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04/2022 Harmful air pollution now affects 99 per cent of everyone on Earth

Updated: Jan 4

Raj Phukan

“In the study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, researchers found an increase in ozone in the lower atmosphere was causing the deep and rapid warming in ocean waters bordering Antarctica.”


Jan 6:

“Ginni and Clarence Thomas Have Done Enough Damage”

Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2022-09-14 _F2A8380aaap

When 85% of the stock market is owned by the top 10% wealthiest Americans, DemGOPs greedflation is a wealth transfer to the wealthy. It is raw class warfare. A sort of tax the Richest impose on the rest of us just for existing


Doomism? Hardly. Try harsh reality. The fact is everything man does will have to be subordinate to environmental concerns if we are to survive and we are simply to self-interested and corrupt


Ajamu Baraka:

“The U.S. & U.K. have journalist Julian Assange in prison in the U.K., award winning journalist Chris Hedlges has all of his work taken down from YouTube, U.S. Anti-war sites are being taken down & FB & twitter closing accounts, & the U.S. talks about repression in Russia?


“Nazis in Ukraine: Seeing through the fog of the information war”


“Mariupol—Civilians denounce the crimes of the fighters of the neo-nazi Azov Regiment”


“Mariupol—Civilians denounce the crimes of the fighters of the neo-nazi Azov Regiment”


“The video intended to incriminate the Russians was actually made by the Ukrainian military of the 72 Information & Psychological Operations Center in the Moschun region.”

“LIVE: US Orders $100 Million in Military Aid for Ukraine”


Zelensky knew what Putin would eventually do if he took the West’s cash and he took it anyway effectively damning the Ukrainians to a slow march toward destruction by Putin.

Now that the situation is in the bloody phase of profit acquisition, he wants America to get involved in a wider war in the hopes that he can build up his bank accounts listed in the Pandora papers. The Ukrainian people deserve better. It is not a return to freedom that will take place if Zelensky gets putin out of Ukraine. It will be a return to exploitation by the West.


“What Happened in Bucha? What We Know and What We DON’T Know”


“For my entire life I’ve watched the corporate media sell us war after war. Always telling us who our enemies are, which countries need saving & which governments should be overthrown. And every single time it turns out they lied.”

Abby Martin


Caitlin Johnstone:

If you truly want to help Ukranians, vote America’s 2 parties out of our 3 branches of government.

“US Interventionism Always Makes Things Worse”


“The Truth About Ukraine - with Lee Camp”


“Tell TIAA to adopt a No Deforestation Policy and get out of farmland altogether!”

Quote: “TIAA [“Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association OF AMERICA] also holds millions of dollars of shares in palm oil, timber and beef producers like Tyson, Hormel, International Paper and Golden-Agri Resources, but has resisted efforts to pressure these companies to address their deforestation problem.”


“The controversy over Bill Gates becoming the larges private farmland owner in the US”

“I don't know what the answer is to this type of landgrab & hoarding for profit, but it's a trend that spans from real estate "investment" & runs the full spectrum. This is not a condemnation, but a quest for solutions, please...🕊️

The National Farmers Union has suggested that the growing number of non-farmer owners like Gates buying up farmland — and renting it out — could lead to practices that hurt the environment: Short-term farmers who rent land are less likely to take long-term conservation steps, the organization argues, and non-farmer owners don’t have the experience to “understand the importance of protecting natural resources.””


“Tropical forests have big climate benefits beyond carbon storage”

Val Eisman:

"Study finds that trees cool the planet by one-third of a degree through biophysical mechanisms such as humidifying the air."


“Harmful air pollution now affects 99 per cent of everyone on Earth

New guidelines from the World Health Organization mean that almost everyone on the planet is now affected by harmful air pollution


Sam Carana:


A recent study created a dataset of plant temperature tolerances with a median upper tolerance limit of 23.7°C.

This temperature is about 10°C higher than the temperature in the year 1750. Only during times of mass extinctions were temperatures that high, such as during the PETM, 55.5 million years ago, and the Permian–Triassic extinction event, 252 million years ago, also know as the Great Dying when some 95% of species known from fossils went extinct.

The study concludes that extinction will already occur far earlier than when upper tolerance levels are reached, as "loss of one species can make more species disappear (a process known as ‘co-extinction’), and possibly bring entire systems to an unexpected, sudden regime shift, or even total collapse."

There was a small group of species with large tolerance limits and remarkable resistance to environmental change, but even they could not survive co-extinctions. In fact, their extinction was abrupt and happened far from their tolerance limits and close to global diversity collapse at around 5°C of heating.

The image shows monthly NASA Land+Ocean temperature data 2017-October 2018 that are adjusted, with a added polynomial trend that illustrates how a 5°C rise in temperature could occur very rapidly, i.e. by September 2019.

A strong abrupt rise in temperature could be caused by an influx of warm salty water into the Arctic Ocean triggering large eruptions of methane from its seafloor.

As El Niño sets in, the odds that such rapid warming will threaten to cause global biodiversity collapse are rising.

Ominously, methane levels as high as 2787 ppb were recorded on November 15, 2018. On November 17, 2018, methane levels as high as 2847 ppb were recorded. On November 20, 2018, methane levels as high as 2827 ppb were recorded.

From the post 'As El Niño sets in, will global biodiversity collapse in”


“A Global Perspective: The Canary In the Coal Mine Comes Home to Roost”

“Sean O’Leary


As humankind ignores the most important threat in its history, the Arctic region is changing dramatically and quickly.

The once frozen permafrost is thawing very quickly, releasing methane gas (CH4) into the atmosphere. Along with CO2 and a few others, methane is a powerful Greenhouse Gas that has been trapped beneath the ground and frozen lakes up until now.

Some of the results are quite visible (is you happen to be in Siberia).

* New craters such as the famous Gateway to the Underworld in Siberia are blasting out of the earth and continuing to expand. The fascinating terrain known as thermokarst is expanding its range.

* Human-built infrastructure - especially and ironically fossil fuel extraction facilities - have become structurally compromised, with some nasty pipeline collapsing events inevitable in the near future. Homes, roads and bridges were all constructed under the assumption that the permafrost would stay frozen. But it is thawing very quickly.

* Undersea CH4 blast craters in Arctic coastal waters: Last month was saw new research indicating that melting permafrost beneath the coastal northern oceans is releasing methane as well. The gas plumes are spewing from crater blowouts on the seafloor and boiling up into the atmosphere.

Some of the craters on the edge of the Beaufort Sea in northern Canada are up to 90 feet deep. The original discovery was announced a few years ago, when scientists noted an area of the northern ocean that was bubbling with methane. The methane concentrations were seven times the expected level.

The thawing and crumpling of vast Arctic terrain is a relatively new development; at this point, scientists are divided as to how much methane is trapped beneath the surface. We are in uncharted territory in so many ways.

Suffice to say that there is no good outcome that we can think of resulting from spewing even more CH4 into the atmosphere. As a rule of thumb, the quantities of explosive gases in the air we breathe should be minimized.

This page at summarizes these developments.

FEEDBACKS The overarching scientific process associated with permafrost thaw drives Feedback Cycle #3, one of several that are unstoppable because they sustain themselves (positive feedback loops.

Simple descriptions can be found here.”

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