Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme)
Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2022-10-01 _F2A0339aaa2p
“An ‘unprecedented pandemic of avian flu’ is wreaking havoc on the U.S. poultry industry. Humans may be at risk too, experts warn”
““The world is facing an unprecedented pandemic of avian flu among caged and wild bird populations.” This pandemic has been going on for more than a year now.”
“China is tracking ‘Orthrus’ – an emerging, more transmissible Covid variant
China’s CDC says variant, also known as CH. 1.1, unlikely to cause new outbreaks soon
US study found CH. 1.1 ‘highly resistant’ to mRNA vaccines”
“William Astore, War Racketeers Won’t Reform Themselves”
“You don't have to be angry to be a climate activist
Anger and disruption may get the most media attention, but solutions and beauty-focused climate activism is just as important, argues artist and climate scientist Mika Tosca.”
“Tucker Carlson is spreading a fossil fuel industry-funded lie about offshore wind”
Carlson and Stephanopoulos both should be charged with propagandizing American’s but nothing will happen to them because what they are doing serves the rich:
But politicians like manchin won’t earn kickbacks:
“Replacing US Coal Plants With Solar and Wind Is Cheaper Than Running Them
It now ‘unequivocally’ costs less to build new renewable energy projects than to operate existing coal plants, according to a new analysis.”
It’s an infrastructure thing, as in ‘where the hell is buttigieg?’:
Money in politics is dragging down America:
“How China built the world’s biggest EV charging network - and left the US far behind
China built 650,000 public EV chargers last year — 10 times the number in the US.”