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1/2023 "The Story of Palm Oil Is a Story About Capitalism"

Updated: Jan 14

Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021-09-19 _F2A0316aaa2p

“wild how smoothly we transitioned from , “no one wants to work,” to record layoffs”


Washington’s 2 party theater: Debt ceiling and tax lay negotiations:

Republicans’ propose it knowing that democrats will compromise to what they will sell as a “less radical” approach. The compromise offered by Democrats will likely be more than republicans secretly wanted in the first place. Also bear in mind Biden extended Trump’s Tax Scam for the Rich when they could have cancelled all or part of it:

“A House GOP proposal to repeal all federal income taxes—including levies on corporations and the rich—and replace them with a whopping 30% national sales tax is drawing increasingly vocal backlash.”

“GOP Tax Plan Denounced as 'One of the Most Regressive Proposals in a Generation'”


“Malaysia Escalates Standoff With EU Over Palm Oil


“The Story of Palm Oil Is a Story About Capitalism”

“Palm oil is in everything: what we eat, wear, read, drive. And like so much else that we consume and can’t disentangle ourselves from, palm oil is enmeshed in global supply chains that rely on brutal working conditions and the destruction of the planet.”


America needs environmental leadership:

“EU palm oil ban will not impact M’sia as the block imports relatively low amount of the commodity”


Boycott Girl Scout Cookies:

Palm oil is in almost everything, and it’s devastating rainforests. This Bill Gates backed company used microbes to create an alternative”


Warriors of God sounds leads to Brown shirts wrapped in the Bible:

“The Rise of Spirit Warriors on the Christian Right

How an extreme transformation in American religion poses an existential threat to our democracy”


Criminal Ecocide – prosecute, issue arrest warrants, even if they are without legal effect or have little chance of making a difference. It’s either that or lay down and die

“Study suggests UK underestimates its methane emissions from oil and gas production; other countries probably do as well”

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