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11/2022 Fed's rate hikes (making labor desperate) are Biden’s gift to the Rich for reelection

Updated: Jan 4

...and yes, the Fed and White House know full well that as unemployment rises so do the number of deaths among workers. Biden and the Fed are killing working Americans in a bid to help his campaign by getting the support of the Rich.

Mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-09-19 _F2A7617aaa2

“NIMBY revenge: Last summer, after a series of devastating wildfires, the Oregon state legislature passed a sweeping bipartisan bill to protect against future blazes. The state forestry department created a wildfire risk map within a year, assigning a risk score for every household in the state, which it then mailed to property owners. This produced a frenzy of backlash from every corner of the state, as hundreds showed up at public meetings to berate state officials for designating their homes high risk and potentially costing them money.”

“Oregon tried to inform residents about wildfire risk. The backlash was explosive.

Homeowners fear the state will devalue their properties by publicizing their fire risk.”


“Climate Minister: Until People in Developed Nations Start Dying, Nothing Will Change”


No water for hydroelectricity:

“China is Burning More Coal, a Growing Climate Challenge”


“PepsiCo, Nestlé, Coca-Cola, and Other Major Brands to Blunder Plastic Sustainability Goals

Benchmarks initially set for 2025, like ensuring all packaging is recyclable or compostable, are still far from reality.”


“Elon Musk isn’t a threat to society’s health. All billionaires are

The mega-rich buy up media outlets precisely because a lie is more likely to fly than the truth – including the lie that they are invaluable”


Know the names of those to bring to justice for Ecocide:

“The Biggest Climate Ghouls of the 2022 Midterms”


Interest rate hikes are Biden’s gift to big business - making labor desperate- in the hopes their support will get him re-elected:

“Powell Signals Smaller Rate Hikes Ahead on Path to Higher Peak”


“Scientists Just Discovered a Huge River Hidden Under Antarctica”


“What Happens if the GOP Wins the Midterms? Take a Look at Collapsing Britain

Why British Collapse Should Be a Warning to Americans to Vote Like Hell in the Midterms”


Squeezing the masses further economically and cutting their social network as the planet dies is how this happens:

“It’s not just politicians: American workers are facing a sharp spike in threats and violence

Harassment is worse for everyone from airport screeners to librarians to nurses: “That’s my Tuesday death threat.””


“No more drinking water, little food: our island is a field of bones”


“the show "takes place 20 years after modern civilization has been destroyed.

“The Last Of Us Finally Gets A Release Date From HBO


“Climate change and rising seas threaten Egypt’s breadbasket

[as rivers that empty into into the ocean die, sea water comes inland]


“Climate change is rapidly accelerating in California, state report says”


“Trump lawyers saw Clarence Thomas as key to stop Biden electoral count, emails show”


“‘Carbon timebomb’: climate crisis threatens to destroy Congo peatlands

Vast carbon store may be close to point where it could flip from absorbing CO2 to releasing it, research shows”


Public Accountability Initiative:

“The Fossil Fuel Networks Undermining Climate Action in New York State”


“Europe Temperature Rise More Than Twice Global Average: UN”


“China, India set to snub Cop27 leaders’ climate summit”

“A weak turnout is expected from major emitters in Sharm el-Sheikh, shifting the geopolitical showdown to a G20 leaders’ summit in Bali”


American Elections are a joke: how can you create a pattern of laws & supporting infrastructure (eg judiciary, etc) to so ensure a result that a free and fair election really offers no choice as the result is predetermined$?

That includes the party of majority at any level being predetermined


Chanel, Rolex, etc: I’m not going to mention any names because her husband just got beat up, but why does a representative of the People on any given day wear clothes & jewelry worth more than what millions of Americans make in a year?

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