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5/2022 The American Govt has failed to prepare for the many consequences of our dying planet


Updated: Jan 11, 2024

Government had to see this coming at least 40 years ago when the federal reserve did studies on the matter. AND THEY DID NOTHING

What washington did was privatize all our water to Wall St and then started chanting ‘get ready for water WARS’

They don’t govern. Why pay them?:

“The intake pipes in Lake Mead, which supply water to Las Vegas, are now above the surface of the lake.”

Juniper or Olive hairstreak (Callophrys gryneus gryneus)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017 5/9 065aaa


PayPal has also started confiscating users money for “damages”(?):

“Over the past week, PayPal canceled without explanation the accounts of two prominent independent news outlets. It escaped notice by the mainstream press, which spent the weekend congratulating itself over the freedom to criticize the powerful.” - via Jacobin magazine

“PayPal Has Begun Quietly Shuttering Left-Wing Media Accounts”


“Katey Walter Anthony: Permafrost thaw and methane release from Arctic lakes”


“The Origins of Ukraine’s Fascists & Why It Matters, w/ Historian Tarik Cyril Amar - 104 minutes

Interview by Rania Khalek of BT

0:00 Intro

2:48 Origins of right-wing Ukrainian nationalism

5:03 Ukraine during Soviet times

8:32 Ukrainian collaboration with Nazis in WW2

14:27 Ukraine after the Soviet collapse

16:43 Post-Soviet right-wing nationalisms & historical revisionism

21:23 Understanding Ukraine’s far right factions

27:50 Is the US arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

33:44 Azov Battalion infiltration of military

38:21 Media whitewashing Nazis

49:48 2014’s contribution to rising far right

58:30 Far right threats against Zelensky

1:06:26 Boon to the global far right

1:11:07 Broken NATO promises to Russia

1:19:55 What alternatives did Putin have?

1:25:46 Threat of a more militarized Germany & Europe

1:39:51 Where to follow Tarik”


“(The NIFC outlook lays out the threat nationwide from now through August.

"In general, compared to the normal, we’re definitely worse off than normal past years," Jim Wallmann, a meteorologist for the national interagency center, told in a phone interview Tuesday.

But, he pointed out, several recent years haven't been normal.

Nationwide, the number of acres in wildfires burned from Jan. 1 through Friday was 70% above the 10-year average, according to the NIFC. Fires this year have scorched more than 1.12 million acres, or nearly 1,800 square miles. Those numbers only include major wildfires tracked on a national level.

The years 2018, 2017 and 2016 were all also above normal at this point in the year.

One difference this year from last is the potential for significant wildfires in the Plains and northern Rockies, Wallmann said.

Overall, he said, the outlook for widespread significant wildfire potential comes with a caveat. While dry conditions and the presence of fire fuels are key, other conditions - including lightning and winds - also come into play in a highly active season.

While most fires are sparked by human activities, lightning in particular has historically set off several large fires in California. Nine of the state's top 20 largest wildfires were caused by lightning, most of them in the past two record-breaking wildfire seasons.

Winds in Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado fanned the flames of several fires in the past two weeks, prompting evacuations and destroying hundreds of homes.)”


Jeffrey Epsteing,…WOW:


“Summer Forecast 2022: Sizzling Summer Ahead”

“It's a lot worse than you think. Crops can't produce food during heatwaves. At temperatures 37C or above, plants stop producing seeds and you may just want to check out how much of your food has seeds in them.

Right now it is estimated that a billion people or more are not getting enough food.

Unless the heatwaves kill enough people worldwide, this will get a whole lot worse this year.

Like it or not but the world population has already peaked and is about to fall very quickly.

Next year we are going into an El Nino year and those years always set heat records.”


How much of $33 b goes to them? And what was Zelensky’s commission?:

“US Banks And Asset Managers Fueled Russian Oil For Years. Now They’re Silent On Ukraine”

“The war in Ukraine is drawing scrutiny to Big Oil’s activities.

But the biggest private investors in Russian fossil fuel expansion are US megabanks, asset managers, and investment advisors:”


Bye Europe:


+1.5C by 2030


2050? “no possible scenario” earth will even be recognizable.

You can thank a Democrat\Republican.

[I knew American politicians and oil executives influenced the IPCC, but I didn’t know they actually edited and revised the final report before releasing it to the international press]

[Which brings up an interesting point,….if Trump practically started an uprising by taking a red marker to a map of the area to be effected – against the law – then what do you call Democrats and Republicans conduct on Climate Change?!?!?]


“April 28, 2022

“How vested interests rewrote the IPCC’s latest report

Corporations and politicians edited the Policy Summary to omit the scientists’ most powerful conclusions”


Politics: Proposing a policy, authoring legislation, verbal declarations of a popular stance, etc doesn’t mean squat, what actually gets passed into law is what they should be evaluated on


PBS in Wisconsin is airing a tv special, paid for by the David Koch Fund for Science, on ways to cool the Planet


Conservatives HATE children with a passion that burns:

“The tiny amount of time most primary school students are given to eat their lunch”

2018 065aaa


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