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3/2023 “Recent intensification of wetland methane feedback”

Updated: Jan 18

Luna Moth (Actias luna)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-06-29 _F2A9071aaa

“@yanisvaroufakis attacked by right-wing extremists!

After Brutal Assault, Yanis Varoufakis Urges Progressives to Focus on 'What Really Matters'


"the oligarchic establishment is trying to exploit my injuries in the most hideous, goebbels-like manner," varoufakis continued, referring to the nazi propaganda chief. "they are insinuating that i, an anti-systemic politician, [have] fallen victim to the anti-systemic mood that politicians like me have inspired in our youth." he is trying to fight the broken global system of neoliberalism that is enslaving people and planet. Join him.

“After Brutal Assault, Yanis Varoufakis Urges Progressives to Focus on 'What Really Matters'

"I will recover," the Greek leftist said. "But those 57 from the train accident in Tempi won't, and their families' pain cannot be treated."”


The veteran probably observed that life under one cabal of oligarchs is pretty much like life under any other country ruled by cabal of oligarchs:

“A US veteran joined Ukraine's International Legion, then made a shock defection to Russia. Ex-comrades say he was incompetent and left behind a trail of chaos.”


The oceans are dying, including from oxygen depletion, yet Democrats and Republicans are proud of their 30% set aside to save us from Mass Extinction. Apparently they found a way to keep oxygenated and non-oxygenated water apart when they both occur in the same body of water.

“The oceans are dying. Ocean dead zones with zero oxygen and zero life equal size of the European Union.

Just 13% of world’s oceans have intact marine ecosystems, while rest have been plundered degraded. Coral Reefs dying. 100 million sharks killed every year. Oceans turning acidic.”

Global warming is pushing the oceans to a level of extinction not seen in 250 million years. *source



Vile, beady-eyed, mean-spirited, killer:

Without Pushback, Biden Goes Full Trump on Immigration

With Susan Rice and Jake Sullivan at the helm, the inhumanity at the US-Mexico border is as intentional as it was when Stephen Miller ran the show


American Agriculture is failing:

“l/5th of California's strawberry crop lost. Fields under water!”

“Floods fill some of California's summer strawberry fields”


“UPDATE: February's global average atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂) was about 419 parts per million (ppm), a roughly 50% increase since 1750.

This rise is mainly due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels.”


“Recent intensification of wetland methane feedback”

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