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6/2021 Trump-Appointed Judge Blocks Biden From Pausing New Oil Drilling Leases

Updated: Jan 18

Democrats will not purge the Judiciary of Trump’s judicial appointments. To be sure, there are several approaches they could take to expel them despite the “life time” nature of their appointments and a rigged Congress and Senate::

“'A Deeply Dangerous Order': Trump-Appointed Judge Blocks Biden From Pausing New Oil Drilling Leases”

"The judge's order turns a blind eye to runaway climate pollution that's devastating our planet."

Meadow Fritillary (Boloria bellona)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 /9/6 _F2A8852aaa


“Siding with 13 Republican attorneys general who sued over the leasing pause, Judge Terry Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana argued in his ruling that President Joe Biden exceeded his legal powers with a January executive order suspending the Interior Department's oil and gas leasing program for federal lands and waters.

The order instructed the Interior Department to conduct a comprehensive review of the "potential climate and other impacts associated with oil and gas activities on public lands or in offshore waters." According to the U.S. Geological Survey, fossil fuels extracted from federal lands and waters are responsible for roughly 25% of the nation's total carbon emissions.

Spivak argued Tuesday that, contrary to Doughty's ruling and the argument advanced by Republican state officials in their lawsuit, "the Biden administration clearly has authority to pause and review oil and gas leasing on public lands" without congressional approval.”

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