change course, it’ll be fine. We won’t be.

8. The most nationalistic, selfish thing to do is ensure our power and health is to keep the oil in the ground; it also happens to be the most globalistic and humanitarian thing to do as well.

9. Scientists aren’t begging us to do anything; they are just looking out the window and telling us the forest is on fire, and holding the blinds open so we can see.

10. The climate isn’t an issue. It’s the one issue that contains every single other issue.


John Berbatis:

“Methane clathrates in the shallow coastal regions are now exposed to direct sunlight, which allows vast quantities of the powerful greenhouse gas methane to be released.”

“Decadal changes in Arctic sea ice thickness during the month of August

[Data simulated by PIOMAS]


“What's the cultural cost of #extinction? We're exploring that in our #VanishingSpecies essay series:”



“Life Expectancy in U.S. Saw Biggest Drop Since World War II”


Overall, numbers of Insect Pollinators, and insects in general, are in a free fall in America. it won’t be long now and they’ll all be extinct.

“Stung by climate change: drought-weakened bee colonies shrink U.S. honey crop, threaten almonds”


“What Will Trigger Revolution In America? w/Chris Hedges”


“Climate change fueling warm ocean 'blob' causing Chile megadrought – study”


American’s are being lied to about Climate Collapse’s death count:

Val Eisman:

“The States' official death statistics (Oregon and Washington) suggested officials downplayed the number of deaths due to the heatwave. Read below.”

“1000 HEATWAVE DEATHS IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST EARLIER THIS SUMMER! 600 IN Oregon and Washington and 400 in Canada!

"During the deadly heat wave that blanketed Oregon and Washington in late June, about 600 more people died than would have been typical, a review of mortality data for the week of the crisis shows.

The number is three times as high as the states’ official estimates of heat-related deaths so far. It suggests that the true toll of the heat wave, which affected states and provinces across the Pacific Northwest, may be much larger than previously reported.

This week, the region is once again steeling itself for extreme heat.

The New York Times’s analysis, based on mortality data reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by the two states, covers all causes of death, including Covid-19. But the public health agency’s initial calculations indicate that only about 60 deaths in the region were related to the coronavirus that week.

The figures are preliminary. C.D.C. officials said the death count could rise further in coming weeks as the states continue to report. “Consider it a floor,” said Lauren Rossen, a health statistician at the agency who works with the mortality data.

The Times’ estimate “is entirely consistent with a large body of knowledge indicating that days of extreme heat are dangerous and can lead to excess deaths,” said Greg Wellenius, a professor in environmental health at Boston University who has studied heat-related mortality.

Evaluating what are termed “excess deaths” — the number of deaths above what would have been typical for a given period of time, based on mortality rates in previous years — can provide a more complete picture of the effects of extreme heat than official counts of heat-related deaths. Those counts focus on the declared cause of death, for instance, heat stroke. But that can undercount other fatalities that might also have been related to the heat.

“When it’s really hot outside, deaths from heat stroke certainly increase,” said Kate Weinberger, an environmental epidemiologist at the University of British Columbia, “but deaths from all sorts of other conditions increase as well,” including from cardiovascular and respiratory disease.

Understanding the full consequences of extreme heat on mortality is important because it can help communities better plan for future heat waves, which are becoming more common. Heat deaths are largely preventable, said Kristie Ebi, a professor in the Center for Health and the Global Environment at the University of Washington. “The more we understand about these deaths, the better we can prepare.” Snip”

“Hidden Toll of the Northwest Heat Wave: Hundreds of Extra Deaths”


“The metamorphosis of Jesus Christ from a humble servant of the abject poor to a symbol that stands for gun rights, prosperity theology, anti-science, limited government (that neglects the destitute) and fierce nationalism is truly the strangest transformation in human history.” Rainn Wilson


“Religion poisons everything. Religion mixes with sex, controls what we eat and exacerbates our propensity to guilt by multiplying the most arbitrary prohibitions. Religion demonizes science, complicit in ignorance and obscurantism. Source of hate, tyranny and wars, religion puts our world at risk.”

Christopher Hitchens


“Afghanistan Was A Giant Money Laundering Scheme”


“Science Update: Latent Heat Explained via Doodly “

“Latent heat. What happens when Arctic Sea Ice is gone. Ocean temperature rises quickly as heat no longer goes to melt the sea ice. The heat goes to warm the oceans even faster. The water becomes warm enough (175 degrees F.) to blanch peaches, tomatoes, vegetables and humans..

So there you have it in a nutshell do you want to be blanched like a peach or would you rather build Ocean Mechanical Thermal Energy Conversion to restore Arctic Sea Ice so we won't be blanched... TYVM..”


“Drought Clobbers the World”

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