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"Hell is truth seen too late" - Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan

Updated: Jan 18

There are reports that allege the Ukrainian theater mass shooting were actually committed by US and Nato led Nazis:


USA: Legal executions by firing squad; politicians with Nazis feeding$ off another nation’s resources$; right to vote based on skin color; children in prison; religious zealots choking the judiciary; book burning; etc ...JACK YOUR SILOS WORLD It’s coming


“ALEC’s New Push to Protect Corporations from Damage Claims”


Nina Turner for President 2024:

“#NancyPelosi disclosed her stock activity. On Monday (yesterday) March 21, 2022, she bought $1.25 M call options on $TS:A (Tesla [Elon Musk]).

Today TSLA is up 8% or ~90pts.

Corruption is endemic in American politics. #eattherich


“Teachers can only deduct $250 in school supplies on their taxes, but:

~ Bezos can write off his super yatch

~ Musk can write off his jet

~ Waltons can write off their mansions

Why? Because millionaires write tax law for billionaires. We need a Congress for working people – not the 0.1%”

Luna Moth (Actias luna)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016-06-04 IMG_1183aaa

Chris Hedges:

“And what I’m willing to do, which the mainstream church is not, is to denounce the Christian right as Christian heretics.

You don’t have to, as I did, spend three years at Harvard Divinity School to realize that Jesus didn’t come to make us rich.

And he certainly didn’t come to make Pat Robertson and Joel Osteen rich. And what they have don

And what they have done is acculturate the worst aspects of American imperialism, capitalism, chauvinism, violence and bigotry into the Christian religion.”


“When you have corporations (like the corporate owned media and Silicon Valley tech corporations) censoring dissent on behalf of the state, you don’t have a free press.

You have state media spouting the state approved propaganda.”


“The latest US weapon heading to Ukraine: A 2-foot long, 5-pound drone designed for one-way missions”


“We have to wake up: factory farms are breeding grounds for pandemics”

Jefferson County Wisconsin experienced an Avian Flu outbreak. Unfortunately around a million birds had to be killed. Problem is they buried the dead chickens instead of burning them and now some have concern over tainted ground water. [In Wisconsin “DNR” stands for Department of Natural Resources]

“"Factory farms are where many of the pandemics that occurred in recent decades got started. By buying meat, dairy products and eggs individuals in most cases are supporting factory farming and thereby increasing the risk of pandemics that affect animals and humans occurring in the future." - Martin Thompson”


Liam Bilinski:

“To: Members of Congress

In the real world, most of you would be in prison for insider trading, bribery, perjury, and organized crime!

Your greed and self-serving actions have made a laughing stock of what was the most powerful and revered nation in the world!

You’ve broken the voting system and now feel untouchable within your den of thieves, spending a lifetime leeching the prosperity from our nation!

We have found a way to end this travesty!

Your days are numbered!


We the People “


“American oligarchs have captured our political system - they slash their taxes, bail themselves out with public funds, and crush any legislation that doesn’t serve their bottom line, no matter how badly the working class needs it. This is not what democracy looks like”

“The moral crisis of our age has nothing to do with gay marriage or abortion; it’s insider trading, obscene CEO pay, wage theft from ordinary workers, Wall Street’s continued gambling addiction, corporate payoffs to friendly politicians, and the billionaire takeover of our democracy.” Robert Reich


“"I feel like I will be in debt the rest of my life": Medical bills are weighing down Americans”

“A recent study found that medical bills were the largest source of debt for Americans from 2009 to 2020.

The healthcare system should provide support for Americans, not burdens. Learn More”


“Chris Hedges on RT Ban & “Pandora's Box of War””

“"Abby Martin speaks to Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges... about the government and Big Tech censorship campaign against dissident views, the media propaganda in a "cartoon war" that plays to emotion instead of facts...and what needs to happen to avoid the worst outcomes."”


Ron Placone:

“Ya know, when it comes to the United States, I think I’ve reached the acceptance phase. This is just what the country is. I don’t fit in here and I never did but I’m not alone. I’m not suggesting giving up by any means, but there’s no use pretending something is what it isn’t.”


No word as of yet whether it will be authorized for extra-judicial proceedings, but proponents are optimistic:

“South Carolina Readies Firing Squads for Executions”


Long story short, you raise interest rates to lower the amount of currency chasing any individual good. Today’s inflation is caused by greed – not necessarily because of a dearth of currency in the hands of consumers.

“The Fed is making it more expensive to borrow money — and purposefully slowing our economy down. That will mean more economic hardship for ordinary Americans. If the interest hikes function as they always have, the unemployment rate will rise and people will have less money to spend.

In the 1970s, pumping interest rates sky-high did get inflation under control, but it also kicked off a brutal recession that hurt ordinary Americans just as much as high inflation. The problem is, our current inflation crisis is being exacerbated by CEOs and corporate executives price-gouging consumers. Raising interest rates won't solve the problem of corporate greed — only bold action from our leaders will.”


“American’s Are Dying Younger, Saving Corporations Billions”

“Life expectancy gains have stalled. The grim silver lining? Lower pension costs.”


“World War III is here, but it’s not what we expected”

“The battlefield for this war is worldwide; it's just that it is primarily an economic battlefield. When Russia attacked Ukraine, the other great powers did not send soldiers and tanks. Instead, they orchestrated one of the most comprehensive economic warfare schemes ever devised.”


Nazi: “Not in my Name”

The Jerusalem Post: “Western Countries training far-right extremists in Ukraine” Oct 19, 2021

The Nation: “Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine” Feb 22, 2019

Jewish Telegraphic Agency: “Ukraine had more anti-Semitic incidents than all former Soviet Countries combined” January 28,2018

Most recently Washington had the Ukrainian Nazis change their name to “Ukrainian National Guard”


“Stop Destroying Rainforests For Candy

Hey Candy Giants: Stop destroying rainforests for cheap palm oil! Tell Mars, Ferrero, and Mondelēz to remove Conflict Palm Oil from their products now.”


America will make sure the war in Ukraine keeps going and going and going,...



The problem was clear for years and it was allowed to get this bad as part of a strategy by the Rich to disenfranchise people with their own government so the Rich could take over government:

Dept. of Follow the Water: Water agencies serving roughly 27 million people and 750,000 acres of farmland will receive less water than they requested for this year from state reservoirs.


“Lake Powell water crisis is about to be an energy crisis

As the West's megadrought continues, communities reliant on hydroelectric power — including tribes and rural towns — face shortages.”


Here we go again,…:

“Ukraine’s Children Are Vulnerable to Shady Adoption Schemes”

Haiti earthquake all over again. Why don’t they ask SCOTUS Judge Amy Barrett how she collected or hoarded her kids. By giving them a Christian up bringing she actually saved them from their heathen parents. Just like the children trump stole at the Mexican border

“Matt Shea, a former WA state representative with close ties to militia groups and others that ran a training camp to instruct youth in “Christian warfare,” turned up in a hotel in a small Polish town with 63 Ukrainian children he apparently hoped to bring to the U.S. for adoption.”


Olivier Wollastoni:

“I have worked on the Delias of the Malay peninsular & Singapore on the new Delias website :

Could you let me know if you see any errors or if some Delias taxa are missing.

Thank you”


“Drill Baby Kill”:

“Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan was one of 23 Republican senators to sign a letter to President Biden urging more development of petroleum and mineral projects, including a commitment to fast-tracking energy production on federal lands like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, and expediting the permitting of critical minerals mining and processing and the infrastructure needed to get to them, particularly Alaska’s Ambler Road project — and all under the guise of supporting Ukraine.”


Charles Koch is in charge of America, not Biden:

Mark Trewick:

“I share this and other news reports here because this is already causing and leading to further extinctions of plants and animals. I called this group Extinction *OBSERVERS*, because as of right now, nothing is being attempted to prevent it from happening. We're observing the extinction of planet Earth's life, unabated and in real time. Nothing is stopping it.

(Cattle farming, palm oil, soy, cocoa, rubber and coffee are all leading causes of tropical forest loss, destroying some of the most biodiverse places on Earth, home to species including jaguars, sloths, orang-utans, toucans and lemurs. On Monday, an IPCC report warned climate breakdown was accelerating rapidly and said many of the impacts would be more severe than predicted, with only a narrow chance left of avoiding its worst ravages.)”

“Deforestation emissions far higher than previously thought, study finds

Carbon emissions from felling of tropical forest doubled in just two decades and are accelerating, research says”


Censorship of information critically required for the survival of the vast majority of American citizens:

Mark Trewick:

“The video accompanying this is unavailable but the transcript is. See below.

(Colossal explosions shake a remote corner of the Siberian tundra, leaving behind massive craters. In Alaska, a huge lake erupts with bubbles of inflammable gas. Scientists are discovering that these mystifying phenomena add up to a ticking time bomb, as long-frozen permafrost melts and releases vast amounts of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. What are the implications of these dramatic developments in the Arctic? Scientists and local communities alike are struggling to grasp the scale of the methane threat and what it means for our climate future.


Arctic Sinkholes

PBS Airdate: February 2, 2022

NARRATOR: What happens when a frozen world, locked away for millennia, starts to thaw? In 2014, a helicopter crew flying over Siberia discovers something mysterious: a crater more than 80 feet wide and deeper than a 15-story building. Sinkholes are nothing new, but this is no ordinary sinkhole.

SUSAN M. NATALI (Woodwell Climate Research Center): The ground has exploded. There’s no way…this is not real.

NARRATOR: More Siberian craters have since been discovered. There’s even evidence they may be appearing in Alaska....)

Continues in the link...”


“A Brief History of "Windows of Opportunity" “

“That "Window", the IPCC report mentions, has been a "Shrodingers Window" for a very long time now...

about that?”


“We are living in the time of the sixth great extinction. We humans are collectively responsible for the near-term collapse of everything. The “rapidly closing window of opportunity” is in reality a “steel door of doom” that was welded shut generations ago.”

['m getting a "site can't be reached" error message when I click on the link to the article. Washington had taken down?! Original poster mentions YouTube]


“The sixth mass extinction is happening now, and it doesn’t look good for us”

Mass Extinction:

“(Species are going extinct at an unusually high rate. Our ⚠️*lack of*⚠️ efforts now will ⚠️*not*⚠️ prevent a future too ghastly to contemplate.

In fact, many species go extinct before they are even discovered — perhaps as many as 25% of total extinctions are never noticed by humans. Even accounting for undetected extinctions, the modern era still cannot be classified as a mass extinction event.

But it’s not the total number of extinctions we should focus on — it’s the extinction rate. If past mass extinctions took nearly three million years to ensue, then we should instead examine how many species go extinct per unit of time relative to the “background” extinction rate that occurs between mass extinction events.

According to the fossil record, the average “lifespan” of a species is about one million years, which equates to a background rate of about 0.1 to 2.0 extinctions per million “species-years”. This makes the number of observed extinctions in the modern era 10 to 10,000 times higher than the background rate. Even the most conservative estimates that ignore undetected extinctions firmly place the modern era well within the expected range to qualify as a mass extinction.)”


“There are now 41,415 species on the IUCN Red List, and 16,306 of them are endangered species threatened with extinction. This is up from 16,118 last year. This includes both endangered animals and endangered plants.”

“The 10 Most Endangered Animals in 2022”


“Our world in data: Extinctions since 1500.”


“Animals on the brink: why extinctions matter

The loss of a single species from an ecosystem is like an airplane losing a rivet. What can be done to prevent animals going the way of the Dodo?”

Mark Trewick:

“(Scientists can say with some certainty that the rate of species loss is accelerating as the climate crisis intensifies, natural habitats disappear, and the trade in animals and their parts ravages the natural world. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) estimates that over the last two generations, the animal kingdom has shrunk by about a half, and between 10,000 and 100,000 species are going the way of the Dodo every year.)”


“The loss of insects is an apocalypse worth worrying about

A world without bugs is a world we don’t want to live in.”

“(A world without insects is a world we don’t want to live in, Milman told Vox. Yet we don’t seem to pay these critters much attention — even as many of them slip toward extinction. Science is increasingly showing that insects, on the whole, are declining quickly, he said. Some populations have fallen by more than 70 percent in just a few decades.)”


Sam Carana


Warnings about the potential for seafloor methane releases have been given repeatedly. A 2021 analysis indicates that massive methane seepage from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean occurred during ice sheet wastage over the last and penultimate deglaciation periods.

At the time, seafloor methane entering the atmosphere could be accommodated without resulting in huge temperature rises, because such releases were spread out over relatively long periods, while the level of methane in the atmosphere at the time was relatively low and since the lifetime of methane is limited to a decade or so.

Today, circumstances are much more dire in many respects. While high heat peaks may have occurred locally during the last and penultimate deglaciation, today's global mean temperature is higher, as James Hansen et al., confirmed in a 2017 analysis. Furthermore, a 2012 analysis indicates that oceanic heat transport to the Arctic today is higher.

Greenhouse gas levels are very high at the moment and their rise is accelerating. As a result of the rapidity of the rise, new seafloor methane eruptions can occur while previous methane releases haven't yet been broken down in the atmosphere.

Seafloor methane eruptions can thus trigger a huge temperature rise, as illustrated by the image (from the extinction page).

From the post 'Methane rise is accelerating', at: “


“A Myth for the Sixth Mass Extinction: Telling Noah’s Story during a Climate Crisis”


“Methane Acceleration Sets Record”

Marck Trewick:

“"1,900 ppb is triple the pre-industrial level of 700 ppb. This sudden acceleration is not good news. It’s a climate change horror story that’s starting to come true.”

“In the year 2021 methane (CH4) concentration in the atmosphere exceeded 1,900 ppb for the first time in human history recorded by Global Monitoring Laboratory, Earth System Research Laboratories, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Furthermore, it is suddenly mysteriously accelerating over just the past 13 years. In turn, this exceptional acceleration could hasten global warming considerably. Of even more concern, the acceleration appears to be regenerating on its own accord sans human influence.””


“Global Food Crisis”


“‘It’s not supposed to be white’: one of the Great Barrier Reef’s healthiest reefs succumbs to bleaching”

“Widespread bleaching during the cooler temperatures of La Niña has left scientists dreading the damage that could be caused by the next El Niño”


The rest of the world has subsidized America’s prosperity via Global Planetary death:

Jason Hickel:

“The top map shows which nations are most responsible for excess emissions. The bottom map shows which nations are most impacted by it. If we are not attentive to the colonial dimensions of climate breakdown, we are missing the point.


“Quantifying national responsibility for climate breakdown: an equality-based attribution approach for carbon dioxide emissions in excess of the planetary boundary.”


“When money equates to power, and the powerful have only their own interests at heart, this is how it goes”

“How Big Ag Bankrolled Regenerative Ranching”


“Multiple dead dolphin sightings reported in Guernsey”


BOYCOTT - Florida is an abomination:

“(“We are putting out ten gigatons of carbon emissions per year, plus or minus, and those emissions are causing the planet to warm. And we know as the planet warms a lot of things are happening, from extreme weather events to waterways being ice-free for longer,” said Stuart Pimm, a professor of conservation at Duke University. “They may not be quite as direct as someone going out with a shotgun and killing a bald eagle, but they are every bit as potent a factor in causing species extinctions.”)”

“How one of Florida’s most beloved animals may be close to climate extinction”


“Ecological regime shift in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean revealed from the unprecedented reduction in marine growth of Atlantic salmon”

Mark Trewick:

“My long read for today.

The excerpt I'm sharing contains a few key words which I've highlighted.(⚠️)

(Unique data on body length growth during the first months at sea obtained from reading of scales from Atlantic salmon revealed an ⚠️abrupt⚠️ reduction in growth in the year 2005 for numerous populations migrating through the Norwegian Sea from southern and middle Norway. This reduced growth co-occurred with a decline in the number of Atlantic salmon that returned to the rivers during the subsequent year after having spent 1 year at sea (termed one-sea-winter Atlantic salmon or grilse). Our analysis revealed a coinciding oceanographic decrease in the extent of Arctic water in the Norwegian Sea. This decrease in Arctic water resulted in about 1° warming of temperature, which correlated with an almost 50% reduction in zooplankton abundance before out-migration of Atlantic salmon smolts from rivers to regions of the Norwegian Sea. A ⚠️sudden⚠️ reduction in body growth was also observed among Atlantic mackerel following this reduction in plankton. A reduced growth of Atlantic salmon around 2005 has also been observed in France and Scotland, suggesting that the factors affecting southern Norwegian populations affected salmon populations across a ⚠️large geographic area.⚠️ We hypothesize that the oceanographic change in Arctic water caused a synchronous ⚠️regime shift⚠️ among trophic levels across a ⚠️large area⚠️ of the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean. This regime shift may be predicted by several competing mechanistic hypotheses, which we discuss in the context of potential top-down and bottom-up processes.)

This report details part of the ongoing process of oceanic extinction...”


Ramping up widespread famine:

“Pacific Coast crabs are suffocating

Climate change has created dangerously low oxygen levels in the ocean, causing problems for creatures and the communities that rely on them.”

Mark Trewick:

“Sea life die-offs will only get worse as the oceans continue to absorb more heat.

(Most marine animals don’t breathe air, but they need oxygen to live, absorbing it from the water as they swim, burrow, or cling to the seafloor. But lately, bouts of dangerously low oxygen levels — or hypoxia — have afflicted parts of the North American west coast, affecting critters from halibut to sea stars. These “dead zones” cause ecological disruption and economic pain for fishers like Bailey, who can’t sell crabs that have suffocated in their traps.

The phenomenon offers a preview of what climate change holds for many other parts of Earth’s oceans, which are already stressed by human impacts. As seawater warms, it holds less oxygen.)


Mark Trewick:

“Thawing Permafrost Could Leach Microbes, Chemicals Into Environment”

“This was released today by

I'd like to know...?

Just how soon is, ⚠️"Potentially sooner",⚠️ than within the next hundred years?


(Trapped within Earth’s permafrost – ground that remains frozen for a minimum of two years – are untold quantities of greenhouse gases, microbes, and chemicals, including the now-banned pesticide DDT. As the planet warms, permafrost is thawing at an increasing rate, and scientists face a host of uncertainties when trying to determine the potential effects of the thaw.

A paper published earlier this year in the journal Nature Reviews Earth & Environment looked at the current state of permafrost research. Along with highlighting conclusions about permafrost thaw, the paper focuses on how researchers are seeking to address the questions surrounding it.

Infrastructure is already affected: Thawing permafrost has led to giant sinkholes, slumping telephone poles, damaged roads and runways, and toppled trees. More difficult to see is what has been trapped in permafrost’s mix of soil, ice, and dead organic matter. Research has looked at how chemicals like DDT and microbes – some of which have been frozen for thousands, if not millions, of years – could be released from thawing permafrost.

Then there is thawing permafrost’s effect on the planet’s carbon: Arctic permafrost alone holds an estimated 1,700 billion metric tons of carbon, including methane and carbon dioxide. That’s roughly 51 times the amount of carbon the world released as fossil fuel emissions in 2019. Plant matter frozen in permafrost doesn’t decay, but when permafrost thaws, microbes within the dead plant material start to break the matter down, releasing carbon into the atmosphere.


“Current models predict that we’ll see a pulse of carbon released from the permafrost to the atmosphere within the next hundred years, ⚠️potentially sooner,”⚠️ said Kimberley Miner, a climate researcher at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California and lead author of the paper. But key details – such as the quantity, specific source, and duration of the carbon release – remain unclear.

The worst-case scenario is if all the carbon dioxide and methane were released within a very short time, like a couple of years. Another scenario involves the gradual release of carbon. With more information, scientists hope to better understand the likelihood of either scenario.

While the review paper found that Earth’s polar regions are warming the fastest, it was less conclusive on how increased carbon emissions could drive drier or wetter conditions in the Arctic. What is more certain is that changes in the Arctic and Antarctic will cascade to lower latitudes. Earth’s polar regions help stabilize the planet’s climate. They help drive the transfer of heat from the equator toward higher latitudes, resulting in atmospheric circulation that powers the jet stream and other currents. A warmer, permafrost-free Arctic could have untold consequences for Earth’s weather and climate.)”


“Plants humans don’t need are heading for extinction, study finds

Bleak picture for biodiversity as analysis of over 80,000 species forecasts more losers than winners”

Mark Trewick:

“We actually probably do need them but it’s just not readily apparent

Extinction is everywhere.

(Researchers have categorised more than 80,000 plant species worldwide and found that most of them will “lose” in the face of humanity – going extinct because people don’t need them.)”


“Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.”


“Multinational corporations have nearly made the independent family farmer a thing of the past.

With a handful of companies in control of the majority of the market and having an oversized influence on the federal farm policy, the independent family farmer ends up earning less money, while working the same long hours, all while large multinational corporations earn record profits.

The Farm System Reform Act is a bill that would help rein in the monopolistic practices of the agriculture industry, invest billions in the transition to a more resilient food system, and finally start transitioning us away from concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, to more regenerative practices by truly independent farmers and ranchers.

Join us in contacting your Members of Congress today in support of this historic legislation.”


“Major study documents methane ‘ultra-emitters’”


“How a Company Called BlackRock Shapes Your News, Your Life, Our Future”

“Five giant corporations now control most of what we see and read. Who controls the corporations who control our news? A helpful index was just compiled—not by mainstream media, but by Harvard researchers exploring media’s future.

“Some $11 trillion is now invested in index funds, up from $2 trillion a decade ago,” Annie Lowrey reports in The Atlantic. This has “moved the country toward a peculiar kind of financial oligarchy,” decreasing competition because “mega-asset managers control large stakes in multiple competitors in the same industry.” (Like media.)

I barely knew BlackRock existed—let alone that, with Vanguard, they have enough of an interest in most big media corporations to be considered “insiders” under U.S. law. Critics call BlackRock a “great vampire squid,” a “shadow bank,” and “almost a shadow government”—one that neatly avoids the spotlight.

BlackRock’s CEO, Larry Fink comes across as a reasonable man concerned—except for the issues in China and the reluctance to be regulated—with social and environmental responsibility. That is BlackRock’s rhetoric, at least. And we will not hear much beyond the rhetoric, because . . . who would tell us?”


“Twenty years ago, at a CIA black site in Afghanistan, Ammar al-Baluchi was used as a “living prop” to teach torture – trainees lined up to take turns at knocking his head against a wall until he got brain damage. CIA kept the info classified until this week.”

“This week the CIA admitted that trainees got CERTIFIED by practicing bashing this man’s head against a wall for up to 2 hours at a time. While he was naked.

This is why the United States lacks ANY moral authority in the world. And why now that they want to call out the legitimate war crimes of Russia, Russia can laugh in their face because the US has a long list of war crimes - and also refuses to participate in the International Criminal Court over them.”


Western Oligarchs want America to be a kleptocracy like Russia:

“When we reject any culture, due to present time behavior - with history, art and food etc as a hallmark: We blind ourselves to the protagonist figures responsible for the atrocities of now!”

“Italy’s main University in Milan just banned teaching Fyodor Dostoevsky because he’s Russian writer. Dostoevsky was sent to a Siberian labour camp for reading banned books in Tsarist Russia. We are preaching levels of hatred and stupidity that I thought were never possible.”


Patriotism means nothing to the Capitalist class and their corporations:

“Al Qaeda Fighters Join Ukraine”


Pelosi and Koch:

“Medicare for All works like a TAX CUT for 95% of the population. SAVES the average family ~$3,000 annually. You get MORE COVERAGE (mental health, vision, dental, long-term care) for LESS MONEY.”


“We don’t use the term “working class” because it’s a taboo term.

You’re supposed to say “middle class,” because it helps diminish the understanding that there’s a class war going on.” Noam Chomsky


Biden\Koch\Trump’s America is an abomination:


“The fascinating thing about the #Ukraine war is the sheer number of top #Western strategic thinkers and scholars who have warned for years that it was coming if we continued down the path. No-one listened to them and now we have fools putting the blame solely on Russia and Putin.

And now even more absurd - trying to blame #China for not putting out the fire which America and NATO started in Ukraine.

A small compilation of some of these warnings, from #HenryKissinger to #Mearsheimer are presented here (compiled by RnaudBertrand).


1. *George #Kennan, America's foreign policy strategist*, the architect of the U.S. cold war strategy. As early as 1998 he warned that NATO expansion was a "tragic mistake" that ought to ultimately provoke a "bad reaction from Russia".

2. *Henry #Kissinger*, in 2014. He warned that "to Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country" and that the West therefore needs a policy that is aimed at "reconciliation".

He was also adamant that "Ukraine should not join NATO"

3. *John Mearsheimer* - arguably the leading geopolitical scholar in the US today - in 2015: "The West is leading Ukraine down the primrose path and the end result is that Ukraine is going to get wrecked [...] What we're doing is in fact encouraging that outcome."

4. *Jack F. Matlock Jr.*, US Ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1987-1991, warning in 1997 that NATO expansion was "the most profound strategic blunder, [encouraging] a chain of events that could produce the most serious security threat [...] since the Soviet Union collapsed"

5. Clinton's defense secretary *William Perry* explained, in his memoir, that to him NATO enlargement is the cause of "the rupture in relations with Russia" and that in 1996 he was so opposed to it that "in the strength of my conviction, I considered resigning".

6. *Stephen Cohen*, a famed scholar of Russian studies, warning in 2014 that "if we move NATO forces toward Russia's borders [...] it's obviously gonna militarize the situation [and] Russia will not back off, this is existential"

7. *CIA director Bill Burns* in 2008: "Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for [Russia]" and "I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests". (He was then Ambassador to Moscow in 2008 when he wrote this memo). He is now director of the CIA. ‘08 memo ‘Nyet Means Nyet: Russia's NATO Enlargement Redlines’

8. Russian-American journalist *Vladimir Pozner*, in 2018, stated that: NATO expansion in Ukraine is unacceptable to the Russian, that there has to be a compromise where "Ukraine, guaranteed, will not become a member of NATO."

9. *Malcolm #Fraser, 22nd prime minister of Australia*, warned in 2014 that "the move east [by NATO is] provocative, unwise and a very clear signal to Russia". He adds that this leads to a "difficult and extraordinarily dangerous problem".

10. *Paul #Keating, former Australian PM, in 1997*: expanding NATO is "an error which may rank in the end with the strategic miscalculations which prevented Germany from taking its full place in the international system [in early 20th]"

11. *Former US defense secretary Bob Gates* in his 2015 memoirs: "Moving so quickly [to expand NATO] was a mistake. [...] Trying to bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO was truly overreaching [and] an especially monumental provocation"

12. *Pat Buchanan*, in his 1999 book A Republic, Not an Empire: "By moving NATO onto Russia's front porch, we have scheduled a twenty-first-century confrontation."

13. In 1997, a group of individuals including *Robert McNamara, Bill Bradley & Gary Hart wrote a letter to Bill Clinton* warning the "US led effort to expand NATO is a policy error of historic proportions" and would "foster instability" in Europe. Today it's fringe, traitorous position.

14. *Dmitriy Trenin* expressed concern that Ukraine was, in the LT, the most potentially destabilizing factor in US-Russian relations, given the level of emotion & neuralgia triggered by its quest for NATO membership.

15. *Sir Roderic Lyne, former British ambassador to Russia*, warned a year ago that "[pushing] Ukraine into NATO [...] is stupid on every level." He adds "if you want to start a war with Russia, that's the best way of doing it."

16. Even last year, *famous economist Jeffrey #Sachs*, writing a column in the FT warning that "NATO enlargement is utterly misguided and risky. True friends of Ukraine, and of global peace, should be calling for a US and NATO compromise with Russia."

17. *Fiona Hill* :"We warned [George Bush] that Mr. Putin would view steps to bring Ukraine and Georgia closer to NATO as a provocative move that would likely provoke pre-emptive Russian military action. But ultimately, our warnings weren’t heeded."

18. *Aleksandr Dugin*, in 1997, had predicted everything that Putin has done, in his book "Foundation of Geopolitics."

EVERYBODY knew that trying to rope Ukraine into NATO was crossing Russia's red line, but now people would like to hold up Russia as a villain.”


“Las Vegas family fined more than $700 for freeing fox from trap”

“Another example of how state wildlife agencies favor trappers over the general public.

Las Vegas family fined more than $700 and threatened with jail for freeing fox from trap - AFTER NV Division of Wildlife had CLOSED the case.

In MT, it is also a misdemeanor offense to release wildlife from a trap. (See Montana Code Annotated 87-6-601.4(a):”


“In my part of Wisconsin there is a constant barrage of advertising attacking the elderly to trick them into spending money on Medicare\caid provisions that have been privatized. It is SHAMELESS. Charles Koch must be stopped:

“Consumer Fraud Losses Hit Record $5.8 Billion

Amount of money lost to scams increases as victims age, FTC reports”

According to a new report, consumers reported losing a record-breaking $5.8 billion to fraud in 2021 — a 70 percent increase over the previous year. See the top frauds driving the increase.”


“More drilling on public lands & waters will ultimately hurt our safety and security”

“Oil & gas companies will always prioritize making $$$ over our safety, health & nat'l security. Doubling down on fossil fuels will make things much worse.

A much safer bet for our communities, climate, & maintaining peace is investing in renewable energy.”


“Next Shoe Drops on Office Markets: State & Local Governments Dump Office Space amid Working-from-Home/Hybrid Model”

“Next Shoe Drops on Commercial Real Estate as: State & Local Governments Dump Office Space-- Vacancy rates are already huge, and office attendance is still very low, everywhere.”


The groundwork for fantastic death, destruction and suffering has already been laid:

“U.N. Chief Warns of ‘Catastrophe’ With Continued Use of Fossil Fuels”

“António Guterres, the United Nations secretary general, said instead of replacing Russian oil, gas and coal, nations must pivot to clean energy.”


Taming the beast:

“Trust the $cience or the $igns, cause both are the same according to the bank accounts.”

— with Ray Cayton.

“An important scientific study proves that the result of a scientific study depends entirely on where its funding comes from.”


Russel Brand:

“What is the “International Law” that the West is holding Putin accountable to but not themselves?


James Parris:

“Keep a fight going

That's all any war hawks want

'Tough talk' ends in blood”


“Eight Marxist Claims That May Surprise You”


“Hypersonic missiles: Why is Russia using them in Ukraine?

Russia has become the first country to test this new type of missile, billed as ‘unstoppable’, in combat.”


“12 Signs You’ve Experienced Narcissistic Abuse”

“"People with narcissistic tendencies sometimes show a pattern of manipulative, controlling behavior that involves both verbal abuse and emotional manipulation. These tactics can confuse you, make you question your sense of reality, and damage your self-esteem," writes Crystal Raypole. Read more about the signs of narcissistic abuse and how to get help if you’ve experienced it, here.”


“The Incredible Migration of the Painted Lady”


James Parris:

“Darker folks concur

Complexion and protection

Aren't synchronized

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