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02/2022 “Democrats Are Pressuring Companies to Censor For Them: a Violation of the First Amendment”

Updated: Jan 18

Covid, Ukraine, EPA inaction, etc America’s political & economic elite have gotten way too comfortable with killing$$$ the non-rich


“Democrats: the More Effective Evil”

How about that voter suppression and privatization of the USPS?:

“When all else fails, when you are clueless about how to halt a 7.5% inflation rate, when your Build Back Better bill is gutted, when you renege on your promise to raise the minimum wage or forgive student debt, when you have no idea how to handle the pandemic which has claimed 900,000 lives ... then you must make the public afraid of enemies, foreign and domestic.”


“Democrats Are Pressuring Companies to Censor For Them: a Violation of the First Amendment”

Glen Greenwald via Roland Ramos:

“Defenders of growing online censorship typically use euphemisms to argue that private companies have the right to make whatever "content moderation" decisions they want. Even if true, that's not what is happening. Democrats are using their majority power in Washington to pressure companies to censor for them. Jen Psaki's demands on Spotify to do more about Joe Rogan is just the latest example of this unconstitutional practice.”

Luna Moth (Actias luna)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2011-05-10-2052-13 IMG_3154aaaaa


“Police on alert for Nazis headed to Ukraine – reports”

Romeu Peitinho:

“Western media in a frantic effort to save the far-right, neo-nazi, “democratic forces” of Ukraine.

“ Western neo-Nazis might be attracted to the Azov Battalion, an Ukrainian unit “which uses Nazi-linked symbols and has had many members who have professed far-right extremist views,” according to the Guardian, which added that the “anti-fascist watchdog” Hope Not Hate accused the unit in 2018 of recruiting Britons.

Azov had organized the training photo-op in the city of Mariupol that a number of Western outlets – including several British ones – wrote about on Monday, showcasing the 79-year-old Valentina Konstantinovska as an example of Ukrainians preparing to repel a rumored “Russian invasion.”

The “invasion” was supposed to take place early on Wednesday, but did not materialize. Instead, Russia announced that troops and equipment that had been deployed for training exercises were returning to their barracks.””


“We are in deficit. After nearly 50 years of #overshoot, there is no surplus for making the world over as 'green', 'electrified' and 'sustainable'. The Earth's carrying capacity is severely diminished and continues to be diminished at an astounding rate. We can't afford climate action that supports a 'green' version of the status quo. Radical change is coming, one way or the other. A #PlannedCollapse is a #JustCollapse.”

“Capitalism can no more be ‘persuaded’ to limit growth than a human being can be ‘persuaded’ to stop breathing. Attempts to ‘green’ capitalism, to make it ‘ecological’, are doomed by the very nature fo the system as a system of endless growth.” Bookchin


“Carbon Credits Are A Fossil Fuel Scam”


“The Pain You Feel Is Capitalism and the Living Planet Dying.”


“US sanctions on Afghanistan could kill more civilians than 20 years of war”


An example of our Politicians scheming to create the illusion of consent:

“The numbers indicate that 97% or more of American adults know what Biden is doing for each issue. And, presumably, after careful thought, they have come to a meaningful opinion as to whether they approve or disapprove of his actions.

This is the media-polling Myth of the American Electorate—fully informed and attentive to all issues, with well-considered views about the way they should be addressed.

That myth, of course, bears little resemblance to reality. In fact, on most issues, the vast majority of the public is simply uninformed—about the issue, and especially about what any president is doing to address the issue.”

“Polling on Issues People Know Little About Creates Illusion of Public Opinion”


“Congrats to Annalena Baerbock, a NeoCon Zionist, that managed to land foreign minister position by running under the “Greens” flag. Some food for thought here.”

“Israel and Germany will discuss means of keeping money away from six Palestinian groups Tel Aviv banned last year.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch called the ban, which the US also rebuked, "an attack by Israel on the international human rights movement".”

“Israel, Germany to discuss cutting funds for six banned Palestinian NGOs”


“This was around 2010 and this might be the only leak they got caught for :”

“Nobody knows what killed 70,000 fish after a fracking spill in Ohio

Because Halliburton is exempt from disclosing what chemicals they use”


Similar to slavery requiring reparations, those who made money off the earth held in common must make restitution


“Authoritarianism, Oligarchs, and Kleptocracy”

“Is there any doubt that the right-wing media is beholden to a group of oligarchs at the top of American society? Tucker Carlson and the rest of the gang at Fox News may get their paychecks from the Murdochs, but they’re working for a growing list of billionaire enablers.”


Our own politicians are the leading cause of inequality and they must be held accountable:

“Can’t stop thinking about how the owner of the Rams worth $12.5 billion was able to receive a $100 million tax break to build a $5 billion stadium named after a student loan company while 45 million Americans owe $1.8 trillion in student debt and 600,000 are homeless.”


“Report: Ultra-Rich Amazon Has Received Billions In Subsidies From Tax Breaks”


““Living With Covid” Will Be One of the Biggest Mistakes of the 21st Century

Why Endemic Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does”


“Hints of a long COVID wave as Omicron fades”


Eric Prince?:

“Mounties Seize Weapons Cache, Arrest 11 In Anti-Vaccine Mandate Truckers Blockade

Some of the truckers had access to weapons and a "willingness to use force against the police," Canadian officials said in a statement.”


Pawns of the rich:

“Donor list leak exposes business and far-right forces sponsoring Canada’s “Freedom Convoy””


“Student-loan companies have spent millions fighting efforts like Biden's $10,000 debt-cancellation pledge, and so far they're winning”


Hydrogen Fuel = Dirty Fossil Fuel

“Experts sound the alarm on oil sector’s blue hydrogen push”

“"EU green investment rules facilitate the rollout of blue hydrogen, a fuel that could be more polluting than the fossil gas it is set to replace"”


Treasonous Corporations abound:

“Companies Who Stopped Donations After January 6 Used Lobbyists to Give Instead”


“Gas prices are up

Poor oil companies: “there’s nothing we can do”

Chevron just posted a $15.6 billion profit, its biggest since 2014. The extra money is going to investors via a larger dividend.” [recall 85% of the Stock market is owned by the top 10%]

We have a corporate greed problem, not an inflation problem”


“Suharto’s US-Backed Coup in Indonesia Supplied a Template for Worldwide Mass Murder”

Can’t wait to see what America does to its own citizens once the dictatorship is finalized:

“Under the leadership of Sukarno, postcolonial Indonesia was an optimistic country finding its place on the world stage. Suharto’s 1965 coup drowned that experiment in blood, with US politicians and media cheering on his campaign of mass killings.”


“US government is warmongering and helping Ukrainian Nazis.”


“One person, one vote, period.

In 2000, Gore beat Bush by 543,895 votes. Despite losing 47.9% to 48.4%, Bush was given the electors to become President.

Bernie finished 49.6% to HRC’s 49.9%, & was given 14% less delegates. Vote count, unknown.

Get rid of electors & delegates, & count our damned votes!!

It’s 2016. It’s not complicated.”

“It will be a happy day for Democracy in this country when the Electoral college is no takes away the voting power from the actual voters.

Ty Scott Pashley”


“World Happiness Report 2021”


“Will humans be extinct by 2026?”


“Could Earth go the same way as Venus?

A 2°C, 3°C, 4°C or 5°C RISE?”


“Ocean Heat Killing Spree”


“The Fertility Rate in the US Has Plummeted

It affects everything and no one is talking about it.”

“The Aging of America: For a population to replace itself, the fertility rate has to be 2.1 births per woman. In the US, right now that number is 1.70, and falling. As our population ages, we’re not replacing the people who pass away with new people at a high enough rate.This means fewer new people in the work force, and greater difficulty in caring for our elderly.”


“Fast Forward to 2040

Life on a Warmer Planet”

“What will life on a warmer planet be like for all of us? No matter where you live, you will be affected by climate change. Heat domes will be annual events, not the thousand-year events as they have been described recently. Massive forest fires will no longer be “seasonal” and could explode at any time. A warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture resulting in massive storms and significant flooding. Crop losses from too much rain too fast will become common.”


Leonid Yurganov:

“From my computer.

The latest data processing of 14-year-old methane measurements with the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxford, UK. For example, mid-monthly for June and December. In June (as well as in July and August) the fastest growth of methane over the continental areas of the northern hemisphere. Generally, it coincides with eternal abomination (including Tibet). In December, maximum growth in the Arctic between Greenland and New Earth. The impression is that this growth prevails over anthropogene growth.”


“Big banks fund new oil and gas despite net zero pledges”


“Commodities: 'You Name It, We're Out Of It'”


“Louisiana Investigates Massive Methane Cloud Seen From Space”


“Carbon dioxide (CO₂) was 421.59 parts per million (ppm) at Mauna Lao, Hawaii, on February 14, 2022, a level unprecedented in millions of years.

Carbon dioxide levels typically reach their annual maximum in May, so even higher levels can be expected over the next few months.

From the post 'Greenhouse gas levels keep rising at accelerating speed', at:”


“After another massive oil spill, Indigenous peoples in Ecuador have been forced to use polluted rivers for bathing, washing, and drinking.”


“Gas Pump Prices Soar Due To Corporate Greed, Not Inflation”


“E.O. Wilson & Guy McPherson - The Many Shapes of Biodiversity”

Kevin Hester:

“Included in Tim's latest piece of brilliance are some excerpt's from 's recent piece titled "Science Snippets: Mass Extinction Event is Well Under Way "

I'll post that link below so that folks can see and read the peer reviewed papers Guy referenced.

Guy McPherson and E.O. Wilson, two courageous warriors in the "Killing Fields of an Endangered Ecosystem", the only one we have.”



The triple assassination recalled the darkest days of the Second Intifada — and Israel’s impunity to commit violence.”

“Palestinians were shocked last week by a brazen midday Israeli military assault that employed tactics not seen in the West Bank in over 15 years. Human rights advocates said the Israeli killings of three Palestinian men constituted brutal and coordinated assassinations.

In partnership with +972 Magazine.”

Note: Nancy Pelosi just took a delegation of so called “Progressives” to Israel to get campaign bribes.


“Lichens may take a million years to adapt to 1°C of climate warming

Lichens are important for stabilising soils and providing some animals with food, but the algae within them are adapting to climate change at a rate of just 1°C every million years


Democratic candidate Alex Lasry WI is running campaign advertising on television that wafts the flames of violence against Americans of Asian Ancestry


“China, Russia, Iran do joint military exercises as US escalates new cold war”


“The U.S. is not defending democracy in the Ukraine. The insistence on NATO expansion is to keep Russia out of European markets and maintain U.S. dominance”

“It’s Time to Roll Back NATO Itself - Larry Wilkerson”


It should bother every American, that our loved ones in the military can be killed for business interests that overwhelmingly benefit the rich. And that powers both domestic and abroad can influence the conduct of our politicians’ war making by giving them money.

“The conflict that Washington is provoking with Russia over Ukraine threatens the globe with a catastrophe beyond measure. Driven by insoluble internal crisis and rapacious geopolitical ambition, US imperialism is recklessly marching to the brink of World War III.

The crisis over Ukraine has been manufactured by the United States and its NATO allies on the basis of lies. The Biden administration denounces Russia for the movement of troops within its own borders. The claim of an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine is repeated endlessly by the White House and echoed unquestioningly by the mass media.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is not a geographical alliance of “democratic” states but an imperialist cabal for war with Russia and other countries. Incorporating Ukraine would station NATO arms and forces on Russia’s immediate border and would bind the forces of US and Western European imperialism, under Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, to go to war on behalf of the far-right regime in Kiev, tied to neo-Nazis and fascists, in the event it provoked a conflict with Moscow.

Statement of the World Socialist Web Site editorial board”

“US-NATO escalate war threats against Russia: Are you ready for World War III?”


“How Capitalism Creates War”

“This is the first video in our series on 1967's Congress for the Dialectics of Liberation, featuring a speech from Dr. Jules Henry about the ways in which the capitalist government-military-industrial complex keeps the world in a state of perpetual readiness for war, and how they manufacture consent for war with the public at large.”


“The Neocons' Primary War Tactic: Branding Opponents of U.S. Intervention as Traitors

By rehabilitating neocons and elevating them as thought leaders, liberals live in their framework. Thus are opponents of U.S. involvement in Ukraine deemed treasonous.”

Romeu Peitinho:

“"The excuse offered by Democrats for their embrace of neocons — we did it only as a temporary coalition of convenience to oppose Trump — is false for many reasons. This unholy alliance pre-dated Trump. In 2014 — long before anyone envisioned Trump descending down an escalator on his path to the White House — the journalist Jacob Heilbrunn wrote a New York Times op-ed entitled “The Next Act of the Neocons.” He predicted, correctly as it turned out, that “the neocons may be preparing a more brazen feat: aligning themselves with Hillary Rodham Clinton and her nascent presidential campaign, in a bid to return to the driver’s seat of American foreign policy.”

The corporate media outlets consumed most voraciously by liberals are filled to the brim with war-loving neocons. Liberals catapult their books to the top of best-seller lists, spread their viral tweets, build their credibility into contracts with CNN and NBC News or stints as columnists for The New York Times and The Washington Post, and giddily applaud their cover stories for The Atlantic and The New Yorker."”


Trisha Roberts:

“Director of arms giant Raytheon, Stephen Hadley, is also a director of the US Institute for Peace from which he is calling for war with Russia.”


“The CEO of top arms manufacturer Raytheon admitted in a phone call, “I fully expect we’re going to see some benefit” and “opportunities” from the US war drive with Russia over Ukraine, bombing of Yemen, and conflict in the South China Sea “


“US sanctions on Afghanistan could kill more civilians than 20 years of war”


“Censorship By Algorithm Does Far More Damage Than Conventional Censorship”


“Why Amnesty is taking aim at the ‘root causes’ of Israeli apartheid”

Romeu Peitniho:

“Definitely a win. Plenty of battles ahead for sure, and “antisemitic” smear campaigns to fight against and debunk.”

“Even before #Amnesty’s bombshell new report on Israel-Palestine was released on Tuesday morning, the Israeli government and some of the most prominent pro-Israel organizations around the world were on the offensive.

It’s not hard to see why Israel and its supporters are feeling like their backs are against the wall. The 280-page report by the world’s premier human rights organization is a damning indictment of what Amnesty calls Israel’s “system of oppression and domination against the Palestinian people wherever it has control over their rights,” including in the occupied territories, Israel, and everywhere that Palestinian refugees are living. The investigation includes details on Israel’s military occupation, segregation, torture, land confiscation, restrictions on movement, and denial of citizenship and nationality, among other violations.


“Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity”

“"Israeli authorities must be held accountable for committing the crime of apartheid against Palestinians. Israel enforces a system of oppression and domination against the Palestinian people wherever it has control over their rights. This includes Palestinians living in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), as well as displaced refugees in other countries."

Israel denies citizenship to six million of its own people, imprisons two million people in the Gaza Gulag, discriminates against its Christian & Muslim citizens, engages in ethnic cleansing and attacks its neighbors in Syria, Lebanon and Iran.

Amnesty International is the third major human rights organization to find Israel is an apartheid State. Human Rights Watch & B'Tselem בצלם did so previously. Former President Jimmy Carter, who helped negotiate the Camp David Peace Accords, has also labeled Israel an Apartheid Regime.

Principles NOT Parties calls for equal rights for all-including the right to vote & the right of Palestinian refugees to return. We wish for a peaceful solution. Allowing The Knesset - הכנסת to represent all of the people of Palestine/Israel would make it legitimate.

Jewish Voice for Peace

Breaking the Silence

Americans for Peace Now

If Americans Knew

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement”


“'Israel anger at Amnesty allegations of apartheid'

The Financial Times actually headlined its article on Amnesty's report with Israel's *response*

Protecting apartheid Israel is a key feature of Western 'mainstream' media.

Corporate media whitewashed Amnesty’s Israel ‘apartheid’ report

Steve Topple

Amnesty International has said Israel’s actions and policies against Palestinians amount to apartheid. The global human rights group’s verdict has been met with anger from the Israeli government. But moreover, it’s been met with a whitewash from the corporate media.”

““Israel’s immediate backlash shows that it wants to do everything it can to stop this happening. The media’s response was dire. So, it’s up to activists and campaigners to amplify Amnesty’s message: that the Israeli government is indeed operating apartheid policies.””


“As Amnesty officially recognises Israel's state-sanctioned racism, it's apartheid deniers who should be made pariahs”

“The zionist controlled mainstream media will have some hard weeks ahead to spin this report as antisemitic. But make no mistake, they will do it.

“Amnesty, in fact, went to some lengths to make this very point. Their Secretary General, Agnes Callamard said at a Jerusalem news conference, "We oppose and denounce antisemitism and antisemitic acts the world over. But we defend our right and the right of anyway one else, to critique impartially and against international rights law, Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. That is not antisemitism."

"Let me be clear," she continued, "such accusations … are nothing more than a desperate attempt to evade scrutiny and divert attention from our findings, that the human rights abuses to which the Palestinians people are subjected amount to apartheid."

Her contention is clearly borne out in Amnesty's record of reporting on human rights abuses around the world. But that did not stop US politicians from piling on to the human rights group.””

“"As more institutions and individuals realize just how bad Israel really is, whether they call it #apartheid or not, Israel's defence will become even more threadbare."

–– Mitchell Plitnick”


Asian Bigotry in practice:

“I’ve spent months analyzing the BBC’s coverage of China. The results are revealing”

“If we found an article like this published somewhere on the BBC News website, we'd tell you about it...

'It's worth noting that the BBC has amplified Amnesty reports against China on several occasions, but does not do this, for example, when it comes to Israel.'


I’ve spent months analyzing the BBC’s coverage of China. The results are revealing

Tom Fowdy

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) describes itself as “the most trusted broadcaster in the world.” That's quite a confident assertion to make about oneself. At first glance, such a label may seem appropriate to some. The BBC is, at least objectively speaking, a pioneering institution that shaped the world of modern reporting from the early 20th century onwards. It represents a style that is both authentic and classic, embodied by that formal British accent that is a hallmark of its reporting.

The BBC has undeniably been popular as a source of news, entertainment, and educational material for many around the world. Every other international broadcaster is, in some ways, a carbon copy of the principles and norms that the BBC established.

But that does not mean it is an institution without an agenda, however much it repeatedly seeks to deny this. Hiding behind its self-appointed reputation of impartiality, the BBC actually has a global mission to serve the goals of the British elite. It is a prolific, ideological, and aggressive foreign policy actor behind its elitist institutionalist culture, advocating an intellectual, moral, and value-based supremacy on behalf of the West.

This has never been more clearly demonstrated than with the broadcaster's unrelenting role in waging a propaganda war against China, serving the purposes of its masters in Westminster and Washington.”


“Carbon Credits Are A Fossil Fuel Scam”


The IMF is a depraved an American Capitalist trip:

“China agrees to help Nicaragua develop infrastructure, hospitals, renewable energy”

“Nicaragua’s Sandinista government and China signed a comprehensive agreement to develop hospitals, renewable energy, medical equipment, roads, railways, and ports, as well as the water and public health systems, all overseen by state-owned companies”


“Trapped in IMF debt, Argentina turns to Russia and joins China’s Belt & Road”

“Argentina approaches China and Russia for exit strategy out of IMF debt trap ($44 billion) ; seeks to join BRICS & BRI. Maybe, India should vacate its place for Argentina? BRACS sounds more homogenous as grouping.”


“China Accuses US of Instigating War in Ukraine, 'Using Ukraine' To Create Crisis to Control Europe”


“Venezuela & ALBA News 2.11.2022: Armed Conflict Increases on Venezuela-Colombia Border”

“Venezuela & ALBA News 2.11.2022: Armed Conflict Increases on Venezuela-Colombia Border”


“They Don't Just Lie To Us About Wars. They Lie To Us About Everything.”


The Department of Defense operates to socialize the cost of the Rich’s wealth building by human sacrifice



“America’s Real Adversaries are Its European and Other Allies”

Why are Republicans & Democrats on the same side when it comes to provoking hostilities with Russia?

What do Senator Ted Cruz, President Joe Biden, Marco Rubio, Donald J. Trump, Senator Bob Menendez & Team John Bolton have in common?

Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman Corporation, The Boeing Company & Citi?

Ukraine isn't a strategic interest for Western Europe or the United States. Why is putting NATO's troops on Russia's border such an issue for the American Elite?

"The Iron Curtain of the 1940s and ‘50s was ostensibly designed to isolate Russia from Western Europe – to keep out Communist ideology and military penetration. Today’s sanctions regime is aimed inward, to prevent America’s NATO and other Western allies from opening up more trade and investment with Russia and China.

The aim is not so much to isolate Russia and China as to hold these allies firmly within America’s own economic orbit. Allies are to forego the benefits of importing Russian gas and Chinese products, buying much higher-priced U.S. LNG and other exports, capped by more U.S. arms.

The sanctions that U.S. diplomats are insisting that their allies impose against trade with Russia and China are aimed ostensibly at deterring a military buildup. But such a buildup cannot really be the main Russian and Chinese concern. They have much more to gain by offering mutual economic benefits to the West. So the underlying question is whether Europe will find its advantage in replacing U.S. exports with Russian and Chinese supplies and the associated mutual economic linkages.

What worries American diplomats is that Germany, other NATO nations and countries along the Belt and Road route understand the gains that can be made by opening up peaceful trade and investment. If there is no Russian or Chinese plan to invade or bomb them, what is the need for NATO? What is the need for such heavy purchases of U.S. military hardware by America’s affluent allies? And if there is no inherently adversarial relationship, why do foreign countries need to sacrifice their own trade and financial interests by relying exclusively on U.S. exporters and investors?

These are the concerns that have prompted French Prime Minister Macron to call forth the ghost of Charles de Gaulle and urge Europe to turn away from what he calls NATO’s “brain-dead” Cold War and beak with the pro-U.S. trade arrangements that are imposing rising costs on Europe while denying it potential gains from trade with Eurasia. Even Germany is balking at demands that it freeze by this coming March by going without Russian gas.

Instead of a real military threat from Russia and China, the problem for American strategists is the absence of such a threat.

All countries have come to realize that the world has reached a point at which no industrial economy has the manpower and political ability to mobilize a standing army of the size that would be needed to invade or even wage a major battle with a significant adversary. That political cost makes it uneconomic for Russia to retaliate against NATO adventurism prodding at its western border trying to incite a military response.

America’s rising pressure on its allies threatens to drive them out of the U.S. orbit. For over 75 years they had little practical alternative to U.S. hegemony. But that is now changing. America no longer has the monetary power and seemingly chronic trade and balance-of-payments surplus that enabled it to draw up the world’s trade and investment rules in 1944-45.

The threat to U.S. dominance is that China, Russia, Asia and Europe are offering better trade and investment opportunities than are available from the United States with its increasingly desperate demands for sacrifices from its NATO and other allies..."”


“Oliver Stone: American Exceptionalism Is on Deadly Display in Ukraine”

Romeu Peitinho:

“An interview worth listening to, or reading.

“ Scheer argues that one of the most toxic elements at play in this international brinkmanship is nationalism, a force he warns against, especially in the form of American exceptionalism that views and pursues the country’s interests as “global interests.” Oliver and Scheer also examine a recent joint statement from Russia and China that they believe marks a paradigm shift in global politics. Listen to the full conversation between Oliver and Scheer as they thoughtfully discuss how U.S. nationalism requires crises like the one brewing in Ukraine to sustain its national narratives.””



“Giant Ukrainian US lobbying campaign revealed”

Romeu Peitinho:

“The huge “Elephant in the room” is not a n Elephant, but a pipeline.

“An “extraordinary” movement was mounted to win the support of US politicians, pundits, and media, a new report claims

Ukrainian lobbyists contacted US congressional offices, think tanks, and media figures over 10,000 times last year, according to an analysis of Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) filings reported by the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft on Friday.

The Quincy report pointed to the “extraordinary” scale of Ukraine’s lobbying campaign, noting that the lobbying efforts of Saudi Arabia – known as one of the largest foreign lobbies in Washington DC – pales in comparison.

According to the report, most of Kiev’s persuasive efforts focused on members of Congress, who were deluged with over 8,000 contacts – emails, phone calls, and meetings – in an effort to convince them of the need to block the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, among other issues.”

Clarification: “win the support of US politicians” should be read as: purchasing the support of US politicians.”


“Afghans Demand Truth About Kabul Airport Massacre as U.S. Continues to Deny Soldiers Shot Civilians”

“Surprise, surprise, surprise.

CNN did some actual investigative journalism...

They found the same lying, corrupt, incompetent U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) that betrayed us and Afghans during twenty years of war, killed American troops and civilians at the Kabul airport during their botched withdrawal and then lied about it...”


“Amnesty’s imperfect ‘apartheid’ report helps transform mainstream debate, as shown by ADL’s hollow defense of ‘Jewish state’”

“The facts are clear. During the Nakba of 1948, Israel was forcibly established on Palestinian land through a campaign of terror and ethnic cleansing by Zionist settler-colonists intent on a state based on “maximum land with a minimal number of Arabs.” In the 74 years since, Palestinians throughout historic Palestine, as well as the diaspora, have been subjected to a system of racist discrimination and ongoing dispossession by the Israeli state. Indeed, one of the report’s most important contributions is that it makes clear systemic Israeli oppression of Palestinians did not, as often depicted, start with the 1967 Occupation, but goes back to the founding of the Israeli regime.”



Romeu Peitinho:

“The hardcore zionist is taking the progressive wannabes to the honey pot.”

“Pelosi delegation to Israel draws ire for enabling new wave of violence against Palestinians

Speaker Pelosi is leading a delegation of Democratic Congress members to Israel this week, including progressives Barbara Lee and Ro Khanna. The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights calls on the politicians to cancel the "apartheid delegation."”



“MintPress Study: NY Times, Washington Post Driving U.S. to War with Russia Over Ukraine”

Romeu Peitinho:

“The US MSM might be driving the warmongering narrative, but European mainstream media outlets, specially in Germany, have been subserviently echoing it and even amplifying it, despite this war narrative being against the its national interests, and European interests as a hole. This is how how much clout US has on European leadership and its mainstream media.

“ Amid tough talk from European and American leaders, a new MintPress study of our nation’s most influential media outlets reveals that it is the press that is driving the charge towards war with Russia over Ukraine. Ninety percent of recent opinion articles in The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal have taken a hawkish view on conflict, with anti-war voices few and far between. Opinion columns have overwhelmingly expressed support for sending U.S. weapons and troops to the region. Russia has universally been presented as the aggressor in this dispute, with media glossing over NATO’s role in amping tensions while barely mentioning the U.S. collaboration with Neo-Nazi elements within the Ukrainian ruling coalition.””


“Democrats Are Pressuring Companies to Censor For Them: a Violation of the First Amendment”

Glen Greenwald via Roland Ramos:

“Defenders of growing online censorship typically use euphemisms to argue that private companies have the right to make whatever "content moderation" decisions they want. Even if true, that's not what is happening. Democrats are using their majority power in Washington to pressure companies to censor for them. Jen Psaki's demands on Spotify to do more about Joe Rogan is just the latest example of this unconstitutional practice.”


“ZeroHedge accused of spreading ‘Russian propaganda’”



“Police on alert for Nazis headed to Ukraine – reports”

Romeu Peitinho:

“Western media in a frantic effort to save the far-right, neo-nazi, “democratic forces” of Ukraine.

“ Western neo-Nazis might be attracted to the Azov Battalion, an Ukrainian unit “which uses Nazi-linked symbols and has had many members who have professed far-right extremist views,” according to the Guardian, which added that the “anti-fascist watchdog” Hope Not Hate accused the unit in 2018 of recruiting Britons.

Azov had organized the training photo-op in the city of Mariupol that a number of Western outlets – including several British ones – wrote about on Monday, showcasing the 79-year-old Valentina Konstantinovska as an example of Ukrainians preparing to repel a rumored “Russian invasion.”

The “invasion” was supposed to take place early on Wednesday, but did not materialize. Instead, Russia announced that troops and equipment that had been deployed for training exercises were returning to their barracks.””




Democrats’ “Greedflation”:

“Want to understand the role of corporate greed in price hikes and inflation? CEOs are bragging to investors about it. And they’re betting they can get away with it.

CEO of Constellation Beverage Group (Modelo, Corona) to investors:

“We want to make sure that we’re not leaving any pricing on the table. We want to take as much as we can…we’ll take as much pricing as we think the consumer can absorb.”


“Don’t the Rich Deserve to Keep Their Money?”

“Wealth is socially created — redistribution just allows more people to enjoy the fruits of their labor.”


“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.” George Orwell


“Belgium Says Yes To Four-Day Workweek And The Right To Ignore Boss After Work”


“Economy and the Market are at a Breaking Point”

“Enough is enough. We are seeing worldwide markets and the global economy at a breaking point. Prices are way up in value is way down. The fed is giving conflicting information on what they will do.”


“Bigger than any #olympics record! Earth's daily #CO2 levels just hit 421.59 ppm on Feb 14, 2022 HIGHEST EVER average at Mauna Loa This planetary record is a spike 5.37 ppm higher than the daily level of 416.22 ppm one year ago NOAA data:”

Independent tracking of CO2:

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