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7/2022 Even temporarily overshooting 2°C would cause permanent damage to Earth’s species

Updated: Jan 16

Bolsonaro needs to be removed from office yesterday:

This is America’s bipartisan destruction taking place and you can bet Biden checked in with the people involved before making his, what will prove to be, meaningless pledge to stop deforestation by 2030.

A relatively small handful of western interests are making a profit off a huge catalyst to our entire planet’s death:

“Brazil sets new six-month Amazon deforestation record”


“Here’s The Latest Data On Climate And Food And It’s Not Good”

Modest Sphinx (Pachysphinx modesta)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019 6/9 _F2A5040aaa2

Awe, isn’t that cute how all the world’s super corrupt neo fascist conservative regimes are rally around the little fucking tax cheat Zelensky:

“Ukraine war: Australian PM visits Kyiv, pledges more military aid”


“Climate crisis: even temporarily overshooting 2°C would cause permanent damage to Earth’s species”


“CDC Warns Public to Avoid the Toxic Algae “Blooming” in Warming Waters”


And Corporations?!:

“‘Polluting the air we breathe’: Mechanic sentenced for selling thousands of devices that allowed trucks to bypass emissions controls”

“Matthew Geouge raked in $10 million for selling the devices which made trucks produce hundreds of times more pollution, prosecutors said”


We are not going to tech our way out of the biosphere collapse like it neve happened. Billions and possible all of us – even our politicians who take to their luxury bunkers – will die with the best technology we can muster to counter what we have done.

“Stopping the Spread of Desertification”


But it didn’t inconvenience the rich:

“Inflation is making homelessness worse

Rising prices and soaring rents are taking their toll across the country”


“Lump of glacier falls off Italian Alps, sparking avalanche that crushed at least 6 hikers to death”


Nobody wants to die in defense of what America has become.

For Washington that isn’t a problem - Blackwater to the rescue!

Blackwater’s lower pay and shitty benefits acceptable to felony prone mercenaries undercut the cost of our traditional military, and no one talks about the cut in resulting services required to accommodate the owner of the mercenaries profit margin.

Best of all, with the collection of feces at the Supreme Court, technically private contractors can be deployed on American soil:

“Military struggling to find new troops as fewer young Americans willing or able to serve

Fewer young Americans are qualified to serve, and even fewer want to.”


Abortion rights are a tool the rich have their politicians use to manipulate voters:

“Meta Was Restricting Abortion Content All Along

Abortion access groups and activists say they were dealing with algorithmic suppression long before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.”


“BASF subsidiary profits from Germany’s Russian gas addiction”


How very VERY convenient:

“The U.S. is losing an average of two weekly newspapers a week”



“Characteristics of an Unhealthy Culture”


“Technofixes Are the Elite’s Attempt To Sidestep Blame for the Climate Crisis”


“Decades deep in megadrought and damaged by the climate crisis, seven states will soon be obligated to stop using an Arizona’s-worth of Colorado River water.”


Brain Droppings:

1Party b4 PEOPLE: Our Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg is more interested in politicizing the passing out of infrastructure for the Democratic Party than he is in monitoring and SOLVING supply chain problems, airport chaos, etc

2Don’t criminalize protesting at Judges homes, disperse the judges continuing Trump’s coup. They are pen and paper domestic terrorists engaged in a deadly assault against the non rich. Btw it’s called personal responsibility

3Biosphere Collapse: Everything has to change if all of us are to have fair chance at survival, instead our politicians decided that a staggering number of us should die so nothing has to change for a few who could afford to change the most

4Once the Supreme Court decides to leave the award of electoral votes entirely up to the State Houses it won’t matter how or even if you vote. They will probably do it right before the next presidential election. They only need to get away with it once.

5We got stiffed on Covid aid & they underestimated the dead by as much as 30x; then greedflation emptied household dinner tables; they continuously kill the planet; and their judges take away our rights

6We all saw the Kyle Rittenhouse trail play out. What argument will Biden’s\Trump’s US Supreme Court use in favor of Extra-Judicial killings of American Citizens? Or will they just make something up?


“Trust in Supreme Court falters after Roe decision

For abortion rights supporters, the sudden striking down of what was long considered settled law is the latest evidence of a broken democratic system”


Climate Change, Mass Extinction, Viruses: America's 2 political parties think that at least 47% of Americans aren't worth the air they breathe (SCOTUS), so they will kill us for more luxury and power. Mitt Romney so much as said so out loud. So if you think out two parties are knowingly trying to kill us, you’re right. If you need more convincing take a read up on the “Georgia Guidestones” where their plans and intentions get very shockingly explicit.

They know precisely what is going on with the biosphere and what their actions mean but they despise us as inferior.

The problem is they are extending their philosophy of genetic and religious superiority to rest of the world:

“Why Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” comment was so bad”

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