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5/2022 Elon musk’s growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in government subsidies

Updated: Jan 11

Joe Parris:

“Just in case folks don’t know I do literally mean the government has given Musk billions, along with the trillions they’ve given out to the rich in general. It’s how our system works.”

“Elon musk’s growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in government subsidies”

[no doubt a percentage of the taxpayer money musk was given came back to Democrats in the form of a kick back or “campaign donations”]

Mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018 6/27 _F2A0510aaa


“Ukraine & the Doomsday Machine”


“What elon musk is doing is what plutocrats have been doing: using money to buy power and power to protect their money, taking control of media to rig the discourse and hedge against resentment, and branding themselves the solution to the very problem they are.”



Wealth of Elon musk

2012: $2,000,000,000

2022: $273,600,000,000

Wealth of Jeff Bezos

2012: $18,400,000,000

2022: $181,300,000,000

Wealth of Mark Zuckerberg

2012: $17,500,000,000

2022: $76,800,000,000

U.S. Minimum Wage

2012: $7.25

2022: $7.25



Mark Trewick:

“Find Power Point presentations on any subject via Google search bar using the words 'filetype:ppt' after the search terms.


Arctic methane filetype:ppt”


“Explain why cancelling $1,900,000,000,000 in student debt is a “handout,” but a $1,900,000,000,000 tax cut for rich people was a “stimulus.”


“Florida atheist group reportedly has turned the tables on DeSantis, petitioning school districts to ban the Bible from classrooms due to its “age-inappropriate” depictions of bestiality and rape – and the “woke behavior” of jesus.




“…with marketing and labeling terms such as ‘humanely raised’ and ‘sustainably farmed’ often unregulated and in some cases used deceptively by industrial producers consumers can be left confused or worse duped.”


“Fifteen Ugly Facts the Meat Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know”


“These ‘Humane’ Labels Are Lying to You—Here’s What They Really Mean”

““…many companies simply slap misleading labels touting compassion on the same types of cruelly sourced products that they’ve sold for decades. This is known as ‘humane-washing.’” “


““Inflation itself is the opportunity” for corporations to price gouge American consumers.”

Today’s Inflation is really an upstream wealth transfer

“Revealed: top US corporations raising prices on Americans even as profits surge

A Guardian analysis uncovers how companies enriched themselves and their investors while boasting about jacking up prices”


Biden was a far right racist nationalist trojan horse pulled out by both parties to finally kill off our democracy:

“Biden ‘not prepared’ to support ending Senate filibuster to pass abortion rights law – live”


“J.P. Morgan Chase invested BILLIONS in fossil fuels last year, yet it has a sustainability report on its website? Smells like greenwashing. Learn about its key shareholder resolutions and vote your values:”


“Stop Banning Books on Slavery, Holocaust, Gender and More”

“Fight back against right-wing politicians on a book-banning rampage to stop students from learning our country’s full history. These extremists are targeting schools with bans on books about the Holocaust, slavery, gender and sexuality, and more. Just recently, Florida’s governor banned 54 math textbooks for ludicrous reasons. Sign the petition now telling Florida’s lawmakers to stop book bans in the state’s schools and protect our students’ freedom to learn.”


“Noam Chomsky: Propaganda Wars Are Raging as Russia’s War on Ukraine Expands”


The caste system is ready made to decide who gets to eat and who dies:

“Heat wave scorches India's wheat crop, snags export plans”


Career politicians have destroyed the country for the 99%

“NO to American Oligarchs”

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