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02/2022 One Million America's Dead: “How The Koch Network Hijacked The War On COVID”

Updated: Jan 11

Charles Koch needs to be arrested immediately along with those politicians who refuse to do it:

“How The Koch Network Hijacked The War On COVID”


Find interview with the authors in Archives at:

The U.S. pandemic response with Nina Burleigh, Alex Kotch, and Walker Bragman

“A Public Affair, Jan 28, 2022 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Talk, With Esty Dinur”


Trump let 1) Evangelicals hijack America’s initial response to COVID and they completely ignored the pandemic and used it to act against abortion and gay rights, as well as 2) Koch who wanted to show the world that private for profit enterprise could serve as government (eg. Jared’s “Operation Airbridge”) simply for ideological and profit motive.

Biden’s failing the Pandemic spectacularly. Biden is influence the message from Science and the CDC (lying). He is also failing by allowing republicans to groom voters with science fiction for their own political benefit.

In March 2020 koch networks started to promulgate anti-lockdown propaganda. In April 2020 they started funding anti-lockdown protests in several states. It was disinformation and rallies for business profits. Example Uline packing. Libertarian think tanks kept the messaging up while refrigerated trucks filled up with dead body’s in large American cities. ALEC, headquartered in Wisconsin (Robin Vos), put out press releases against lockdowns. Then they funded Academic Institutions that they had financial influence over. DeVos and Mercer were involved. “Astro turf” roadmap. Convention of States Actions was involved (primary function to rewrite the US Constitution). Vos family financed for example “Michigan Freedom Fund”. Michigan’s alt-right Hillsdale College was instrumental.

Let the virus rip came out of Koch’s “American Institute for Economic Research”. Provided academic cover for pro business agenda. “Great Barrington Declaration” authored in part by Scott Atlas would go on to kill 10’s of thousands of Americans. “Hoover Institution” was involved.

Mercatus Center, at George Mason University, giving out grants for those who would bolster argument for everything remaining open, especially, keeping schools open. Their Emily Oster is a killer of children that Democrats and Republicans will NOT hold responsible for her actions.

Civil suits should be filed against the Koch Network, but sadly, Charles Koch owns the US Supreme Court. So, I guess they can kill us and the environment as much as they want.

America continues to experience 3,000 deaths per day. The Koch Network must NOT be allowed to rewrite the U.S. Constitution. They will invariably kill more of us with a rewrite that includes what they call “A Balanced Budget Amendment”.

Ref. Center for Media and Democracy.

“Spreading the Free-Market Gospel”

Also see the book “Dark Money” by Jane Mayer

Juniper or Olive hairstreak (Callophrys gryneus gryneus)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016-07-17 798aaa

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