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7/2022 white-collar pen-and-paper terrorist(s) whose scope is international

Updated: Jan 11

Charles Koch’s father fred Koch facilitated Hitler realizing his ambitions and millions died. Now Charles Koch is following in his father’s footsteps using as his weapons money power and misinformation, to name but just a few, to perpetuate a holocaust of biosphere collapse:

Charles Koch also co-opted America’s response to COVID and the only thing Washington has done is understate the number of people that died by as much as 30X:


Decades of contributions aimed at influencing the judiciary bought the fossil fuel billionaire the ruling he’s always wanted.”

Mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2021 7/5 _F2A0384aaa

“Allison Quinn:"The number of COVID infections in the U.S. may be 30 times higher than has been officially reported, according to a new study in New York.

"'It would appear official case counts are under-estimating the true burden of infection by about 30-fold, which is a huge surprise,' Denis Nash, an author of the study and a distinguished professor of epidemiology at the City University of New York School of Public Health, said.

"According to the study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed or published, about 22 percent of adults in New York were infected with the virus in a single two-week period between April 23 and May 8 this year, far more than the official count, The Guardian reports. Nash said the findings likely apply to the rest of the country since New Yorkers generally have better access to testing than residents in rural areas, where undercounting may be even worse.

"While the country has largely returned to normal, experts warn of the effects of 'long COVID,' which can occur in 10 to 30 percent of cases. 'We just don’t know what COVID could lead to in the future… We’re playing with fire,' Lara Jirmanus, a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School, told The Guardian."”

Driving the understating of the carnage you will invariably find Charles Koch:

“U.S. COVID Cases May Be 30 Times Higher Than Known”


Driving the understating of the carnage you will invariably find Charles Koch:

“Deaths, Costs of Climate-Linked Disasters May Be Grossly Undercounted

A disparity in global climate data means the effects of some heat waves and other weather disasters have been missed, scientists say.”


The ultimate in capitalists’ freedom to pursue profits - a government that can't regulate.

“Thursday’s Supreme Court decision was about a lot more than climate change”

“The case, West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, has implications not only for climate change regulation, but also for the power of federal agencies to make policy decisions.”


Death of the EPA at the hands of SCOTUS at this juncture in human history is unconscionable:

“Rudy Sovinee

Can 6 people do any more damage to the rest of the nation; to the whole planet? ... accelerating the mass extinction to most life forms on this planet??

Back when the nation was less dysfunctional, Congress recognized that protecting the environment could not be done by politicians. On July 9, 1970, Nixon proposed an executive reorganization that consolidated many environmental responsibilities of the federal government under one agency, a new Environmental Protection Agency.

On June 30,2022, the US Supreme Court took away the EPA's ability to protect the environment from power companies, the 2nd largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions are the primary cause of our planet warming, changing the climate in ways threatening the extinction of most life on Earth. That responsibility is thrown to the political whims and stalemate of Congress. What could possibly go wrong...”


“"Amid desperate screams from scientists about the impending climate catastrophe, Roberts limited the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority to regulate carbon emissions. "

Article Jun 30, 2022 • David Sirota

'Roberts Started A Revolution, Dems Enabled It'”


All because a small handful of people think that god wouldn’t have given them the money to do this if god didn’t want it done:

“US supreme court rules against EPA and hobbles government power to limit harmful emissions

Court sides with Republican states as ruling represents landmark moment in rightwing effort to dismantle ‘regulatory state”

That means ALL regulation


Driving the understating of the carnage you will invariably find Charles Koch:

“Humans can't endure temperatures and humidities as high as previously thought”


SCOTUS - Toying with the lives of American citizens: by giving State governments the right to determine in their sole and absolute discretion how of electoral votes will be allocated, SCOTUS will make citizens right to vote completely irrelevant.


“It’s Hard to Overstate the Danger of the Voting Case the Supreme Court Just Agreed to Hear”


Trump’s judges are white collar TERRORISTS whose killing of America's regulating its Rich and their Corporations makes them an international existential threat to humanity.

“The Supreme Court’s EPA ruling just carpet-bombed the Constitution”


“Supreme Court limits EPA’s power to combat climate change

The decision risks putting the U.S. further off track from President Biden’s goal of running the power grid on clean energy by 2035”


“The Supreme Court’s EPA Ruling Is Going to Be Very, Very Expensive

The agency can still regulate carbon pollution, just not in the most efficient, system-wide ways.”


Trump’s judges are white collar international TERRORISTS:

“How the Supreme Court ruling will gut the EPA's ability to fight the climate crisis”


“Supreme Court rules for coal-producing states, limits EPA’s power to fight climate change”


“The Right-Wing Supreme Court Readies to Help Destroy the Planet

The SCOTUS is about to use it's ill-gotten power on behalf of the fossil fuel industry to cripple America's ability to meet the challenge of climate change.”


Yep, like an iron curtain coming down, suddenly all of it will unravel and abruptly close up. Our politicians will be nowhere to be found, but rather safety ensconced in their luxury bunkers:

“America’s snowballing collapse”

“Americans Are Pissed”


“Collapse and The Exponential Function”


“Economists Are Calling For Human Sacrifice Now

To satisfy the inflation gods, there must be blood”

“The masters of the universe insist that to satisfy the inflation gods, we must sacrifice workers to unemployment. Obama’s Treasury Secretary Larry Summers recently said, “We need five years of unemployment above 5% to contain inflation… or one year of 10% unemployment.” Just remember that for every 1% unemployment goes up 40,000 people die.”


SCOTUS killing the “regulatory state” includes regulating how corporations use fresh water

And you can bet if it can be used to extract fossil fuel for fracking so that it can be exported, water will be used before fracking before you will be allowed to drink it:

“The pandemic will be forgotten quickly. Food shortages are taking center stage globally. And water shortages are to follow. And you can't grow food without water, Supply chain issues can be resolved, but climate change cannot. The Four Horsemen are riding, and coming to a town near you.”

“Water Shortages Will Destroy Society

Global food shortages are getting worse by the day”


“Clarence Thomas, one of the five conservative justices who voted to strike down Roe, also made it clear that he wants the court to revisit same-sex relationships, marriage equality, and queer rights. Why stop at abortion when the whole 20th. century is up for grabs?”

“Clarence Thomas Says Why Stop at Abortion When We Can Undo the Entire 20th Century

We knew LGBTQ rights were under attack. The Supreme Court just confirmed it.”


The kernel of civil war has been sown

“Trump promised Republicans a Court conservative enough to overturn Roe so long as they tolerated his corruption and criminality. It worked”

“Trump’s Big Payback”

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