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4/2023 World Renowned Climate Scientist: power concentrated in elites is a major obstacle to change

Updated: Jan 14

Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021-09-28 _F2A1976aaa

“Gravitas: Why are shelves empty in the UK?”

“Food Shortages are Guaranteed”


I believe she meets the clinical definition of “idiot” and that really should disqualify her from serving:


Republicans used conspiracy theories and unsound science in a hearing proposing to end protections for wolves and grizzlies.”


More oil and more oil and more oil:

A Proposed Utah Railway Could Quadruple Oil Production in the Uinta Basin, if Colorado Communities Don’t Derail the Project

Opponents say the rail line goes against the Biden administration’s efforts to fight climate change and could cause an East Palestine-type disaster on the Colorado”


“Humanity must chart new course on water use: UN chief”


“In Blow to Koch and Exxon, Federal Judges Say Minnesota Climate Suit Belongs in State Court

"This ruling is a major victory for Minnesota's efforts to hold oil giants accountable for their climate lies, and a major defeat for fossil fuel companies' attempt to escape justice," said one advocate.”


“Minnesota Nuclear Plant Shuts Down After New Leak Near Mississippi River

Federal regulators said they are monitoring groundwater for a radioactive compound following the leak.”


“The IPCC says we need to phase down fossil fuels, fast. Here’s how the US could do it.

A new report lists 10 policies to constrain polluting infrastructure and achieve key climate goals.”


The elite are well aware that if they can just maintain the statue quo to the point of civilization collapsing then the people will lose the ability to hold them accountable for even the worst environmental crimes against humanity


“First major IPCC report: 1990 Rio Earth Summit establishing the UNFCCC:

1992 The Kyoto Protocol:

1997 Paris:

2015 Glasgow:

2021 So why haven’t we bent the emissions curve in 30 years?

We conclude power concentrated in ‘elites’ is a major obstacle to change.”

Kevin Anderson, World Renowned Climate Scientist

“Scientists telling us we’re heading towards calamity. It’s never on front pages. a lot of politicians declined a scientific briefing on it. Media telling people it can be solved by changing your washing powder. How people who are listening haven’t lost their minds is beyond me.”

“Shura Hana

One of Matthew Gahan's most highly recommended reading resources was the book "Late Victorian Holocausts." This is essential reading to understand how we got here. Read it here for free >>”

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