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01/2022 Washington is using Global Warming (and social murder) to engage in “social cleansing

Updated: Jan 4

Mark Trewick

“No other story matters really.”

7 January - Latest tweet from Zack Labe.

Atmospheric Methane now 1900 ppb

Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

South Central Dane County, Wisconsin, USA

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“Georgia Guidestones”:

Increasing evidence suggests that Washington is using Global Warming (and social murder in general) to engage in “social cleansing”:

This includes, in no small amount links to a man, Charles Koch, a Republican oil tycoon whose father Fred Koch was instrumental in Hitler realizing his holocaust. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

Again, when it comes to Global Warming Washington, the Pentagon, and Business leaders know precisely what is going to happen and yet they are choosing not to do what needs to be done. And their doing so his is indicative of more than just the usual profit motive.

Govt inaction on all manner of social murder is “social cleansing” in disguise.

Jean-Michel Pourny \ Arctic News on FB:

“How many here think we will see 2023?”

Answer by Mark Trewick:

Joe wrote to me a long time ago when I asked for an opinion on how long we had left.

The reply was a bit different to not exaggerating.

(The Republicans collected money from Registered Republicans in 1977 - 1978 to build the Georgia Guidestones. My father was one of those millionaires who was solicited. He refused their request as the brochure that was handed out to the potential donors in a meeting at Carlsbad, California called for turning Southern Asia, Africa and Latin America into Nature Preserves. My father was married to a beautiful Samoan Island Royal Princess, and Dad saw the Pamphlet to be Racist.

I saw the pamphlet on his study desk and asked him about it when I was home for Christmas from Naval Officer Candidate School in Rhode Island.

Well, in 1980 the Georgia Guidestones were erected, and they called for a Global Population Reduction to below half a Billion people. Right now that would require us to kill over Seven Billion People.

The initial plan was to use viruses to wipe out those Billions of people who needed to Go! By 1990 - 91 the Republicans were talking about using Global Heating to remove the undesirable people of color in proximity to the Equator to gert down to the Georgia Guidestone MANDATE of half a Billion. I was in management with AT&T (SBC) at the time. When I attended social engagements in Rich Republican houses, many people would talk about Global Heating and the fact that it would help remove our surplus population on the planet. When I asked how they were going to stop the global heating before it killed everybody, I was informed that the plan was to use nuclear weapons to blast Sulfur, Dirt and Dust into the stratosphere to block out sunlight for up to two years. That would provide enough cooling to stop Global Heating in its tracks.

The Rich Republicans have been building underground shelters by the thousands so they can survive the coming riots when the people realize that they are going to die. After most of the potential rioters (the Unrich and Unfed - about 6 Billion) will be dead when the Republicans use the Nukes.(nuclear weapons) to freeze the planet. Using all of their formulas and math from their paid scientists, they project that we will see a new spring in slightly less than two years. The refreezing of the Arctic is the major goal and that could be accomplished in a year and a half. The only problem is that the Nuclear Winter that they initiate will kill another Billion people above 32 - 33 degrees Latitude.

If everything goes perfect, there will be about 400,000,000 people on the Earth.

If the Republicans screw up, we will probably all die.

It is a toss up. We know what they are going to do, but we are not certain of the end result. Personally, I do not expect to live through this.)

Joe Neanderbarth, this was 3 years ago.”

Correspondence of original inquiry:

“Hi Joe, thanks for accepting my fr.

I’m going to cut straight and ask “Do you personally believe, excluding hope, that human existence is possible beyond the end of the middle of this century?”

“My personal belief is that it’s not. This is the conclusion ive made from hearing what other far more learn’ed people than me have said on the matter. I’ve had interest in lots of things in my later years. Climate change being the one subject that tied in with all the others, I guess, haha.”

“Anyhow, that’s where im at with all this latest research and science. Many things are still to be understood but we’ll only learn when its too late and its too late.”


It may not seem like it, but it will be mercifully sudden and swift. And yes, the rats that brought it on, our politicians, will disappear, scurry away out of sight like Hitler’s political and economic elite did at the first sign that Nazi Germany had lost its war:

Peter Carter:

“End of 2021 state of the climate system and ignored Earth emergency. The future is being ended.”

“State of Our Climate at the End of 2021:

Accelerating Deterioration of the Climate System with No Response but to Continue

= Globally disastrous 1.5C in 10 years and multiple tipping point planet catastrophe 2C before 2050”

1. The rapid rebound in post Covid-19 emissions and COP26 showed high-emitting governments have no intention of doing anything but keep pushing fossil fuels

2. Current policies put the world at about 3C by 2100, much higher, albeit slower, after 2100 (Climate Action Tracker, UNEP)

3. Fossil fuel subsidies have been increasing and will persist until at least after 2025

4. There is no planned reform or rationalization of the constant global GDP-increase world economy

5. Globally disastrous 1.5C is unavoidable, with no rapid emissions decline and an emissions increase planned, at around 2030 (IPCC 2021 AR6 WG1)

6. Without immediate rapid global cuts in emissions – only continued increase – planetary catastrophic 2C will occur around 2045 (IPCC 2021 AR6 WG1)

7. January 2020 was 1.5C warmer than 1880-1920 average (first month to be at 1.5C)

8. Climate-change-driven extreme weather events of all kinds are increasing, with compound events, which will continue (IPCC 2021 AR6 WG1)

9. Clean, new, renewable energy is increasing but only accounts for 1.2% of global energy (2021 IEA, US EIA)

10. There is no sign of any increase in low-carbon, high-energy-dense nuclear fission energy, to displace coal

11. Atmospheric CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions (CO2-equivalent) are increasing at an accelerating rate (PBL 2021)

12. Surface ozone (GHG & Global Warming feedback) in the northern hemisphere is increasing (Gaudel et al, August 2020)

13. Cumulative CO2 emissions and other climate indicators are tracking the worst-case RCP8.5 (RCP8.58 tracks CO2 emissions, R. Schwalm, 2020)

14. Atmospheric CO2 is now 417 ppm and CO2-eq 504 ppm (NOAA GHG Index 2021), putting the world at planetary catastrophic 2C long-term equilibrium warming

15. All atmospheric greenhouse gas levels are currently increasing at an accelerating rate

16. Estimated radiative heat forcing is increasing rapidly, but NASA & NOAA (June 2021) found Earth’s energy imbalance doubled over the past 14 years

17. Since 2015, global warming has been above 1.1C, a series of warmest years (including 2021)

18. Global arming average and global warming ind3ex have continued to accelerate over the past 10 years

19. Summer of 2021 was a record high surface heating for global land

20. July 2021 was the hottest month on record

21. The Arctic is now warming 3X faster than the global average (AMAP 2021)

22. The 2021 end of summer Arctic sea ice volume was a record low (NOAA, Arctic Report Card, 2021)

23. The Artic carbon sink has switched from carbon sink to source (NOAA Arctic Report Card, 2016 & 2019)

24. The AMOC (great ocean circulation conveyer) is on a slowing trend

25. Since 2007, the mass of the Antarctic and Arctic ice has been rapidly declining

26. Seal level rise is accelerating, now mainly from ice sheet melting

27. The Amazon and tropical rainforests have switched from carbon sink to source (Qin et al, 29 April 2021, Nature)

28. The amplification of Arctic warming (compared to globa0 has been increasing since 2000

29. Thawing Arctic permafrost is releasing methane, CO2, and nitrous oxide – feedback emissions

30. Ocean heating, ocean acidification, and ocean de-oxygenation, all damaging and more so in combination, are accelerating

31. Ocean extremes of heat (marine heatwaves), surface acidification, and de-oxygenation, are increasing and increasingly occurring in combination i.e., compound marine extremes (Gruber, 15 Dec 2021)


Civilization as we’ve known it is overran d the biosphere that enabled it is not coming back in a time frame meaningful to mankind.

We can either:

voluntarily make the change in a planned & organized fashion minimizing costs and disruption (maybe even improving long term prospects)


we can continue operating under the alt-right DemGOP conservative ideology that govt shouldn’t make rules (as they may ultimately hurt the wealth of the already rich) or spend money on society and incur the worst possible outcome in an adhoc, chaotic fashion, maximizing the expense, as well as human suffering involved, until the nation deteriorates to offering nothing more for the nonrich but a feral existence and the rich have whittled down govt to a wealth protection and enhancement mechanism using the military both at home and abroad

But today’s Democrats and Republicans wealth concentrating model of not recognizing the external costs associated with fossil fuel in order to create an artificially low retail price that enables the rich to collect the maximum surplus profit is bad is for a general economy in our situation.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND, anything short of complete and immediate: 1) cessation of all fossil fuels, and 2) a 100% conversion to a green economy, assumes mass death bordering on attempted omnicide of TODAY’s generation.

By conservative Democrats’ and Republicans’ own documented plan - the “Georgia Guidestones” – they intend on killing people like you, the reader, via their environmental neglect.


Trump - Violent Coup - illegal,

Biden - Pen & Paper Coup - legal,

Either way the non-rich are screwed


“2022 is Going to be The Most F**ked Up Year on Planet Earth Since -66,000,000”

Kevin hester

“The lag between emissions and their full effects manifesting ensures that there are so called "Black Swans' lurking in the shadows. Our predicament can only be worse than we know.”


“The fact that [US Supreme Court Justice] Clarence Thomas’s wife was one of the organizers of Jan 6th should be mentioned every time SCOTUS is in the news, IMHO.”


“Jan. 6 Insurrectionists Cannot Be Allowed To Run For Office”


“After the last civil war, we passed the 14th Amendment, where section 3 provides that insurrectionist officials shall be banned from future office. To prevent another civil war, we must enforce section 3, banning any official who participated in the January 6 insurrection.”


Both parties are to blame

“The Long American Meltdown Led to the January 6 Insurrection”

“The January 6 Capitol riot was the product of a decades-long attempt to destroy democracy in America — one that Democrats have never made an effort to stop by creating a government that is serious about the public interest.”


America’s own 2 party government is a violent (social murdering fascist white nationalist extremist group:


Democrats DESPERATELY need to shut up about employment gains under Biden:

“Thousands of American Workers Are Being Forced to Work With COVID”

“With new CDC guidelines and apparent indifference from the White House, scores of workers in the United States find themselves with no choice but to go back to work while still suffering from COVID.”


“Plans for Mass Shipments of High-Level Radioactive Waste Quietly Disclosed”


The Military Industrial Congressional Complex must END:

““We Must Do Our Part to Mitigate Climate Change”—The Military’s Pollution Problem”

“Research from academics shows that the Department of Defense is a major producer of greenhouse gases, with more emissions than many industrialized nations. But the lack of clear data from the Pentagon inhibits planning to reach its goal to curb emissions.”


“Imagining the End of Capitalism With Kim Stanley Robinson”


“Capitalism Is the Number One Threat To Democracy Today”

“From Plato to Marx, thinkers have insisted on the incompatibility between democracy and inequality. Filmmaker Astra Taylor explores that question and others in her documentary, What Is Democracy?”


“Greenhouse gas emissions must peak in the next four years”. We must move away from the current capitalist model to avoid surpassing planetary boundaries and climate and ecological catastrophe. The new leak acknowledges that there is little or no room for further economic growth. “Anything short of a binding cap on fossil fuel extraction, with declining annual targets that will wind down the industry to zero, is just hand-waving.”

“Leaked report of the IPCC reveals that the growth model of capitalism is unsustainable”


Democrats are guilty. Sometimes you just have to arrest politicians:

"If you were a fossil fuel lobbyist and had to construct an ideal strategy not only to kill BBB but to gum up the works for as long as possible it would look a lot like what Manchin has been doing."

“'Operating in Bad Faith': Manchin Reportedly No Longer Supports His Own BBB Counteroffer”


“China's response to Covid-19”

“There has never actually been a lockdown in the United states.

Haphazard moments in time where businesses shut down and inconvenience working people while COVID cases continue to rise doesn’t count as lockdown.”

“China enacts local “precision lockdowns”, sanitizing neighborhoods and opening mass testing centers that can process millions of PCR tests a day. Local gov’t works with mass orgs to deliver free food and basic necessities. Businesses are also required to continue paying workers.”

David Raun

A little COVID math to start the day.

A bit crude, not taking into account environmental factors, and age of respective nations .

But …

If The People’s Republic China had adopted the COVID policies of...

...Norway ? -they'd have 340,000 deaths.

...Netherlands ? -they'd have 1.7 MILLION deaths.

...Sweden ? -they'd have 2.1 MILLION deaths.

...the USA ? they'd have 3.5 MILLION deaths.

Under China’s COVID ZERO policies, they have 4 ,636 deaths…


The BMJ ( British medical journal ) published this set of articles and studies from western and Chinese virologists on the ground in china.

BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL ( BMJ ) - In two years, the COVID -19 pandemic has swept the entire globe and caused over 250 million infections and 5 million deaths, despite unprecedented efforts to stop it.

The People’s Republic of China was the first country affected by COVID and held the world’s interest as it battled to understand and contain this new pathogen that today rules billions of peoples daily existence .

The People’s Republic of China has reported only 0.05% of the total number of global COVID cases , and 1% of deaths , despite making up 19% of the worlds population.

While the United States, at 5% of the worlds population ; its policies or rather lack of coherent policies has led to 25 % of the globes COVID Cases, and 20% of the worlds COVID Deaths .

The question past partisan politics is , what can the world learn from China’s response to SARS-CoV-2 and all its variants to date .

This collection of BMJ articles sheds light on China’s pandemic experience and draws out lessons for the rest of the world.


“Cuba’s vaccine success story sails past mark set by rich world’s Covid efforts”


“Schools can’t get enough tests to protect their kids and staff but the Pentagon just got $770 billion. Let that sink in.”


By converting our public schools into private for profit charter\voucher\religious scams the American Taxpayers end up paying for the same schools twice: once when the building is originally constructed, and 2) again when the government pays the private operator an amount to purchase the school buildings they are operating out of.

“Charter schools don’t improve education outcomes. But they do funnel taxpayer money into the pockets of unscrupulous — often criminal — school operators. It’s a national disgrace that needs to end.”

“Elites Profit From “Nonprofit” Charter Schools”


Poverty is violence

Endless war is violence

Homelessness is violence

Racial profiling is violence

Mass incarceration is violence

Denying healthcare is violence

Unaffordable housing is violence

Destroying our environment is violence

Once we acknowledge that these unnecessary and avoidable causes of suffering are forms of structural violence, we understand that dominant culture in the United States for what it is – one that glorifies, legitimizes and perpetuates violence for profit.”


Sam Carana

“Air pollution from wildfires, rising heat affected 68% of U.S. West”

“Increasing co-occurrence of fine particulate matter and ground-level ozone extremes in the western United States” - by Dmitri A Kalashnikov et al.


Biden is desperate to start a wealth concentrating War:

“Unless Biden carves out the filibuster for voting rights, there will be no BBB bill passed either. He has spent more time in foreign policy adventures than on climate and domestic issues.

“Biden escalates the stakes for next week’s voting rights speech”


“The moral priorities of our self-evident truths

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. - -

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” - The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America; July 4, 1776

Not that Life comes before Liberty in the test above. Our Founders expressed our nation’s values by priority, which tells us that the conditions necessary for people to flourish have greater value than the liberties to act as we please, especially when actions either inhibit or prevent someone else’s path to fundamental personal well-being. It says that our right to be free from exploitation always exceeds the freedom for other to exploit us. This priority should be taken seriously and applied in decision-making at every level of commerce and government. And any public policy or law that empowers individuals or institutions to exploit humanity and our planet causing unnecessary and avoidable harm should be considered illegitimate criminal acts of violence, where our highest value is Life, not Liberty, on the hierarch of all social values.


Harry Alington:

“Hi, happy extinction!

If you appreciate the realities of overshoot, cascading feedback loops, and near term human extinction, you can sometimes feel alone.

I've set up meetings over zoom before, where people can share in that grief and loss, and cry, and laugh, and try to come to terms with our current state of planetary hospice. They've been reasonably successful, so I'm doing more open one.

This invite will be posted on several groups where generally NTHE people gather. The meeting is NOT intended for people who expect our first BOE to occur in the 2030-2050 timeframe, or people who think we can just set up some mirrors and plant some trees and reverse the greatest energy imbalance this planet has ever seen.

This is a meeting for realists. If you want to set up a "Medium Term Human Extinction" discussions meeting, be my guest. This is not the place.

This is a place for realists to meet and share their pain.

Meeting not endorsed or guaranteed by anyone. Free entry, no refunds. Tickets at the door. There is no door. Nothing matters. Everyone is going to die. Thanks for playing

Start times below. Often these go for many hours.

PST Saturday 8th Jan 12noon

MST Saturday 8th Jan 1pm

CST Saturday 8th Jan 2pm

EST Saturday 8th Jan 3pm

CET (Euro) Saturday 8th Jan 9pm

IST (India) Sun 9th Jan 1:30am

NZDT Sun 9th Jan 9am

UTC/GMT Sat 8 Jan 20:00

You can join zoom on just about any device. If you're not sure, ask me in the comments.

Cheers mates

Harry from Australia”

Harry Allington is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NTHE discussions: Science | Grief | Sharing

Time: Jan 9, 2022 06:30 AM Adelaide

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 998 0809 8236

Passcode: 2050


Dr. Derrick Smit:

“Who’s going to pay for it?”

Last words I’ll never forget, this was the response my patient gasped out (between labored breaths) to me and my team after we explained that he needed to be intubated and placed on a ventilator. We then called his wife to have speak to her for what was likely his opportunity, as many patients do not recover once tubed.

This situation is by far the worst thing I’ve witnessed in my collective 12 years of critical care and anesthesia. Next-level heartbreak is having to hear a dying patient use his last words to worry about healthcare finances.

This country is a FAILED STATE, and it’s so SICKENING to witness firsthand more blatantly than ever.


“A nurse revealed the tragic last words of his coronavirus patient: 'Who's going to pay for it?'”


“The strength of a person’s spirit would then be measured by how much ‘truth’ he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified.” Friedrich Nietzsche


“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


“Why Emotional Intelligence Takes a Dive Among the Affluent

When economic inequality rises, concern for others dips.”

David Dorias:

“This may explain how the top 20%ers lose empathy and compassion. being a successful alpha male bully looked on as a winner requires some level of cruelty.”


Alessandro Stefani:

Argentina is getting roasted alive:

“Argentina has been swept by brutal heat waves since early spring with dozens of records smashed, but the worst one might have yet to come...and it's coming ! It will be extreme, potentially life threatening and record breaking in places and followed by violent storms mid month.”


Sam Carana


NOAA's September 2021 global mean methane reading is 1900.5 ppb, 15.8 ppb higher than September 2020. By comparison, NOAA's annual global mean methane increase for 2020 of 15.74 ppb was the highest on record.

Keep in mind that NOAA's data are for marine surface measurements; more methane tends to accumulate at higher altitudes, and especially at high latitudes North.

From the post 'Terrifying Arctic greenhouse gas levels continue', at:”


Tom Peifer:

Getting CO2 emissions down will not re-freeze the Arctic. As to the techno wet-dream, I submit this for your consideration:”

“Assessment of the Extra Capacity Required of Alternative Energy Electrical Power Systems to Completely Replace Fossil Fuels”


“More than 400 weather stations beat heat records in 2021

Maximiliano Herrera, watcher of extreme weather, says last year likely to be in top five or six hottest in history”


Sam Carana:

“Facts About the Arctic in January 2022”


Jan 6: Biden\Democrats holding themselves out as champions of democracy while not taking action on voter suppression laws, weaponized SCOTUS, filibuster, economic equility, environmental racism, etc is 100% bullshit


“The average work, when adjusting for inflation, is making $44 a week LESS today than they made in 1970’s.”


Especially the rich (who have a bigger carbon footprint):

“Human population growth is the underlying cause of virtually all wildlife habitat destruction.”

“Sir David Attenborough: 'Population growth has to come to an end'”


"Some wild birds can be killed in order to protect game birds bred for shooting in England the government has ruled in an update to guidance on general shooting licenses."

“Wild birds can be killed to protect game birds in England – new guidance

Gamekeepers told certain species such as carrion crows and jackdaws can be shot as government updates definition of ‘livestock’”


Ty Robin A Altman

"Taxes do not fund the (consolidated) government, i.e. there is no crediting of a government checking account, no accumulation of funds by government: TAXES DESTROY GOVERNMENT CURRENCY. In addition, injection of government currency MUST occur before taxing because tax payment is done by handing over to the government its currency."

“Money and Banking – Part 6: Treasury and Central Bank Interactions”


“The West Australian” Wednesday, January 5, 2022


“As an ice-core scientist I must correct the misinformation from Graeme Hodges (Letters 3/1, on carbon levels controlling temperature(.

Here are some facts. 1) the atmospheric concentration of CO2 is both higher and in rising orders of magnitude faster than at any time in the past 800,000 years. 2) The source of this CO2 increase is fossil fuel burning (as demonstrated by isotopic markers in the ice core data). 3) increasing CO2 drives increasing temperature; ice core data supports that a doubling of CO2 will drive warming of 2.5 to 4C {mankind goes extinction around 3C}

I’d urge readers to get information about climate science from reputable sources such as the CSIRO, Australian Academy of Science, Australian Antarctic Division and the Weather Bureau.

Dr Joel Pedro, Lead Scientist, Million Year Ice Core Project Casey Station, Antarctica”


“Georgia Guidestones”: America’s Greenhouse gas emissions increase by 6% in 2021:

“U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Bounced Back Sharply in 2021

Emissions rose 6 percent last year after a record 10 percent decline in 2020, fueled by a rise in coal power and truck traffic as the U.S. economy rebounded from the pandemic.”


“Georgia Guidestones”:

“U.S. passes 60 million COVID-19 cases since pandemic began”


“I am a mother in a pandemic. This country has abandoned me.”

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