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5/2023 Massive Keystone pipeline spill caused by crack created during installation

Updated: Jan 2

Northern Pearly-eye (Lethe anthedon)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2022-06-28 _F2A9605aaa

Buttigieg strikes again!

“Bold Nebraska

April 24 at 8:44 AM


“Canada's TC Energy on Friday said a 14,000-barrel oil spill from its Keystone pipeline in rural Kansas in December was primarily due to a progressive fatigue crack, which originated during the construction of the pipeline,” Reuters reports. “The Calgary-based company released the findings after receiving an independent third-party root cause failure analysis (RCFA), as required by regulators… “TC said it has recovered 98% of the spilled product from the pipeline and cleaned up 90% of the Mill Creek shoreline… “The company said it is now investigating other sites along Keystone with similar characteristics, performing extra inspections on 300 miles (482 km) of the pipeline, and reviewing design guidelines, construction and operations. TC said the RCFA report found the fatigue crack came from a girth weld connecting a manufactured elbow fitting to the section of pipe constructed across Mill Creek. The girth weld was completed at a fabrication factory and met applicable standards. During construction, the pipe segment came under "bending stresses" that initiated a crack in the girth weld and also led to a deformation in the elbow fitting and a wrinkle in the adjacent piping, TC said. The design of the weld transition made the pipe in that location more susceptible to bending. "This resulted in the initiation of a circumferential crack in the weld, which led to failure through operations after over a decade," TC said. The company said the RCFA findings are consistent with its own investigation released in February. TC also noted the segment of pipeline where the leak occurred had always operated within its temperature and pressure design limits, and never exceeded 72% of its Specific Minimum Yield Strength (SMYS).”

“A third-party review of a pipeline spill that released 500,000 gallons of crude oil onto Kansas farmland and a nearby stream was caused by a crack in the metal pipe that eventually ruptured under pressure. TC Energy said that during construction of this segment of the Keystone pipeline, which as completed in 2011, “inadvertent bending stresses sufficient to initiate a crack” occurred on the elbow fitting. Over time, and under the high pressure needed to push the oil down the pipeline, the crack worsened, eventually resulting in the leak… “The company said it is now investigating other sites along Keystone with similar characteristics, performing extra inspections on 300 miles (482 km) of the pipeline, and reviewing design guidelines, construction and operations.

“Since 2009, the Keystone pipeline has experienced three failures on similar girth welds, according to PHMSA. In March, the agency ordered TC Energy to reduce the operating pressure to 923 ppsg on the segment of the Keystone pipeline from Steele City, Neb., to Cushing, Okla., due to a “repetitious pattern of failures related to the original design, manufacture, and construction.”

“A lobbyist with the Sierra Club of Kansas, however, told the Examiner the latest report just reaffirms that there were flaws in original design, material and installation of the Keystone pipeline that make more oil spills inevitable. “This shouldn’t give us any relief or assurance,” Zack Pistora of the Sierra Club told the Examiner. “This only reaffirms that it’s only a matter of time before another weld fails or a design flaw causes another disaster.””

Massive pipeline spill caused by crack created during installation, third-party review concludes

Sierra Club official says flaws in Keystone pipeline mean it’s only a matter of time before another oil spill”


“2026. Party like there is no tomorrow, because it’s very likely there won’t be (but the rich got richer! so at least we have that)


The first image illustrates the threat that the temperature rise may exceed 3°C. The blue trend, based on January 1880 to March 2023 data, shows how 3°C could be crossed in 2036. The magenta trend, based on January 2010 to March 2023 data, better reflects relatively short-term variables such as El Niño and illustrates how 3°C could be crossed as early as in 2025.

The image uses monthly NASA Land+Ocean temperature anomalies versus 1886-1915 that are further adjusted by 0.99°C to reflect ocean air temperatures, higher polar anomalies and a pre-industral base, as also illustrated by the second image.

What could cause the temperature rise to cross 3°C in 2025? Such a rise could be triggered by relatively short-term variables such as the upcoming El Niño, high sunspots and extra water vapor in the atmosphere due to the eruption of a submarine volcano. Together, they could raise temperatures by more than half a degree Celsius, triggering the compound impact of further events including feedbacks kicking in with greater ferocity and tipping points getting crossed, such as the latent heat tipping point and the seafloor methane tipping point.

Indeed, rising temperatures threaten to cause massive loss of sea ice followed by eruptions of methane from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean.

April 22, 2023, marked the point where the world sea surface temperature (SST between 60°South and 60°North) had been at 21°C or higher for as many as 35 days. Such temperatures are unprecedented in the NOAA record that goes back to 1981.

Earlier (on April 4, 2023), the sea surface temperature in 2023 (black line) was as much as 0.3°C higher than in 2022 (orange line) and this has occurred while we're only just entering the upcoming El Niño.

The situation is especially critical in the North Atlantic. Vast amounts of ocean heat in the North Atlantic are moving toward the Arctic, threatening to cause rapid melting of Arctic sea ice and thawing of permafrost. Last year, North Atlantic sea surface temperatures reached a record high of 24.9°C in early September. On April 20, 2023, the North Atlantic sea surface temperature was as much as 0.5°C higher in 2023 (black) than in 2022 (orange).

As we're moving into the upcoming El Niño, the Arctic Ocean can be expected to receive more and more heat over the next few years, i.e. more heat from direct sunlight, more heat from rivers, more heat from heatwaves and more ocean heat from the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

Temperatures have been rising especially fast on land in the Northern Hemisphere, where most people are living. As temperatures keep rising, more extreme weather events can be expected that can make life hard, if not impossible, even at higher latitudes. Humans are likely to go extinct with a rise of 3°C and most life on Earth will disappear with a 5°C rise.

From the post 'Humans may be extinct in 2026', at:”


Sadly, we haven’t seen anything yet. For instance, watch what El Niño is going to bring

“One in three people on earth are suffering under a “monster Asian heatwave” with temperature records broken across a dozen countries. The searing heat has spread across large parts of south and southeast Asia in recent weeks, and impacted more than a dozen countries. The temperature hit a scorching 44.6 degrees Celsius in Thailand this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded in the country.”

“One in three people on the planet hit by ‘monster Asian heatwave’

Temperature records broken as extreme conditions grip 12 countries”


One of many of Biden’s Carbon Bombs:

“‼️ The Bureau of Land Management's recommendation to approve the Willow project, a massive oil drilling operation in Alaska, would lock in decades of climate pollution. Tell President Joe Biden and Secretary Deb Haaland it's not too late: Stop the Willow project!”

“The Biden administration has recommended approval of a drilling project in the Western Arctic that will badly undercut the president's own climate goals by adding hundreds of millions of tons of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere over the next three decades. ConocoPhillips's Willow project would also cause untold damage to the air, water and food sources of local communities.”


Yes, America (Biden) bombed Nordstream:

“The entire Seymour Hersh archive.”


Democrats & Republicans attack of ‘socialism’ is a direct attack on young voters


The same financial\bankster industry that demanded austerity in France is also doing it in America:

“This is unacceptable: A group of Senators just proposed increasing the Social Security Retirement age to 70

The Senate must ensure Social Security remains available to Americans. Stand with me today and help send a clear message to the Senate: Absolutely NO increases to the retirement age.”


“1 in 3 people on Planet Earth are living through a record-breaking heatwave right now. Thailand has just recorded the hottest temperatures ever. The summer’s barely begun. Meanwhile, the UN’s climate agency just released its State of Global Climate Report for last year, confirming the climate horror that was 2022. The climate isn’t changing. It’s heating. Rapidly.”

“We Should Stop Calling It “Climate Change” — And Start Calling It Extinction

The Words “Climate Change” May End Up Being The Biggest Lie Ever Told” [and very likely one of the last]


“Intensifying Cycle of Extreme Heat And Drought Grips Europe”

Last summer’s heat waves killed 15,000 people, and the odds for even hotter years keep rising. In 2022, Southern Europe saw a record number of summer days with dangerous heat stress, as well as record-breaking marine heatwaves in the Mediterranean.”


“Sprawling heat wave envelops large swath of Asia”


“More than just a set of free-market policies, neoliberalism has always sought to alter society's balance of power in favor of bosses. Its assault on democracy and undermining of unions is now playing straight into the hands of the far right.”

“Neoliberalism Has Always Been a Threat to Democracy”


“U.N. Warns Ocean Temperatures Hit Record High in 2022 as Sea Level Rise Accelerated”


“Civil rights groups in Oregon are currently fighting to stop a Democrat-sponsored domestic terrorism bill from passing, even as it moves through the legislature with broad bipartisan support.”

“Oregon Domestic Terrorism Law Targets the Far Right. Here’s How It’ll Backfire.

The Democrat-sponsored bill has broad bipartisan support, but civil rights groups say it’s open to misuse against climate and racial justice activists.”


They have lied, omitted observations, manipulated calculations, understated, etc etc:

Last one to die from the climate lead collapse of our biosphere please…die well?!?:

“Concerning – New Detection Method Uncovers Massive Amount of Methane”

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