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11/2022 The US owes the world climate reparations and the western rich should pay it - without limit

Updated: Jan 4

The United States owes the rest of the world Climate Reparations and the Western Rich should, without limit, be the ones who pay for it. They benefited - in many many ways - from cheap energy and they are the class responsible for most of the Green House Gas emissions.

Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, USA

2022-08-27 _F2A5966aaa

The world’s people canNOT afford to wait for lawsuits to get the U.S.’s vile 2 parties to act like humans beings on the climate. Sue but impose EXTENSIVE sanctions on the US before we’re all dead. Issue arrest warrants for US politicians!

The US has ALWAYS acted in bad faith and that bad faith is on STERIODS under Biden & his democrats.

Excerpt in response to a LYING JOHN KERRY:

"Secretary Kerry says that, you know, we cannot achieve it in six weeks, and we don’t have trillions, but we do see trillions going to military. We do see trillions going to bail out banks. And we also see trillions being made available to fight the COVID crisis or even now for the Russian war in Ukraine. So money is available, but U.S. has always blocked money going to poor people"

Trillions will flow out of America and are spent to kill our fellow human beings around the world for their wealth but NOT to save their life with climate reparations.

“Who Should Pay for Climate Crisis? Global South Demands “Loss and Damage” from Wealthy Nations”

““Climate Collateral”: How Military Spending Fuels Environmental Damage”


The rich and their politicians aren’t stupid. They know the truth of our planet’s dying.

By not stopping the actions that caused this death they are signaling they consider themselves better off living as they have and moving to their bunkers - when they’re wealth can no longer insulate them from the consequences of their climate lead collapse of the biosphere - than the existence they would face in a world where they would have to compromise their position by joining an attempt by everyone to save what we can of this world. Apparently, attempting to save the world would involve a existence worse than life in a bunker.

Their choice to maximize their continued comfort assumes we will die. Billions of people will die. They know that. But don’t care. They consider us inferior and available for sacrifice for their well being. And they have the politicians to enforce this choice.

I suspect the French conglomerate Total informed Ugandese pipeline decision makers that they to could afford the same preferred choice regarding their future on our dying planet if the project were allowed to go forward.

Uganda is a success story of the Republican Party of America and it's "Family" a christian values group in Washington: "< The Secret Political Reach Of 'The Family'"

"Stop the East African Crude Oil Pipeline"

"“A Carbon Bomb”: Movement Grows Against EACOP East African Pipeline Funded by France’s Total & China"


" profits, all of them are going to go to the corporates, because the way you make money in the oil business is either you charge taxes over the barrel, per barrel of oil that’s being sold — and they are not doing that, because they’ve already given a tax exception for 10 years. "

"the impacts that are going to be faced for the people, the impacts on the environment, the impacts on health. And they’re [Uganda] the ones who are going to be shouldering all of these issues, " Corporations take all the benefits and the costs are socialized without a meaningful increase in the ability of Uganda to pay for them. "

This is how you get a "Sacrifice Zone"

Jamie Dimon and Wall St kin must NOT be allowed to finance ANY part of this pipeline.


The cost of energy effects everything. It is a fundamental determinant of a nation’s basic cost of living. That’s a reason why increases in the price of energy is associated with and often referred to as “core inflation”. Because of this it greatly influences the cost of all labor\cost of basic subsistence living. Cheap energy has historically translated into cheaper than otherwise labor.


Consider that you were going to screw over all the people on earth and take shelter underground. One way to ensure your safety is to be sure there isn’t anybody on the surface that’s try to get at you. One way to do this is to make sure everybody on the surface is either dead or without a doubt dying real soon. That’s why they keep oil and coal alive and thriving. That’s why the incrementalism in the face of a dire end. They continue to lie. Understate the problem. Deny. Delay required action. All while hoarding the most cash they can to set themselves up with the maximum possible insulation against what they have wrought. They want to get us as close to the edge of a swift, severe, calamitous, thoroughly deadly biosphere collapse as possible. They want to minimize the risk of the rabble being left behind taking action that might be inconvenient or ruinous to their plans. But they do have plans to suspend democracy if we threaten the elites. They will very likely use the military against the 99% if they have to. After all, if they managed our approach to the terminal surface conditions they’ll be fleeing we are all as good as dead anyway,…in a short amount of time at that


“The late historian Toynbee argued, that when civilizations meet a challenge they cannot overcome or resolve, they rather commit suicide than to let themselves murdered by outside forces.”

Sound familiar? It’s America defacto policy on Climate Change.

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