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Updated: Jan 11

From America's horrific response to COVID, to Climate Denial to the unqualified, purchased, and rapist judges on the US Supreme Court, if there was EVER an anti-christ in these modern times it is hands down Charles Koch of Koch Industries (better luck next next year Jamie Dimon and Hillary Clinton):

“How Koch Industries, Fake Scientists, and Rush Limbaugh Invented Climate Denial

A new book, "The Petroleum Papers", goes inside a 1991 conference whose goal was to make people doubt climate change is real.”

Juniper or Olive hairstreak (Callophrys gryneus gryneus)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

D:\Data From 500gb OS Drive\Users\Pictures\Old Favs\Yes Print IMG_3891aaaap 7/13/2010

“Big Pharma reportedly loses billions every time a state legalizes weed”


“It Feels Like the End of an Era Because the Age of Extinction Is Beginning

Enlightenment, Age of Empire, Age of Industry… Age of Extinction”


“Wealthiest 10% Responsible for Nearly 50% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Study Finds”


“Leaded gas lowered America’s IQ, and we’re still using it”


“Argentina's inflation rate expected to hit 95% this year”


“How Capitalism Makes Us Less Safe

Our desperate attempts at profiteering and monopolization render us all more vulnerable to death and disaster”



Following a neutrality agreement that benefits CWA, union officials killed a report critical of Microsoft.”


“God Save Us From the Queen”


Heat shock: Plants and animals will die if temperatures get high enough:

“Extreme Heat Poses an Emerging Threat to Food Crops

Excessive heat directly harms bees and the plants they pollinate, but can also trigger cascading effects with potentially devastating impacts on pollination and crop yields that scientists are just beginning to study.”


France’s society is collapsing:

“France bracing for ‘catastrophic’ food shortages following drought, farmers and unions warn”


Bravo career politicians:

“The EU's Crisis Is Global: Neocolonialism, Hyper-Financialization and Hyper-Globalization Come Home to Roost”


It is inevitable – insect pollinators WILL go extinct and so will trees:

“Major Climate 'Tipping Points' Are Just on the Horizon

The planet is less than half a degree Celsius away from rapidly thawing permafrost and sea level rise.””


When will American Citizens get sick of the all the Death and Destruction of their world by their own 2 party 3 branch system?:

“Get ready for blackouts from London to LA, as the global energy crisis overwhelms grids and sends energy prices skyrocketing”


Washington had decades to prepare but chose not to. Instead they concentrated wealth and facilitated the rich’s purchase of luxury underground bunkers:

“Lake Mead is a critical source of water for 25 million people across 7 states, and it is drastically shrinking.”

“See How Far Water Levels in Lake Mead Have Fallen”


Tori Williams Douglass:

“as a kid I remember distinctly being told by adults how awful it was that kids in the soviet union couldn’t learn real history, they could only learn state sanctioned propaganda.

These exact same people are now advocating for banning books and history in the US.”


“Supermarkets have enlisted staff to protect expensive cuts of meat due to increased shoplifting sparked by the cost-of-living crisis, according to a new report.”


Having essential goods and services provided by for-profit private enterprises raises the basic cost of living at the very least by the cost of the profit margin that a non fascist govt would never charge.

What’s more, the profit motive from one of these goods and services almost always results in a decrease in the value and/or quality of the good and service being provided as cost cutting accrues as excess profits to private owners. Claims of efficiency gains offsetting invariably prove to be bullshit and don’t offset price increases:

“Absolutely nothing should be sold for a profit if its absence could kill you.

Any modern system where people still die from lack of these resources should be dismantled.”

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