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1/2023 Rich at Davos sharpen their pursuit of eugenics

Updated: Jan 4

Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2023-09-17 2A7A6926aaa

Today's Fourth Reich is sharpening their message and strategies and make NO mistake of the fact that they are discussing purifying the human gene pool going forward. Today's tools of the ruling cabal's holocaust are biosphere collapse and the target population is the non-rich. If the target population was a skin color or specific religion perhaps it would be easier for people to understand.

But these are fascists - wealth is the deciding trait of EVERYTHING. It makes complete sense the target population is the non-rich throughout the globe. Worse yet, they've pretty much succeeded.

We are on borrowed time as the extremely fatal set of environmental circumstances they have achieved come to fruition, your death, and it can't really be changed.

Yet, first order of business is to keep up the environments decay and fob off the consequences on the little people.

They are also discussing purifying the human gene pool moving forward:

“Davos: Gates, Schwab, Global Elites Face Growing Criticism of Their ‘Master the Future’ Agenda

Thousands of prominent political and business figures are congregating in Davos, Switzerland, this week for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, as critics accused them of “centralizing power into the possession of hand-picked global elites.””


“Thousands of prominent political and business figures are congregating in Davos, Switzerland, this week for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), whose theme, “Cooperation in a Fragmented World,” focuses on the “cost of living crisis.”

In recent years, the WEF and its founder and chairperson, German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab, generated controversy by promoting ideas such as the “The Great Reset” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

In promoting ”The Great Reset” in 2020, Schwab said the COVID-19 “pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”

The WEF’s 2016 vision for the future — “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better” — has also raised eyebrows.

In its mission statement, the WEF claims “it is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests.”

The statement continues:

“The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.”

However, critics describe the WEF as a “fanatical political organization masquerading as a neutral entity” with the goal of “centralizing power into the possession of hand-picked global elites” and for operating with no public input or accountability.

Some critics argue the WEF’s annual meeting “acts as the go-to in-person, invite-only, closed to ideological outsiders policy and ideas shop for the global ruling class.”

Statements emerging from this year’s meeting have done little to quell concerns about the WEF’s real agenda."


Prof Jem Bendell:

“The word #Collapse appears 4 times in this diagram of the #Davos-released #WEF risks report. I don't remember seeing them use that word before. Elites aren't known for their proximity to reality, but something's penetrating their luxury bubbles. #polycrisis #permacrisis


“Greta Thunberg Warns Davos Elite Will Throw Humanity 'Under the Bus' for Profits

"As long as they can get away with it, they will continue to invest in fossil fuels," the Swedish climate activist said. "We need to build and create a critical mass of people who demand change, who demand justice."”


A craven, infirm minded, sycophant president allowed corporations’ pricing to feed at will upon those that survived a deadly pandemic neglected by their govt. When the rich cried for more he gave them higher unemployment to beat back labor.

All the while Big Oil destroyed the planet and raped consumers. Turning the profits over to a publicly traded stock market owned disproportionately by the wealthiest private citizens already flush from spoils of the rest of their greedflation.

And it is getting much much worse. The Davos elite have chosen not to be bothered by climate change. They can afford to survive it. The nonrich will die from it. Fascists hate the nonrich. The Davos elite are conducting a genocide.

“The global elite gathered in the alpine resort of Davos to attend the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting. It’s basically a convention of James Bond villains in real life. Almost every room has expensive air filtration and purification devices. They have special Covid tests. You can’t attend events if you’re sick. Your badge deactivates. The elite know the value of clean air in the 21st century. It’s not just about Covid, either. It’s about other diseases.It’s about pollution.

They’re hiding it.”

“Clean Air for Them, None for You

The global elite know how dangerous Covid is”

“The global elite gathered in the alpine resort town of Davos this week to attend the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting. It’s basically a convention of James Bond villains in real life, but more boring. Anyway, there’s something especially interesting about this year’s conference.”

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