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01/2022 “Why Lawns Must Die”

Updated: Jan 18

“Nancy & Paul Pelosi traded over $50 million in assets in the last year, with annualized returns at 69% as of October.

Pelosi’s wealth grew by an estimated $16,7 million in 2020, just as millions fell into poverty & struggled to make ends meet.

How is she so good at trading?”


Trump Biden, Biden Trump, a shameless sycophant towards billionaires is a shameless sycophant towardes billionaires:

“US affirms new interpretation for high-level nuclear waste”

Val Eisman:

“The opening IMO of a BIG CAN OF WORMS! Biden keeps Trump's reclassification of nuclear waste!

"BOISE, Idaho -- The Biden administration has affirmed a Trump administration interpretation of high-level radioactive waste that is based on the waste’s radioactivity rather than how it was produced.

The U.S. Department of Energy announcement last week means some radioactive waste from nuclear weapons production stored in Idaho, Washington and South Carolina could be reclassified and moved for permanent storage elsewhere.

“After extensive policy and legal assessment, DOE affirmed that the interpretation is consistent with the law, guided by the best available science and data, and that the views of members of the public and the scientific community were considered in its adoption,” the agency said in a statement to The Associated Press on Wednesday.

The Biden administration's affirmation of the new interpretation came after various groups offered letters of support and opposition to the agency after Biden became president, leading to the notice in the Federal Register making clear where the administration stood. Biden has reversed Trump policy in other areas."”

Meadow Fritillary (Boloria bellona)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021-07-29 _F2A5631aaa

As if America’s vow means anything. It’s good until the right person\persons get a “campaign donation”:

“Five world powers vow to prevent spread of nuclear weapons”


“EXPOSED: 60% Of Inflation Caused By CORPORATE GREED | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar”


America’s weaponized severely corrupted judiciary in the news,…for the wrong reason:

“Chief justice: Judges must better avoid financial conflicts”


I always wash the bananas thoroughly before feeding the,…uhm, forget I brought that up:

“'Very unsettling': Scientists see troubling signs in humans spreading Covid to deer”


Canadians really need to do something about Trudeau:

“Another zoonotic disease like coronavirus?

Whistleblower warns baffling illness affects growing number of young adults in Canadian province”


Paul Beckwith:

“Spent Fuel”

“Excerpt from a long background piece in Harper's.

"The Illinois bailout is far eclipsed, however, by the federal largesse promised by the Biden Administration’s infrastructure and climate legislation. An analysis by the Nuclear Information and Resource Service suggests that 54 percent of the $41 billion will be split between just three companies, with Exelon set to receive $15 billion. (Energy Harbor is the runner-up, with $5 billion.)

For all the hopeful talk about new technology, however, the industry’s principal concern is to keep aging reactors running long after their original life spans, even where this poses serious safety risks. In a process known as embrittlement, for example, vital components such as containment vessels crack following decades of neutron bombardment, leading to the release of lethal radiation. Nonetheless, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission appears happy to grant extensions: plants originally designed to last forty years are being authorized to run for sixty or eighty in total. Point Beach 2, a reactor on Lake Michigan that the NRC itself listed in 2013 among the most embrittled plants in the country, is applying to be relicensed to operate for eighty years. The reactor and its twin, Point Beach 1, have been cited for safety violations and equipment malfunctions more than 130 times. At the NRC, there is even discussion of allowing plants to run for a century, long after their designers and builders are dead”


Sam Carana:

“Himalayan glaciers melting at ‘exceptional rate’”

“The accelerating melting of the Himalayan glaciers threatens the water supply of millions of people in Asia, new research warns”

“Accelerated mass loss of Himalayan glaciers since the Little Ice Age” - by Ethan Lee et al.


“The Return of the Urban Firestorm What happened in Colorado was something much scarier than a wildfire.”

Kevin Hester

“"But as Swain told me on Friday when we spoke by phone, “Fire finds a way.” The way, typically, is wind; during the Marshall Fire, it carried flames and embers at hurricane-force speed for eight straight hours, consuming “football-field lengths of land in seconds.”

Very, very soon we'll see an entire city immolate with all it's citizens and their pets turned to cinders or an entire community succumbing to wet bulb temperatures and there will be a global awakening to the severity of the predicament, then civilisation as we know it will collapse. Imagine how many other animals died in these conflagrations ?

Either way we are now a day to day, week to week proposition.”


“The U.S. Military Is a Machine of Impunity”

“Wartime savagery requires that its perpetrators are told that their actions are acceptable — maybe heroic — and must not cease, writes Peter Maass.”


“Kevin hester

"Musk, Jeff Bezos, and other billionaires do not seem to believe that human civilization has much of a future on Earth. They are all interested in getting off the planet. It’s never a good sign when the men in charge are rushing towards the exits."

One of numerous good punch lines in this interesting article.”

“Worst Person of the Year: Elon Musk Embodies Capitalism in Decline

Elon Musk is not some environmental inventor. He’s an exploiter and an old-fashioned speculator.”


The manner in which they took profit resulted in not recognizing the staggering costs involved and therefore they should NOT be allowed to keep their profit (including shareholders):

Val Eisman

"In the U.S. alone, damage from the biggest climate and weather disasters is expected to total well over US$100 billion in 2021.

Many of these extreme weather events have been linked to human-caused climate change, and they offer a glimpse of what to expect in a rapidly warming world.

In the U.S., something in particular stood out: a sharp national precipitation divide, with one side of the country too wet, the other too dry."

“2021’s Climate Disasters Revealed an East-West Weather Divide, With One Side of the Country Too Wet, the Other Dangerously Dry”


“Jesus wasn’t white

And he sure as f**k wasn’t a capitalist”


“Massive mystery holes appear in Siberian tundra — and could be linked to climate change”


Alekz LondosL




“More Pollution, More Heart Attacks? “

“Our environment is known to have a strong influence on our health. Exposure to air pollution, for example, spikes oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, which can drive many chronic disease pathways. In terms of heart health, fine particles in polluted air can negatively impact blood vessel function and accelerate blockages in the arteries. Exposure to certain noxious chemicals in the atmosphere has also been found to lower levels of high-density lipoprotein (commonly known as good cholesterol), thereby elevating the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

In the study (the first of its kind in Europe), researchers from the Technical University of Munich tracked the number of ambulance call-outs for heart attacks and unstable angina. They mapped these numbers to weather conditions and air pollution levels.

Over a three-year period, about one-third of all emergency medical service call-outs were for cardiac events. The team found that call-outs were more likely to be for acute coronary syndromes when levels of carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide in the air peaked.

Interestingly, when the weather was warmer, there were fewer call-outs. The study's authors did not find any links to other weather conditions, such as the number of sunshine hours or wind speed.

"These findings show that weather and air pollution influence people's health, medical resources, and healthcare costs," say the authors, who add that these can help healthcare facilities make preparations for when environmental conditions may drive increases in demand for emergency healthcare.

They also call for more research into strategies for improving air quality to protect human health and well-being.”


Read Greg Palast: GE was single handedly 100% responsible for the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Just like the oil and gas industry was 100% responsible for the flooding of New Orleans in the hurricance:

“General Electric has tried everything, except investing in American workers”


“‘A Trash Heap for Our Children’: How Norilsk, in the Russian Arctic, Became One of the Most Polluted Places on Earth”

“A smelting company has poisoned rivers, killed off boreal forest and belched out more sulfur dioxide than active volcanoes. Now it wants to produce more metal for the “green economy.””

“It's been more than a year since a 6.5-million-gallon diesel fuel tank collapsed at Norilsk Nickel, causing the worst ever oil spill in the Arctic. The company insists it can clean up the damage, and its reputation.”


“Why Lawns Must Die”


“We must dismantle the military-industrial complex and rein in consumerism before we destroy life as we know it.”

“The Climate Won’t Survive Our Current Appetite for Consumerism and Consumption”


Alan Goodin:

“Welcome to the FaceBook Edition of "The Jerry Springer Show." Our job is to keep you arguing with each other. It doesn't matter to us who's right or wrong, Left or Right. It only matters that we win by keeping all of you arguing with each other. The game is called, "Divide & Conquer."”


[***This content isn’t available right now***] courtesy of facebook censors]


Cephalopods were once predicated to be the next dominate life form on earth, then we killed the planet:

“Scientists rally against the world’s first octopus farm”


“If cows were a country, they would be among the top greenhouse-gas emitters

Holding global warming to 1.5°C will require major reforms for the food and forestry industries.

Discover more about sustainability from our in-house experts:

“COP26 made net zero a core principle for business. Here’s how leaders can act”


Maureen Haley

“California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act (CalCare) - A bold, public-funded, "cradle-to-grave, head-to-toe" healthcare reform bill to replace the commercial, for-profit-only healthcare system and take control of healthcare away from companies like Pacifica Companies and political lobbyists like the California Association for Health Facilities (CAHF). Join an Save Our Seniors Network ...”


It’s a well documented fact that depression can be the result of external stressors (“environmental factors”)

“The big push to label the cause of depression as purely “chemical imbalances is often just a way to conveniently ignore the social cultural, and environmental problems at play. If you present depression as a brute biological fact you don’t need to address any systemic causes.”

“As if global depression just coincidently skyrocketed under capitalism...”


"Can those who advocate hitting the brakes on economic growth get their message across before it's too late?"

‘Debunking the Eternal Economic Growth Model”


“The U.S. population grew by 0.1 percent in the past year, according to new data released by the Census Bureau, which is the lowest growth rate since the nation's foundation. The Census Bureau believes that this is likely due to a drop in fertility, and also an increase in mortality due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“With the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic this… has resulted in a historically slow pace of growth,” a demographer in the Census Bureau stated.”

“Census numbers show record low US population growth”


Turns out Mayor Tom Barrett of Milwaukee resigned in the wake of Jill Biden’s visit. They are saying that he was given a job as foreign ambassador.

As many know, Milwaukee, WI is home to the well heeled alt-right Nazi’esque Bradley Foundation. And yea, Wisconsin is also home to ALEC and the State’s also referred to as Kochland.

Already neoNazi’s are lining up and pitching for votes for the office of Mayor. One solicitation to voters mentions all the violent crime being caused by left. Rich conservative interests in Wisconsin have already claimed one city as their fiefdom and I fear Biden appeased the right by booting Barrett.

Pence’s visits heralded the coup of Jan 6. Very possibly he had to come to WI because to discus stuff you don’t want to say over any phone.

In any event, what’s happening to the nation has already happened to Wisconsin, and it’s sad to watch

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