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12/2022 “MIT Has Predicted that Society Will Collapse in 2040, We are ahead of schedule"

Updated: Jan 4

They mean complete collapse earlier than 2040, we are already collapsing and the percentage collapse will increase annually until just the billionaire class and their politicians remain relatively un-phased having been insulted from collapse by their wealth

Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2015-10-06 032aaaa

“We are ahead of Schedule”

“MIT Has Predicted that Society Will Collapse in 2040”


“A terrifying prediction for 2030 (the Great Reset)”


“What is the ‘Bilderberg Group’?”


Our leaders are not responding appropriately to the climate emergency, Mass Extinction and the general failure of our planet’s ability to support life.

Equally disconcerting is their apparent motivation. It is obvious that they don’t care and continue to act in ways that will make the matter worse. More specifically more death and destruction targeting the most vulnerable. The most vulnerable are the people who do not have the significant wealth it takes to insulate themselves from the effects of what is coming. The nonrich. The people who are not billionaires. They are exhibiting apathy toward the coming deaths of countless millions, if not ultimately billions, of people not to mention entire species of plants and animals making up our public health infrastructure - the environment.

The time for debate, debuting life saving technology is over. It is now unfolding together with reliably predictable results. Death an destruction. This should not be a surprise to anyone. In fact, time and again the vulnerable have been subjected to every to tacit conceive able with the result that the situation has worsened. Our craven mostly geriatric leadership cast and their operatives have absolutely no credibility whatsoever when it comes to acting in the best interest of 99% of Americans and their commons.

It is time to call them out on their neglect, attempt at social engineering, overshoot, eugenics, genocide, social murder, attempted omnicide. Call it what you want. People have loved ones. They have children. They are not acceptable losses. Not for the purpose of ensuring the country’s prosperity when you have consistently confused country with the private wealth of your donors.

All American politicians ad judges must recuse themselves from ALL matters pertaining to ANY aspect of the environment in favor of the judgement of independent policy makers assigned by the UN.

It’s over whether any of us like it or are ready for it. It’s over and I find it very telling of some other agenda that our so called leaders aren’t following the best chance if survival for our species of trying to keep as many people as possible from as many different walks of life as possible alive for as long as possible.

Selecting a limited number from our species who will survive based on their private wealth, the color of their skin, and religious beliefs only contaminates our races chance at survival. Pursuing the common good maximizes our species survival.

But no matter. It’s to late now and - I can’t emphasize this enough - your actions and words mean absolutely nothing. Your cabal has killed 35 million people just since WWII and are presently under investigation by the international criminal court. We will have to survive despite you not because of you.

Go to hell. God knows you did your damnedest to make sure it’s what the rest of us are going to experience.

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