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2/2023 Destruction from Biosphere collapse is simply too profitable to be stopped by Govt

Updated: Jan 18

Meadow Fritillary (Boloria bellona)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020-07-31 _F2A4869aaa2

“Canada’s Boreal Forest contains about 80,000,000 hectares of surface freshwater.”


“One of the main details Professor Guy McPherson and I have been trying to convey for the last decade is the nonlinear rate of change unfolding. Jim's latest interpreting Zack's work confirms that trend.”

“Zonal Temperature Anomalies

In this video, an examination of temperature anomalies by latitudinal bands is given.”


“So, even mainstream CNN is now telling more of the truth about how dire things are, as long as they can pass the buck to AI that is...

A dire forecast: Scientists used AI to find planet could cross critical warming threshold sooner than expected


"If emissions stay high, Diffenbaugh said, the AI predicted a 50% probability that 2 degrees will be reached before 2050."”


Patrick McNulty - OCEAN TUNNELS:

“Great chart from Zack Labe. Barent's Sea is melting in mid winter. Ocean Mechanical Thermal Energy Conversion yet anyone?”


Unveiling climate models for predicting the Earth’s grim future


Our death and suffering from Biosphere is collapse is too profitable to be stopped by Govt :

“The Billionaires Just Can't Wait, Notes on disaster capitalism.”


“[Naomi] Klein describes a level of corruption you’d expect to see in a dystopian novel, but she’s only narrating and documenting American economic policy over the last several decades, as the rich and powerful impose their free-market solutions for everything on everyone and take advantage of disasters and tragedies to do it. As she reveals in extensive detail, an entire shadow network of billion-dollar companies have consistently strongarmed world governments into privatizing all public goods and services, especially education and healthcare.”


“Record 2022 profits show the oil and gas industry remains strong as climate change worsens

Meeting climate targets would mean a rapidly shrinking oil and gas sector, but companies are raking in money and expanding aggressively.”


“‘The Deluge’ Is a Climate Nightmare—and It’s Based on Reality

Stephen Markley explains how he wrote a dystopia that feels a little too real.”


“We're Sitting Ducks for Bird Flu”

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