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11/2022 Tree planting?! Carbon removal goals require 1.2 billion hectares (=World's crop land!?!?)

Updated: Jan 18

Consider that big oil is acting with impunity because they know the SCOTUS is their bitch:

“Big Oil Is Making Record Profits While the World Burns”

“We’re seeing companies double down, brazenly pretend that they’re going to be able to produce oil and gas for another 60, 70, 80 years.”

Meadow Fritillary (Boloria bellona)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2019-09-05 _F2A5534aaa

“Here’s an interesting article posted in a thread here by James Martin. It is an appreciation of Simon Michaux. Is it even possible to replace enough of the world’s fossil energy with renewables to maintain a capitalist-industrial technological economy such as the one which has encircled most of the globe?”

“Energy Transition & the Luxury Economy”


A whole lot of dying is in the Mail, the old mail service that is, so it will get delivered:

“The nine boundaries we must not cross or we may go extinct”

“Four of the nine are already breached: climate change, species loss, land-use change, and altered bio-geochemical cycles from overuse of fertilizers. The other five are ocean acidification, chemical pollution, atmospheric aerosol loading, global freshwater use, and the phosphorus cycle, summarized below.”


“2020’s record-breaking temperatures in Siberia hit home to the world what scientists knew: the Arctic was warming faster than the rest of the planet, creating devastating consequences like massive wildfires. Climate change makes extreme wildfires in the Siberian Arctic more likely, which could further accelerate global warming.”


“The global economy is on the path to hyperinflation and risks societal collapse if soaring prices are not brought under control, one of the world’s biggest hedge funds has warned.”

“World ‘plunging towards societal collapse’ as era of cheap money ends”


“Companies have managed to turn a natural resource into a pricy commodity thanks to marketing efforts, consumer convenience, and mistrust in tap water.”

“The ugly story of how corporate America convinced us to spend so much on water

We’re being packaged and sold a bottle/can/box of lies on water.”


To reach net-zero carbon goals with their current plans, countries around the world will need 1.2 billion hectares of land, larger than the United States and equivalent to the world’s total cropland, for carbon removal projects. Countries are over reliant on massive tree planting projects.

“Report: Countries need an impossible amount of land to meet climate pledges

Pressure to convert land for carbon removal puts Indigenous communities at risk.”


“Corpus Christi Sold Its Water to Exxon, Gambling on Desalination. So Far, It’s Losing the Bet

Concerns over ecological destruction have delayed desalination plans for years in this booming seaside city, where environmentalists see water supply as the “chokehold” on an oil sector buildout along the rugged Gulf Coast of South Texas.”


There's a Big Problem With Countries' Plans to Plant More Trees

A new report calculates just how much land countries will need to fulfill their Paris Agreement pledges—and it's a lot.”


“8 billion humans: How population growth and climate change are connected as the ‘Anthropocene engine’ transforms the planet”


“Weapons of Mass Delusion”


Let the voiceless, marginalized and alienated, the weakest die first is the chant from the halls of our US Government:

“Doctors say amoxicillin shortage is affecting pediatric patients”


“How much oil remains for the world to produce? Comparing assessment methods, and separating fact from fiction”


“Nearly a third of southern Sierra forests killed by drought and wildfire in last decade”



“Israel Flagged as Top Spy Threat to U.S. in New Snowden/NSA Document”


“Wind climate change threatens to bury entire villages under sand”


“Who Is Responsible for The Great Puerto Rican Bond Fraud & Energy Fiasco?”


“A climate change-induced natural disaster has struck India every day of 2022 so far, new CSE report shows”


See it for what it is: A weaponized Federal Reserve raising interest rates to hobble Labors’ bargaining power is a gift to the Rich


No matter how expensive food prices become they w ALWAYS continually grow worse at the same time as the 99%’s ability to afford them grows worse. Fascist vouchers

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