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4/2023 “Corporate Interests ‘Watered Down’ the Latest IPCC Climate Report, Investigations Find”

Updated: Jan 18

Meadow Fritillary (Boloria bellona)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020-07-28 _F2A3912aaa

“The Far-Right’s Fascination with the U.S. Electric Grid”


“Wall Street Bonuses Continue to Soar Compared to Worker Wages ​

For more than a dozen years now, Wall Street and corporate lobbyists have blocked both financial executive pay restrictions and a federal minimum wage increase. This speaks volumes about who has influence in Washington — and who does not.”


“How Corporate America Subverts Reform to Boost Profits

Corporations use their endless resources to ensure that efforts designed to benefit people enrich those at the very top.”


“Russia to put nukes in Belarus near NATO borders, envoy says

Russian envoy to Belarus says weapons will be moved to ally’s territory despite ‘noise in Europe and the United States’.”


Class Warfare has augmented to Genocide:

“Tax the Rich to Save the Planet”


“When the Economy Gets Squeezed by Too Little Energy”


Methane hydrates for everyone! I can totally see how human extinction could be achieved by 2026 (even without democrats’ Willow arctic oil carbon bomb):

“The oceans just reached their hottest temperature on record as El Niño looms. Here are 6 things to watch for”


It will all be over with soon. Mercifully it will be swift.:

“Greenland Ice Sheet Ice Loss Accelerating with Numerous Amplifying Feedbacks Towards Tipping Points”



“Corporate Interests ‘Watered Down’ the Latest IPCC Climate Report, Investigations Find”

“References to fossil fuels and meat consumption were removed from the report summary, while language bolstering controversial carbon removal technologies was added.”


A success for western elites. The rich only need slaves. They don’t want a society (or govt) where prolits aregiven the tools to challenge their ways. If America needs something, the rich will provide it or it will be stolen from China or some other country whose govt emphasizes math, science, technology, and the other “languages of Satan.

(America’s future is “so bright I gotta where shades”):

“More than half of Americans think college degrees are waste of money: Poll”



“U.S. hardest hit in the world by weather catastrophes. What’s happening?”


“The Simple Reason Why the U.S. Wants ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ of the Earth”


The whole point of America’s coming authoritarian fascist regime is to liquidate the environment and pocket the cash,…without any consequences expecting for the death of Obama’s “little people”:

“Tinpot Legislators: Their One-Party Rule Will Be Ruinous for the Earth”


The rich and they politicians are scamming 99% of us into an early grave. All do they can have more money and power - just your standard Genocide, turn the page,..,:

“When are “green fuels” not really green? When they have hidden – or not so hidden – environmental costs that aren’t counted in the sustainability equation.”


“There’s a common thread linking many of the high-profile chemical spills that have made headlines across the country lately: the oil and gas industry. The industry is growing and that means more incidents like East Palestine.”

“The thread that ties the recent chemical spills together

The growing oil and gas industry means more incidents like East Palestine.”


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