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3/2023 Would a civilized country limit health care or food assistance for the poor?

Updated: Jan 16

Modest Sphinx (Pachysphinx modesta)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018-06-16 052aaa3

If humans really want to combat extinction they’d better get viable populations of as many species as possible living indoors under controlled conditions


Just a thought,…

Politicians have mortgage commitments. The have a lifestyle they’ve grown accustomed to. Since, we have lost free and fair elections, yet want policy that is contrary to those who’ve rigged the system, if we want action that is beneficial for the poorest 99%, for our human health infrastructure (the environment) and for our children’s future, then we should stand ready to bail out the politicians who are essentially evicted from the system for acting constitutionally.

Either something like that or we will all die.


“At least 13 dead following multistate severe weather outbreak

Flipped semi-trailer trucks, emergency sirens and widespread power outages characterized the massive severe weather outbreak that swept through the south-central Plains and Southeast at the end of the week.”


“Ted Schober, February 19 at 9:35 AM

Let's enforce oil and gas pipeline regulations! We need funding for inspectors, and prosecutions. Corporations are only motivated by profit. Make it uneconomic to defer maintenance until there are leaks.”


“It should come as no surprise that climate change has immediate and long-term costs. Changes to federal procurement can help reduce the need for the multi-billion-dollar emergency disaster relief packages. Learn more:”

“The 800 Lb. Gorilla

Using Buying Power to Reduce Climate Costs”


“Bob Brown Foundation

A warning from Antarctica

Last year, scientists captured an extraordinary gathering of whales in Antarctica. It was estimated to be one of the largest groups recorded since commercial whaling almost wiped whales from the face of the Earth.

This incredible event was shattered by four industrial supertrawlers competing for the very thing the whales were feeding on – krill.

Krill is caught primarily for two things:

👉🏾 aquaculture feed (for things like farmed salmon)

👉🏼 supposed ‘health’ products.

These are both things that we absolutely do not need krill for!

Our Antarctic and Marine Campaigner, Alistair, is on an expedition to Antarctica. Sign up for free to hear from him direct from a ship in the Southern Ocean, as he exposes threats like this. There is so much to learn about the frozen continent and what we can all do to protect it”

“Last year 1,000 fin whales one of the largest groups recorded since the end of commercial whaling were seen feeding on krill in Antarctica

This epic event was shattered by four supertrawlers fishing for krill trawling right through this group of whales

Scientists are flagging that events like this are likely to increase as whales compete with the krill industry for food

Antarctica and the southern Ocean is one of the Earth’s last great wild places”

It is no place for industrial supertrawlers

Find out more at


“Former LA Police Officer Mike Ruppert Confronts CIA Director John Deutch on Drug Trafficking”

“On November 15, 1996, there was a town meeting in Los Angeles on allegations of CIA involvement in drug trafficking. Former Los Angeles Police Narcotics Detective Mike Ruppert seized the opportunity to confront then CIA Director John Deutch.”


“Bert Wolfe writes

America currently has a ferocious debate going on over the nature, content, and extent of the American “social contract” for the 21st century. Indeed, whether or not we have a “social contract” at all.

Leftists want to expand and improve the social contract dramatically to place a strong, secure foundation under all Americans from which they can reach out and achieve their full potential, and thus enrich themselves, American society, and the world at large.

Conservatives want to abolish the “social contract.” In fact, they deny that any such thing exists, has ever existed, or can exist. Conservatives deny that there is any such thing as “society;” they believe there are only individuals and families. Each individual achieves as far their individual gifts, talents, assets, and ambition will take them.

On the outcome of this debate rests the direction in which America will move in the 21st century: forward towards a strong, rich collective security for all or backward towards a world of disconnected individuals with no collective responsibility towards each other. Will we grasp each other’s hand and build a better world for each other or will we dissolve into a Hobbesian dystopia: the “state of nature;” what Thomas Hobbes called “the war of all against all” where life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short?”

This is the important decision facing the American people today.”

“Paul F Haacker:

Here in Canada, many of us believe we are witnessing the fall of the U.S. empire. Would a civilized country limit health care or food assistance for the poor; leave crops rotting in the fields; destroy the educational system; target women and attempt to eliminate their reproductive rights while refusing to help resulting babies; abuse desperate immigrants; pretend to believe in Christianity while perverting and debasing its tenets; refuse to protect the earth from destruction? The world is watching.”


“This is who's in charge of the Senate. He wants to bring the country to the level of his state and is doing a damn good job of it.”

“Mitch McConnell has represented Kentucky for 35 years. Maybe Kentucky needs new leadership.

Kentucky is…

44th in Health Care

48th in Healthcare quality

38th in Education

43rd in Higher Education

39th in Economy

44th in Employment

44th in Economic Opportunity

45th in Fiscal Stability

McConnell's net worth is estimated to be roughly $35 million


“Bert Wolfe writes

Want a better higher education policy than massive college loan debt? Want universal, single payer healthcare? Want a real pension when you retire? Want better employment opportunities other than joining the military?

End America’s drive for global hegemony and world domination!

All the problems in these key policy areas exist for the same basic reason: Because America is currently relentlessly driving to achieve world domination — an American world empire.

All these problems exist to drive as many young Americans who are currently living without the prospect of affordable higher education or vocational training, or the possibility of a good, career track job, or affordable healthcare benefits, or a real retirement pension into the ostensibly “all-volunteer” military as possible.

If you want to see an end to the current stalemate in Washington, DC, over these key domestic policy areas, then you want America to end its drive for world conquest.

As long as America continues to seek world domination, the so-called “all-volunteer” military will continue to need as many young Americans as possible living without hope for a college education, a real career, healthcare benefits, or a reliable pension to join the military in order to obtain them.

Restore HOPE to our young people here at home in America: END the drive to create an American world empire!”

“You’re gonna die someday

Why not die for Wall Street?”


Bert Wolfe writes

“The passive willingness of the average working people of America to just sit back and take it on the chin from the joint assault upon their rights and income by the American oligarchy and their elected puppets in Washington, DC is both disheartening and sad, especially when compared to the strong, fighting spirit of the French people who never lack a willingness to take on their elected politicians and the French corporations when they attempt to pull some outrage on the average working people of France.”

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