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4/2022 Scientists call for moratorium on Fossil Fuel as world leaders are ramping it up


Updated: Jan 10, 2024

Caitlin Johnstone:

“If It Feels Like You're Being Manipulated, It's Because You Are”


Chris Hedges: “The Progressive Misleadership Class (w/ Chris Hedges)”

Once-married Underwing (Catocala unijuga)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 8/23 _F2A7304aaa

“Climate Scientists calling for moratorium on Fossil Fuel Infrastructure as world leaders are ramping it up!”

“NASA Climate Scientist Has Had Enough”


News that really isn’t news if you’ve been paying attention:

“People worry that “moderate” Democrats like Joe Biden are the same as Republicans. Our study suggests they may be right.

Men who refer to themselves as ‘moderate’ or centrist’ score basically the same on values and opinions as people who identify themselves as ‘conservative’

Truth bomb


“Climate change intensified deadly storms in Africa in early 2022

Heavy rains led to hundreds of deaths and widespread damage”


“US, EU sacrificing Ukraine to 'weaken Russia': fmr. NATO adviser”

[backfired when the dollar lost role as global petrolcurrency]


“A question asked on Quora:

“Who is more incompetent: Donald Trump or Joe Biden?”

My response:

Joe Biden, while running for the Democratic Party’s nomination for the presidency, promised his oligarchic masters that “nothing would fundamentally change under a Biden Administration.” And so it hasn’t, and so it won’t.

Biden PROMISED that he “wouldn’t get the job done” — even though he, as well as the rest of the political blowhards of Washington, DC, OF BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES — know exactly what policies need to be enacted to start turning this country around, get it headed in the right direction, and to begin restoring The American Dream and the American middle class.

Trump, for his part, is totally incompetent and only out to further enrich himself while spouting all the sweet lies and nonsense his badly deluded followers need to hear — like the good snake oil salesman, circus sideshow barker, and general con artist he is.

The ONLY advantage to electing Joe Biden to be President is that Biden is not Donald Trump — the absolute lowest political bar to jump in American history!”


War means Profit$$$:

“People who stand to profit from influencing public opinion are the "experts" the corporate media puts on the air. Especially NPR. Then they call themselves a trusted news source-which is like calling Fox News fair & balanced...

Dissidents as different as Medea Benjamin, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Scott Ritter, Aaron Maté, or Chris Hedges aren't invited.

Propagandists at CNN invited former U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Secretary & Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Leon Panetta for a fourth time to talk Vladimir Putin's evil invasion of Ukraine.

At no time did Panetta nor CNN mention that he’s a senior counselor at Beacon Global Strategies, a defense industry consulting firm that has reportedly represented weapons manufacturer Raytheon Technologies. The firm doesn’t disclose its clients, but Raytheon and the defense industry generally stand to benefit from the conflict in Ukraine. This type of revolving-door corruption should be prohibited for military officials to serve in a private capacity representing military contractors. And then the corporate media hides the corruption!

The episode is part of a broader pattern and practice: Since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, cable news networks have routinely called on defense officials-turned-consultants to offer analysis and help the American public make sense of the crisis. Often, these analysts have used their TV time to call for greater U.S. involvement and bolder moves that could ratchet up tensions between two nuclear-armed superpowers.

The networks have consistently failed to disclose their analysts’ day jobs, describing them instead by only their former high-ranking military or government roles — leaving viewers in the dark about the analysts’ financial ties to defense contractors that stand to profit from increased or prolonged conflict.

Since the start of the Ukraine crisis, U.S. defense stocks in leading companies like Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, and Lockheed Martin have surged, and they are expected to continue rising in the coming months. And in the wake of Russia’s invasion, President Biden signed into law a spending package that directs a record-breaking $782 billion towards defense — almost $30 billion above his initial request.

The coverage of the war in Ukraine by the corporate media has been terrible. Since Donald J. Trump & Joe Biden shutdown Wikileaks-we are not getting an accurate picture.

Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting

“The Defense Industry’s Ukraine Pundits

To explain the crisis, corporate news networks are leaning on hawkish ex-military officials — without disclosing their current defense industry ties.”


“Chris potter

pound for pound, probably the most important talk of recent history. 5 episodes”

“The War on Sensemaking, Daniel Schmachtenberger”


“The Sun and Reuters glorify Ukraine nazis”

“UK Newspaper Hides Ukraine Truth in Plain Sight”


“Why Zelensky’s dream of Ukraine becoming 'big Israel' makes Moscow nervous”

“My latest: In calling for Ukraine to become a 'big Israel', did Zelensky mean a deeply segregated society where the Ukrainian army and militias drive out those seen as not truly Ukrainian? Because that closely echoes Putin's professed reason for invading.”

“Romeu Peitinho

Another excellent article by Jonathan Cook.

"The Israeli vote at the UN followed hot on the heels of Zelensky making a statement promoting Israel as a model for post-war Ukraine. He said his country would [become a "big Israel](

-says...)", with the armed forces having a strong presence in every aspect of Ukrainian society.

He observed that in “all institutions, supermarkets, cinemas, there will be people with weapons”. For the foreseeable future, Ukraine would develop as a highly militarised society like Israel rather than being “absolutely liberal, European”. Almost as an afterthought, he added that Ukraine would [avoid becoming “authoritarian”](

The cosying up to Israel began some time ago under Zelensky. In 2020, he delighted Israel by [pulling Ukraine out of a UN committee]( established in 1975 “to enable Palestinian people to exercise … the right to self-determination … the right to national independence and sovereignty, and the right to return to their homes and property from which they have been displaced”.

But the significance of modelling a future Ukraine on Israel is being largely ignored.

Israel is highly militarised because, as a settler-colonial state trying to dispossess and replace the native population, it must treat the Palestinians as an enemy that needs either to be beaten into submission or expelled.

For decades, the Israeli army and settler militias have worked hand in hand to drive Palestinians off their land (ethnic cleansing) and keep them ghettoised and away from the exclusively Jewish communities built in their place (apartheid). Is this what Zelensky intends for Ukraine: a deeply segregated society where the Ukrainian army and militias drive out those seen as not truly Ukrainian?"”

2020 8/23 _F2A7304aaa



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