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11/2022 The pursuit of profit knows no patriotism

Updated: Jan 14

Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2015-10-25 643aaaa.jpg

Election fraud = disenfranchised fascist(s). There is no way Biden and the Democrats are going to walk away from Lula’s election when there is still Amazon jungle to destroy$$$$$:

“Election fraud narratives surge on Brazilian Twitter following Bolsonaro defeat

#BrazilWasStolen hashtag spreads across Twitter and other platforms”


Weaponized federal reserve, now weaponizing food (not very original):

“Israel consistently targets Palestinian farmers and their crops.”

“One of the ways Israel steals Palestinian land is by declaring it a “nature reserve” which then prohibits Palestinians, particularly famers, from living on and working their own land.”

“Israel destroys thousands of Palestinian olive trees, a symbol of Palestinian pride, every single year during the olive harvest.”



“Imagine worshipping a god who despite creating 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe, is really mad about your dildos.”


They are trying to force the privatization of state and municipal governments:

“NEW: Blue and Red state economies BOTH threatened yearly trend of record-breaking losses ($765B since 2017) and extreme weather events.

Our new report raises the alarm on the escalating toll of billion-dollar disasters over the last 40 years. #CostofClimate

Billion Dollar Losses, Trillion Dollar Threats: The Cost of Climate Change

As the economic costs of climate change escalate, so do the economic opportunities associated with climate action.”


And the Johnson Amendment banned church and state but got eliminated:

“The Fairness Doctrine (1947-1987) required broadcasters to present both sides of political or controversial issues in an equal and hones way.

Tell Congress we can limit the damage of fake news by reinstating the Fairness Doctrine.

The future of our democratic republic depends on it.”

[And Congress knows this, but continues to choose not to act]


The rich have all the cash because they benefited most from cheap energy. SEIZE THE WEALTH OF BILLIONAIRES TO FUND CLIMATE REPARATIONS:

“The climate summit just concluding in Egypt ran hard into one of the world’s greatest structural problems: most of the money is in the Global North, but most of the need is in the Global South. The COP27 climate conference was in large part a global search for cash.”

“How to Pay for Climate Justice When Polluters Have All the Money”


“How Should We Think About the End of the World as We Know it?

“Yes, it’s a catastrophe,” Elizabeth Weil writes of climate change. “And no, you would not be better off if you continued to tell yourself otherwise.””


“COP27 delivers climate fund breakthrough at cost of progress on emissions”


“Five crucial issues in fight to save planet – and what Cop27 did about them

This month’s environmental summit opened as our planet wilts under the impact of climate crisis. Here we examine five key areas and assess what success – if any – was achieved in Egypt”


“Coca-Cola revealed as world’s worst plastic polluter for fifth year in a row”


“Rethinking the World for Survival

Our indigenous knowledge suggests where we went wrong”


“Fight until a poor man’s child lives as well as a rich man’s dog”

[recognize that the child in the picture and children like him – including a bit better off – will most likely never get the education required to change the system to improve it from how they experienced it]


Surviving the planet’s biosphere collapse will require dramatic change to the financial industry – they ones who own our 2 parties and 3 branches:

“There's No Bottom Until Frenzied Speculation Turns to Dust”


The pursuit of profit knows no patriotism:

“Wall Street’s Chorus of Buy China Calls Is Getting Louder

Morgan Stanley, Bank of America shift away from bearish views

Offshore Chinese stocks lead rally driven by policy shifts”

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