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9/2021 Profit for private individuals over Country, it’s what America is all about

Updated: Jan 18

China does this while America’s Charter Voucher school scams teach kids the world’s only 5,000 years old – Profit for private individuals over Country, it’s what America is all about:

“It solved a problem in just over an hour that would take the most powerful supercomputer at least 8 years.”

“China demonstrates the world’s most powerful quantum computer”

Meadow Fritillary (Boloria bellona)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2014 9/5 New-Out99999_657_659_99998aaaa2

Great Website!

“Smoking Guns”

“Big Oil knew for decades that their products would hurt communities across the globe — but lied to protect their bottom line. They must be held accountable.”


Democrats are disgusting:

“Monumental Discoveries”

“Scientists are unearthing amazing dinosaurs in a national monument targeted by Trump.” And left unacted upon by biden:


David Suziki:

“Conventional economics is a form of brain damage.”

“Nonsense employment destroyed our entire planet.”


Nature is emitting now emitting a type of nerve gas (brain emitting ameba are going to have to up their game):

“Now the SF Chronicle reports they are looking at the toxic blue algae in the pond near Yosemite as a prime suspect in Bay Area family's death. It works like nerve gas, a chemical biological weapon.

Below is a link to areas in California where toxic algae blooms have been reported.”

“What's toxic algae and could it really have killed an entire California family hiking near Yosemite?”


“Let's look at the chart for a moment. The GWP (Global Warming Potential) of methane at 110-120 years indeed is around 20 to 25 times as much as CO2.


However, humans won't be around that long. Let's be really generous and say humans will be around 17 years, just for an easy calculation of 100 times. At the current level of about 1800 parts per billion = 1.8 parts per million multiplied by 100, you get the equivalent CO2 figure of 180 parts per million compared with CO2.


Two factors. Humans won't be around for 17 years. And the Methane will continue to increase exponentially. It goes into the atmosphere faster than it is depleted. So, for the more realistic 6 years the GWP of Methane is 140 times as powerful as CO2 as a greenhouse gas.


Plus, in the two or three year range, it's closer to 180 to 200 (as Sam Carana notes) times as powerful. With the continuing increase that makes a more realistic figure for calculation.”


“if you are member of the House or Senate and you know that the US Government is the sole supplier of US dollars; that federal taxes are not revenue for the federal government; that the US government does not borrow to fund deficit spending, and that the national debt is a bunch of savings accounts, but you refuse to publicly admit these things because it would be politically unacceptable to do so, then you are at fault for why there is homelessness and poverty in the United States right along with the other members of Congress, and you are not excused.”


“2021 harvest update: France looking at historically small crop

Many French winemakers faced gruelling conditions in 2021, largely due to severe frost and fierce battles against mildew, but as harvest gets underway there is still optimism about the quality of grapes that made it through”


“So many people on Facebook fill their timeline with posts about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Spirituality etc. They expect their prayers for mercy to be heard by those above them, while they show no mercy to those beneath them.

Pigs, sheep, cows, chickens etc. are gentle creatures, they are cognitively complex and share many traits with Humans.

What kind of sadistic "god" would design our food to be conscious, intelligent, aware and emotional?

If animals had a religion, our "God" would be the Devil, and we would all be Demons.

Take as long as you need to reflect on this...”


Washington’s inevitable extinction of wild pollinators will compound America’s problems:

“Ecocide by the EPA

Pesticides don't just get rid of unwanted insects. They kill pollinators like bees, attack children's neurological systems, and wreak havoc on ecosystems.”


World Climate change Organisation – WCCO:

“Tell your governments:

.) To ditch central banking and negative-sum currencies.

.) To generate money as a #basicincome.

.) To fade out 3-4 billion purely systemic and/or redundant #bullshitjobs and the associated traffic, CO2, energy consumption and heat.”

“There are some things in the world we can't change - gravity, entropy, the speed of light, and our biological nature that requires clean air, clean water, clean soil, clean energy and biodiversity for our health and well being. Protecting the biosphere should be our highest priority or else we sicken and die. Other things, like capitalism, free enterprise, the economy, currency, the market, are not forces of nature, we invented them. They are not immutable and we can change them. It makes no sense to elevate economics above the biosphere.”


“David Graeber: ‘To save the world, we’re going to have to stop working’

Writing as part of Jarvis Cocker’s Big Issue takeover before his untimely death earlier this month, David Graeber explains his confusion about why we’d destroy the planet if we don’t have to”


Great Illustration:

““The crisis of ‘modernism’,

~ Rajani Kanth, Against Economics Rethinking Political Economy”


Democrats are as disgusting as Republicans. And Deb Haaland Secretary of Interior should be evicted from Tribal membership:

“As of September 19, 2021, 7 wolves have already been killed:

4 of these kills are in units (310 and 316) that directly border YNP. #RelistWolves #stopthekill #footloosemontana


“Elements of holistic landscape management”


“The contradictions of bourgeois democracy and the capitalist-imperialist order it reflects give rise to a recurrent intra-capitalist conflict between those preferring Class Rule Door # 1 and Class Rule Door #2. Door #1 cloaks the underlying de facto class dictatorship of imperial capital with outwardly democratic, representative and parliamentary forms. Door #2 ushers in open authoritarianism, dictatorship, with rampant racial and ethnic othering, and the embrace of political violence – in a word, fascism. When push comes to shove under the constant anarchic and many-sided chaos and savage, democracy-disabling inequality inflicted by capital’s endless (inherent) de-stabilizing and competitive, growth-addicted and life-commodifying struggle for profits, the logic of authoritarianism and indeed fascism is constantly pressed to the front of ruling class minds.”

“Ghost Canaries in the Amerikaner Mine”


James Parris:

“They’re public SERVANTS

Treat them like celebrities

They’ll treat you like fans”

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