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02/2022 “This is What a Civilization Ending Feels Like”

Updated: Jan 12

“This is What a Civilization Ending Feels Like”


“Views from space reveal huge methane leaks in the US and Asia. They could be easy spots to cut emissions and save money.”


“Heat Wave kills 400,000 chickens in Uruguay”


Oregon USA:

“Growing Ground “Bulge” Detected Near Three Sisters Volcanoes”

“One thing that can cause uplift is magma moving around underground, or in particular, magma rising from greater depth in the earth up to a shallower depth, which forces the surface to move upward in a very broad area.”

Northern Pearly-eye (Lethe anthedon) or (Enodia anthedon)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2015-07-01 042aaaaap

“Marine heatwaves in Indian Ocean region may be affecting monsoon, shows study”


“Increase in lightning around the North Pole has scientists worried”


“Between 2015 and 2019 alone, British hunters brought home approximately 5,000 hunting trophies, and roughly a fifth of those were from endangered species.”

“How Many More Animals Will Die Before the UK Bans Trophy Hunting Imports From Endangered Animals?”



Rampant cronyism and corruption

Fraudulent elections

Powerful and continuing nationalism

Disdain for human rights

Identification of enemies as a unifying cause

Rampant sexism

Obsession with national security

Corporate power protected

Labor power suppressed


Peter Carter:

“The ARCTIC CARBON BOMB is real, Nature Journal 2021, NOAA Arctic Report Card 2019. Permafrost has been found to be emitting methane, CO2 and nitrous oxide for the past 10 years, now in large amounts, at 1C global warming.”

“How microbes in permafrost could trigger a massive carbon bomb - by Monique Brouillette (March 2021)

Genomics studies are helping to reveal how bacteria and archaea influence one of Earth’s largest carbon stores as it begins to thaw.”


“Burning facility could cause "one of the worst explosions in U.S. history"”


“How to Tell Real Climate Solutions From False Ones

Sometimes the greenwashing oozes from these solutions, but often it’s hidden through sophisticated tricks.”


“Gas prices are up

Poor oil companies: “there’s nothing we can do”

Chevron just posted a $15.6 billion profit, its biggest since 2014. The extra money is going to investors via a larger dividend.

We have a corporate greed problem, not an inflation problem”


“UW researchers discover methane gas bubbles coming up from the Puget Sound seafloor”


Something is going on with the earth’s geomagnetic condition:

John traczyk:

“Active geomagnetic conditions KP 4 reached”


Catastrophe Capitalism:

“Natural gas futures hit record one day largest percentage price gain. Up more than 46%.”


Dan Price:

“Sort of weird how everyone talks about inflation being caused by $1 burger increases while ignoring the Fed printed trillions of dollars to bail out the stock market.

As a result, since then we’ve added $33 trillion in wealth into circulation but 74% went to the richest 10%”

Reader comments:

1“Not everyone's an idiot. In fact it's only the Biden administration and its moronic followers who think inflation is caused by greedy burger joints raising prices without any reason (it's not the CAUSE, it's the CONSEQUENCE...) Anyone slightly smarter knows better... Look up Weimar Republic.”

2”or how Black Rock (theFed) is giving out our money at 0% to buy cash our homes and realestate at 20 -50% OVER MARKET...”

Question: if 74% of the additional $33 trillion went to the richest 10%, what would general inflation have been if the distribution had been reversed in favor of the poorest 90%? As Dan states the situation the overwhelming majority of the inflationary potential of printing that much money went to creating a bubble in the stock market.


A good read: Back into the nightmare for us all...

“A white man and an elderly Native man became pretty good friends, so the white guy decided to ask him: “What do you think about Indian mascots?” The Native elder responded, “Here’s what you’ve got to understand. When you look at black people, you see ghosts of all the slavery and the rapes and the hangings and the chains. When you look at Jews, you see ghosts of all those bodies piled up in death camps. And those ghosts keep you trying to do the right thing. “But when you look at us you don’t see the ghosts of the little babies with their heads smashed in by rifle butts at the Big Hole, or the old folks dying by the side of the trail on the way to Oklahoma while their families cried and tried to make them comfortable, or the dead mothers at Wounded Knee or the little kids at Sand Creek who were shot for target practice. You don’t see any ghosts at all. “Instead you see casinos and drunks and junk cars and shacks. “Well, we see those ghosts. And they make our hearts sad and they hurt our little children. And when we try to say something, you tell us, ‘Get over it. This is America. Look at the American dream.’ But as long as you’re calling us Redskins and doing tomahawk chops, we can’t look at the American dream, because those things remind us that we are not real human beings to you. And when people aren’t humans, you can turn them into slaves or kill six million of them or shoot them down with Hotchkiss guns and throw them into mass graves at Wounded Knee. “No, we’re not looking at the American dream. And why should we? We still haven’t woken up from the American nightmare. ~source unknown”


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