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5/2021 “Chemical pollution: A growing peril and potential catastrophic risk to humanity”

Updated: Jan 8


“Israel violates ceasefire with Palestinians, hours after it started”

“Israel attacking Palestinians just hours after the ceasefire shows this was never about defense but about domination.”

“Benjamin Netanyahu has sent troops into Al Aqsa Mosque, after starting a ceasefire with Palestine, and President Biden sends him weapons. What do you think?”


“The forced displacement of Palestinians is funded by the millions of dollars Christian Zionists send to Israel yearly.”

“Progressives Can’t Ignore Role of Christian Zionism in Colonization of Palestine”

Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 7/15 _F2A1810aaa

“Joe Biden is a corrupt, murderous empire lackey. He is also a very normal US president. The same was true of Trump. The same was true of Obama. The same was true of Bush. If you can’t see this, it’s because propaganda and partisan politics have warped your perception of reality.”


Humanities end is taking shape. Today’s career politicians in America have utterly and completely failed the People and must be brought to justice:

“A Massive Methane Reservoir Is Lurking Beneath the Sea

Scientists have found a methane reservoir below the permafrost seabed of the Laptev Sea—a reservoir that could suddenly release large amounts of the potent greenhouse gas.”

“I appreciate the excellent and continuous coverage from Environmental Coffeehouse on the Arctic subsea methane... On their episode from 4/28/21, they discuss this article linked above: "The big finding was that we really have something that’s coming out from a deep pool,” said Steinbach. As the permafrost thaws, it opens up new pathways that allow methane to pass through. According to Gustafsson, this is worrying, as the pool likely contains more methane than is currently in the atmosphere".

"Methane in the Laptev Sea is stored in reservoirs below the sea’s submarine permafrost or in the form of methane hydrates—solid ice-like structures that trap the gas inside. It is also produced by microbes in the thawing permafrost itself. Not all of these sources are created equal: Whereas microbial methane is released in a slow, gradual process, disintegrating hydrates and reservoirs can lead to sudden, eruptive releases".”



“Greenland ice sheet on brink of major tipping point, says study

Scientists say ice equivalent to 1-2 metres of sea level rise is probably already doomed to melt”


“Palestinians Stage Historic General Strike from “the River to the Sea” for the First Time Since 1936”


The consequences of chemical pollution, including pesticides, is being vastly understated:

“Scientists warn Australia of 'catastrophic risk to humanity’”


“Chemical pollution: A growing peril and potential catastrophic risk to humanity” by Ravi Naidu et al.


Out of all the wastes of flesh that the world could do without, Chimpanzees aren’t one of them:

“Endangered Chimpanzees, 70% Population Decrease since 1900

One or two generations left to prevent extinction in the wild”


The US military is grooming children for war:

“MOC #87 - Military Recruiting Children With Cartoon!”


“Most o us have been conditioned…

Since armies are legal, we feel that war is acceptable;

In general, nobody feels that war is criminal or that accepting it is criminal attitude.

In fact, we have been brainwashed.

War is monstrous. Its very nature is one of tragedy and suffering.”

The Dalai Lama


A collection of Trump supporters at their finest. Sadly, I can’t help but think a similar collection of photos could be assembled from members of the Democratic or Republican parties while expressing their feelings toward the 99%:


“Sales of peat compost to gardeners to be banned from 2024

Funding for restoration of peatlands and tripling of tree planting in England also announced”



“Defend the Arctic Refuge from reckless oil drilling”


“Earth's Axis Has Secretly Shifted

And it's mostly our fault.”


“Antarctica is headed for a climate tipping point by 2060, with catastrophic melting if carbon emissions aren't cut quickly

Andrea Dutton, Professor of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Julie Brigham-Grette, Professor of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst”


Rivers aren’t nature’s way of providing a free conveyor belt for the elimination of waste:

“A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in the Netherlands and one in Germany has created a list of the 1000 rivers around the globe that are pouring the most plastics into the world's oceans. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group describes their study of the factors that introduce plastics into the ocean, and the methods they used to figure out which rivers were the largest contributors.”

“The 1,000 rivers contributing the most to ocean plastics”c


“66% of Democratic and 57% of Republican voters support cutting military aid to human rights abusers. When the poll specifies Israel, support holds steady at 67% for D and plummets to 18% for R. It actually increases +3% for liberal and +5% for very L voters.

Conservative hypocrisy is not news to L, but this might be: only 18/219 House D (8%) cosponsor it.”

“Poll: Democratic Voters Support Cutting Aid to Israel”

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