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3/2023 As World burns Fossil Fuel Corps Are Meeting Behind Closed Doors to ‘Future-Proof Gas'

Updated: Jan 14

Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2018-09-26 _F2A8864aaap

“Methane and Feedbacks will ultimately claim most all life on earth. Very probably involving human extinction.

Objective, data driven analysis directly from and authored by the scientific minds immersed in the nuances of their collection and meaning have NEVER been in the headlines of main stream media. Shannon Osaka of the Washington Post is a tool of special interests who profit off climate change.

Scientifically it can't be stopped, but our politicians - who brought us to a point where stopping is now debatable - do not have the political will to do anything material or substantial about it and that includes ending it by some miracle cure.

Especially when the billions who are going to die, let me repeat that THE BILLIONS WHO ARE GOING TO DIE will be starting from the bottom of the global socio-economic scale and then moving up. Fascists hate the poor, America is embedded with the Nazi's both in Ukraine and with its defacto unelected president Charles Koch.

Also WaPo's article appears to be an attempt to attack those that don't subscribe to hopium or the scientifically unwarranted hope that a severe crash of the human population coupled with a horrific collapse of the globes biosphere is in motion. Capitalists need hopium in order to continue their profit taking as well as achieve their social engineering goals – purification of the human gene pool. To compare the obstacle of climate denial to that of doomers in our efforts to deal with the problem is cynical, naïve, and above all ill-informed. It is more likely the politicians responsible would operate more freely in the efforts to extract profit if the real and highly warranted fear of doom (eg willow, etc, etc. etc.) were tapped down by the corporate media.

The geocidal governments that caused the problem for the 99% cannot be trusted to solve the problem for the 99%. Rather they will insulate themselves first and let billions, if not Omnicide, unfold.

Our politicians and judges are well aware that if they can just maintain the status quo to the point civilization collapsing, then the people will lose the ability to hold them legally responsible for a wide array of environmental crimes. Including crimes against humanity.

Shame on the Washington Post.”

“Why Climate ‘doomers’ are replacing climate ‘deniers’

“How U.N. reports and confusing headlines created a generation of people who believe climate change can’t be stopped.”


As soon as the Republican party announces their final candidate for president you will know who the next President is going to be courtesy of SCOTUS and their made up “Independent State Legislature Theory”. Going to the polls is, as always, just going to be performative:

“The elite Dems will rig the 2024 Dem nomination anyway, so we should vote in the Repub primary, for their least- horrible candidate.

Change my mind”


American government offers an unstated program of insuring the rich don’t lose their wealth:

Marianne Williamson:

“When it comes to helping citizens with student debt, the political class is full of excuses. When it comes to bail outs for venture capitalists at SVB, there’s no hesitancy at all.

We’re simply supposed to accept that a two-tier society is normal.

A quick rescue for some, a slow tortured “Maybe we can help you just a little bit” for others.

That is a system we must change.”


“Stop asking candidates if they “believe in” climate change and start asking if the understand it.

It’s science, not Santa Claus.”

[the question you want answered is “have you been bribed by wealthy special interest into harming the environment?”]


Marth Kelly:

“Under capitalism, it’s normal to let children go hungry, let banks force people out of their homes, let sick people die for lack of access to healthcare. But the idea that billionaires could just be less rich – not poor, not struggling, just less rich, is considered insane.”


“The World Is Burning, but Fossil Fuel Companies Are Meeting Behind Closed Doors to ‘Future-Proof Gas’. This Should Be Criminal.”

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