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5/2021 Since 2019 Congress has been planning for climate resiliency for the Military not the nonrich

Updated: Jan 18

“Reminder, the hackers did not do anything that stopped the pipeline,

they locked the payment records,

and Colonia pipeline shut the pipe down so nobody would get free gas.”

And seriously folks, it’s called accounting! Colonial closed the pipeline themselves out of fear they would be so fantastically in inept that somebody would actually get gas they wouldn’t have to pay for.

Republican states misstated the nature of the “problem(?)” to cause hoarding and contributed to a national spike in gas prices. One has to wonder if Republicans weren’t working with Russia. Gosh, wouldn’t that be a shock <yawn>.

“Panic Drives Gas Shortages After Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack”

Meadow Fritillary (Boloria bellona)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021 6/27 _F2A9137aaa

Nature may have very well have just signed our extinction order:

“Bubbling methane craters and super seeps - is this the worrying new face of the undersea Arctic?

Video and pictures from latest research mission show gas release in the Laptev and the East Siberian seas.”

“A team of 69 scientists from ten countries documented bubble clouds rising from a depth of around 300 metres (985ft) along a 150km (93 mile) undersea slope in the Laptev Sea, and confirmed high methane concentrations by hundreds of onboard chemical analysis.”


This is going to spread to other areas of our oceans. Consequently, greenhouse concentrations are going to skyrocket:

“Methane Venting - Methane Apocalypse II”


"I quote from the Siberian Times (11/19/2020) linked in 1st comment below: "Scientists have shared the first results of a trip to the world’s largest deposit of subsea permafrost and shallow methane hydrates"...It's the ONLY international scientific expedition to the Eastern Arctic including 69 scientists from 10 countries. They spent 40 days onboard the Akademik Keldysh research vessel.

"The expedition mapped over 1,000 large seep fields (areas of massive methane discharge over 100 metres or 328 ft) and mega seep fields, each over 1,000 metres in linear dimension."

"Fields of methane discharge continue to grow all along the East Siberian Arctic Ocean Shelf, with concentration of atmospheric methane above the fields reaching 16-32ppm (parts per million).

This is up to 15 times above the planetary average of 1.85ppm".

"All previously discovered fields of methane discharge showed an increase to various degrees, now we need to figure out exactly how much they grew,’ said the head of the expedition Professor Igor Semiletov".

"We believe these emissions at this stage have not yet any large impact on global atmospheric methane and climate, yet these huge carbon/GHG capacitors are clearly activated’, the expedition communication page said".


“We the People

Have had enough”


Great photo illustration:

“Vegetable Joe is a consummate corporatist poodle who is only raising a hairy leg to the masses! Revolution is inevitable and assured!”


American Food Shortage in the making:

America’s climate collapse fueled apocryphal food shortage taking shape as biden and the Democrats refuse to take the action necessary:

“Ominous ongoing western & central US drought affecting 95% of US durum wheat region. The South West US is in megadrought and the area could be expanding. Burning fossil fuels is burning up our children's food. Demand governments stop subsidizing fossil fuels and permitting new extraction-at the very least. Tell banks to stop their financing.”


American Food Shortage in the making:

“Despite an OFFICIAL end to La Nina, summer forecasts still indicate below-average precipitation for dry northern and western crop areas.”

“Ag Weather Forum”


Will you qualify for the food rations being given to our troops?:

The rich only need a govt to protect their wealth and otherwise not interfere with whatever they want to do to accumulate surplus profits. Spending for measures to make sure the 99% are resilient in the face of their collapse of the climate’s ability to support life is irrelevant:


Since 2019, Congress has repeatedly held hearings on climate resiliency for bases, but hardly ever talks about schools, public housing, or prisons.”


Moving the bad optics to borders further South and exploiting the countries involved at the same time:

Biden's concentrating wealth further by continuous exploitation, oppression, & damage of Central and South America, all tied$$$ to an immigration crackdown, is wrong headed.


“The climate crisis is just one symptom of the sustainability crisis we face: We have industrialized life on Earth and broken our relationship with nature.”


Similar to the choice being made with our transportation infrastructure, you can do it with an eye toward social resilience or in service of solidifying Big Corporations strangle hold over the good or service. Buttigieg favors transportation infrastructure that is fossil fuel intensive. Not public transportation. Similarly you can decentralize the power grid leaning toward building owners owning building specific solar energy generation, or you can do it like Biden is planning and strengthen the stranglehold that Big Utilities have over the process – the grid:

“Biden's $2 trillion infrastructure plan aims to 'reenergize' US power grid”


"Power grid

Along with repairing other infrastructure, the plan calls for the modernization of the country's aging electric grid, which Biden wants to produce 100% carbon-free electricity by 2035.

The plan proposes $100 billion in spending on upgrading and building out the nation's aging and regionally siloed electric transmission system. Various studies have estimated the U.S. will need to double or even triple its electric transmission capacity to successfully decarbonize its economy by midcentury.

The proposal would "put hundreds of thousands of people to work laying thousands of miles of transmission lines," according to a White House fact sheet. To that end, the plan would establish a new Grid Deployment Authority within the U.S. Department of Energy to leverage existing rights-of-way for transmission lines along roads and railways. The new office would also support "creative financing tools to spur additional high priority, high-voltage transmission lines."”


“Tell Congress: Pass the End Polluter Welfare Act”

[reference US Supreme Court Ruling of July 2022 giving Congress authority, not the EPA, to control Green House Gas Emissions]


Democrats’ unwillingness to pass all the way in to law their “For The People Act” to combat the recent proliferation of Koch funded racist voter suppression laws will greatly facilitate Republicans efforts to rewrite the US Constitution in favor of the Rich:

“A Radical Right-Wing Dream To Rewrite The Constitution Is Close To Coming True

It could lead to a dramatic overhaul of the nation’s foundational text ... or an all-out constitutional crisis.”

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