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02/2022 “Capitalism has no endgame besides collapse & feudalistic warfare”

Updated: Jan 1

“How Civilizations Collapse — And Ours is Beginning To”


An America where Erik Prince will reign supreme and kill with impunity:

One very possible path America’s implosion is on has Corporations with domestic armies of mercenaries to do their lawless bidding on U.S. soil.

“Capitalism has no endgame besides collapse & feudalistic warfare”

“Techno-feudalism: In the future that capital and empire are creating, the power will held by ultra-wealthy oligarchs with private armies, like Erik Prince. When imperialist countries have largely devolved into failed states, oligarchs can hold a monopoly on violence. New feudal lords with the powers of modern weaponry.”

Locust Underwing (Euparthenos nubilis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2014-06-28 089aaaa

Peter Carter:


Huge 30% increase from fossil fuel industry”


“They” don’t want COVID or safety to interfere with the economy$. But the problem is when we go back to work & school to get sick and or die we don’t really participate in the economy!

America is destined to be a fascist dictatorship if and only if Democrats don’t do whatever it takes to ensure voting rights for all,...the govt prints money for legally iffy bullshit ALL THE TIME. Get creative or Get. Out. Of. The. WAY

Famine USA: our industrial agricultural only makes sense with economies of scale. Even modest percentage crop failures will make delivering those crops that did make it to maturity in eatable form, pricey\unprofitable


Complete extinction of humans in 2 to 8 years is the growing consensus. Avoiding this outcome is NOT possible. Nothing about any aspect of this is going to be easy. Including acceptance, but you will.

“10 Inevitables: Post Doom, No Gloom (Appetizer)”

“THESIS of this 30-min VIDEO: Confusion and collective insanity reign without a life-centered view of ecology, energy, and history. Enthralled by gee-whiz technology, and blind to ten collapse-related inevitabilities, we stumble into a future of ecological and societal certainties that most people cannot see, or will vehemently deny...

1. Most people will have a hard time trusting how & why our civilization is collapsing.

2. Abrupt climate mayhem (rapid 2C+) locks in biospheric collapse & extinctions.

3. Tipping points already crossed will be falsely framed as “still avoidable”.

4. Without “Assisted Migration” love-in-action, most plant species will go extinct.

5. Without urgent collective action, there will be dozens of nuclear meltdowns.

6. As our biospheric and societal predicament worsens, so will our mental health.

7. Most people will only reluctantly relinquish their faith in “the Almighty We”.

8. If you proselytize only the doom side of collapse reality, expect to be shunned.

9. Most people will crave distraction — and virtually anything that offers “hope”.

10. Elite universities, IPCC, MSM, & pols will remain first-rate legal hopium dealers.”

“Regenerative conversations exploring overshoot grief, grounding, and gratitude.”


“EIA expects U.S. energy-related carbon dioxide emissions to increase in 2022 and 2023”


“Sad to say

Due to persistence with business-as-usual our children are now an endangered species”

“Cultural Causes of Climate Injustice”


“The Age of Dread

If Everything Feels Incredibly Scary Right About Now, That’s Because…It Is”

“People are on edge like never before. Pundits will say that people are “weary” and “fatigued” by these brutal pandemic years.Yes, but people are weary and fatigued because they are on edge. All the time. It never stops. They always feel as if they are dangling on a razor’s edge over an abyss. Like anything could happen, could go wrong, at any time.”


“From Canada to Brazil, rich right-wing elites are astroturfing ‘trucker’ protests”

"From Canada to Brazil, rich right-wing elites are astroturfing ‘trucker’ protests Supported by wealthy right-wing elites, so-called “trucker” protests (led by non-truckers) have paralyzed the capitals of Brazil and Canada in less than six months. The campaigns have many similarities – including some of the same well-funded conservative networks." by @multipolarista Ben Norton


“A Working-Class Uprising in Canada?

The organizers and money are from wealthy right-wingers, but the “Freedom Convoy” touches broader popular discontent.”


“Police on alert for Nazis headed to Ukraine – reports

Counterterrorism units in the UK are on alert for far-right militants seeking weapons and military training in Kiev”

Romeu Peitinho:

“Western media in a frantic effort to save the far-right, neo-nazi, “democratic forces” of Ukraine.

“ Western neo-Nazis might be attracted to the Azov Battalion, an Ukrainian unit “which uses Nazi-linked symbols and has had many members who have professed far-right extremist views,” according to the Guardian, which added that the “anti-fascist watchdog” Hope Not Hate accused the unit in 2018 of recruiting Britons.

Azov had organized the training photo-op in the city of Mariupol that a number of Western outlets – including several British ones – wrote about on Monday, showcasing the 79-year-old Valentina Konstantinovska as an example of Ukrainians preparing to repel a rumored “Russian invasion.”

The “invasion” was supposed to take place early on Wednesday, but did not materialize. Instead, Russia announced that troops and equipment that had been deployed for training exercises were returning to their barracks.””


Washington needs to consider that it is neglecting the needs of 99% of its citizens:

“US convenes anti-China ‘Quad’ alliance, Beijing calls it ‘tool for containment and siege’”


America is killing Children, again, in its quest for ever more wealth:

“US-Saudi war on Yemen has killed 377,000 people – UN estimate

An estimated 377,000 Yemenis have died in the US-Saudi war on their country, and roughly 70% of deaths were children under age 5, according to a comprehensive United Nations report.”


Lies of Omission:

“The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects”

“The agency has withheld critical data on boosters, hospitalizations and, until recently, wastewater analyses.”


By starving developing countries of much needed revenue, you indirectly stimulate wildlife poaching:

“Massive Credit Suisse Data Leak Reveals Criminals, Corrupt Autocrats, Human Traffickers

'This situation enables corruption and starves developing countries of much-needed tax revenue'”

“A whistleblower leak to a German newspaper revealed that Credit Suisse—one of the world’s biggest private banks—knowingly accepted “corrupt autocrats, suspected war criminals and human traffickers, drug dealers and other criminals” as customers.”

“Leak shows Credit Suisse held funds for heads of state, human rights abusers”


“An Obscure Corner of Wall Street is Making Billions Trading Inflation”


“Footage of Offshore Oil Accident Highlights Risks of Deepwater Drilling

A November incident involving the Transocean Deepwater Pontus drillship is a reminder that “simple failures can cause serious incidents, in the blink of an eye,” one oil spill expert said.”


“Chris Hedges: US traditionally solves domestic political crises by waging war

War is used to divert American public attention from government corruption and incompetence”


“Serious, Salty Trouble Is Brewing Under Antarctic Glaciers

Alarming new research suggests warm seawater is rushing under the ice, perhaps doubling the rate of melting.”

Jan Whllie:


The Witches' Brew of environmental collapse is increasingly showing scientists' predictions as being out by orders of magnitude. As a trend analyst, I would say this phenomenon is indicating an emerging trend.

Alarming new research suggests warm seawater is rushing under the ice, perhaps doubling the rate of melting.

current glacier melt models don’t account for a phenomenon called tidal pumping. Whenever the tide rises, it heaves Thwaites’ ice sheet upward, allowing relatively warm seawater to rush farther upstream underneath the glacier. That drives melting along its belly, making the ice sheet more prone to fracture. “It means that warm water that is at the bottom of the glacier can infiltrate up to several kilometers upstream,” says University of Houston physicist Pietro Milillo, who is studying Antarctic glaciers.”


“Iceland hit by record-breaking waves- 40-Meter High

A total of ten waves of 25 meters high and four waves over 30 meters high were recorded. One wave was so powerful, the wave measuring buoy broke down, but 40 m was the highest point it managed to measure. This is the highest wave recorded since 1990. Further analysis of the data is yet to be provided.”


Alessandro Stefani:

“Today 13 February the record heat wave in New Zealand is reaching its end after one last hot night: The minimum temperature in the remote Raoul Island -29S-(Kermadec group) was 25.6C,this is the highest minimum temperature ever recorded in New Zealand (prev. 25.4C Napier 19-2-55)”


“How are glaciers doing?”

“Each line represents one year of Arctic sea ice thickness from 1979 [dark blue] to 2021 [dark red]. This year is shown in yellow - now updated through January 2022 + More visuals:

*Ice Watch* - Time to start tracking the annual maximum #Arctic sea ice extent (no record this year)...Follow along at:

“Cumulative change in the mass of glaciers around the world - preliminary data now available through 2021. Information on methods:”


“Ice velocity and thickness of the world’s glaciers”


Kirk Brent Norring:

Northern Canada and Russia are once again burning. “Argentina and other nations in South America and Africa are also burning but aren't making the news” and the smoke can be seen from outerspace. Washington’s main stream media is censoring the effects of Climate Change:

“Check out all of the smoke in the following image. Google Earth has real time imaged for cloud cover. The clouds should show definition but instead are blurred out. This is usually the effects from smoke. It's probably coming from the wildfires in both Northern Canada and Russia.”


California is burning:

“California sizzles in February heatwave”


“California wildfire near airport burns over 4,000 acres, officials say; 20% contained”


“Sediment cores from ocean floor could contain 23-million-year-old climate change clues”


“A BC town broke a 100-year-old temperature record yesterday”


“Juneau Airport broke the January precipitation record when 12.29" fell in the form of rain and snow. That broke the previous record of 11.98" set in 2015.

February is not holding back either, we have already broken the 2 month record precipitation for January-February with 20.43", breaking the previous record of 17.20" set back in 1993.

Now we are watching February records.”


Mike Ohlinger:

“Am researching the most critical area of the N Atlantic currents along the Eurasian shelf break in the Arctic ocean, Barents, N Kara and Laptev seas. This is where i have focused most of my research for years. Y R we seeing methane satellite plumes? The bottom waters heating up in the West Spitsbergen current SB Svalbard branch and also St Anna trough leading into the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago of the Russian Arctic sector. Most of the CMIP6 models consistently show a poleward advance of the Arctic Ocean cooling machine and Arctic Atlantification (Supplementary

The significant model spreads in the simulated linear trends of sea ice concentration, sea surface heat flux, MLD, and sea surface stress (Supplementary Fig. [15]

imply possible uncertainties in the predicted timing and strength of the changes in the cooling machine and Arctic Atlantification represented by the MMM. In particular, the underestimated trends in sea ice decline, ocean surface heat flux, and MLD in the CMIP6 MMM compared to observations and reanalysis as shown in Fig. [2]

imply that the future development of the poleward expansion of the cooling machine and the strengthening of Arctic Atlantification are very possibly underestimated in the CMIP6 models on average.”


“Sam Carana

Accelerating loss of global snow and ice cover (continued)

Ocean heat is at record levels. As a result, global sea ice extent was only 16.23 million km² on February 9, 2022, the third lowest extent on record. What makes this even more worrying is that we're currently in the depth of a persistent La Niña.

Ocean heat is a huge threat for Antarctica at the moment. Antarctic sea ice extent was only 2.342 million km² on February 9, 2022, a record low for the time of year.

As said, we're currently in the depth of a persistent La Niña, which suppresses temperatures. The difference between the top of El Niño and the bottom of La Niña could be more than half a degree Celsius.

Currently, the temperature rise is additionally suppressed by low sunspots. Within a few years time, sunspots can be expected to reach the peak of their current cycle and observed sunspots are looking stronger than predicted. In the image, adapted from NOAA, the solar cycle is represented as the number of sunspots and F10.7cm radio flux.

The threatening situation is that we'll go into the next El Niño, while sunspots are increasing and while the aerosol impacts may go from dimming into further driving up temperatures. A huge temperature rise could occur as the sulfates fall away that are currently co-emitted by traffic and industry, while at the same time releases of other aerosols such as black and brown carbon can increase dramatically as more wood burning and forest fires take place.

Such short-term 'natural' variability can furthermore act as a catalyst, causing numerous feedbacks to kick in with ever greater ferocity.

Such feedbacks can result in collapse of global sea ice and permafrost, resulting in the eruption of huge quantities of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, further driving up the temperature rise abruptly.

From the post 'Accelerating loss of global snow and ice cover', at:”


“Satellite Study Offers First Statistical Characterization of Methane Ultra-Emitters

Thousands of satellite images were scrutinized by monitoring company Kayrros to identify ultra-emitters of methane, greenhouse-gas sources that cannot be detected by terrestrial monitors. Up to 150 methane plumes a month were seen, some spreading for hundreds of kilometers.”

Piotrek Puczek:

“Cat is out of the bag, the usual suspects are still involved with mega GHG emissions, and it is big industry.

Industry workers and consultants are convinced that human activity and consumption is at fault for these emissions, they have spent a lot of money covering this up, 'by they' is meant institutes for industry lobbying.

How can we solve this problem without just banning fossil fuels in their entirety, if we do not stop fossil fuels they will keep emitting, no one wants to take responsibility so perhaps a blanket ban is what is needed. And owners of old leaking wells must cover the cost of plugging their acquired assets.”


“World’s glaciers contain less ice than thought”


Leonid yurganov

“From my computer. Methane flow from hydrates started this winter. First in January in the Barentsev Sea, then in the Bafin Strait (maximum in Disco Bay). Last winter he wasn't that noticeable. At the same time, methanohydrates are actually found here and there.”


"The biggest climate-based changes, however, are in Russia's Arctic and sub-Arctic seas, particularly the Barents Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the Bering Sea – which also account for 70 percent of Russia’s annual wild-caught seafood.

The Climate Change Adaptation Plan, adopted on 30 December and [published in January 2022]

identifies how rising temperatures and ocean acidification are having a significant impact on Russia's seafood industry.

Declining oxygen content, a changing and less-predictable schedule of warm and cold seasons, rising sea levels, and other climate-related factors are resulting in a decrease in Russia's seafood productivity.

The climate plan does not contain direct actionable items or edicts, but rather focuses on consultations to be held across government bodies and scientific institutes to design concrete steps to be taken in the future. Regarding seafood, central to the plan is an analysis of the existing threats, an evaluation of the consequences of climate change on the industry, and identifying possible solutions or mitigation strategies to address the problems created by the warming climate."


As mom and pop restaurants go bust throughout the nation all Democrats do is lie & hype a Ukraine war (in support of far right Nazis not in defense of Democracy) to benefit the already way WAY too rich.

The ONLY reason we are going to war in Ukraine is to get the rich more wealth


“Facts About Wildlife Killing Contests”

Despise Trophy Hunting? Five Ways You Can Help Stop the Unnecessary Slaughter


“A Ukraine Invasion Could Go Nuclear: 15 Reactors would be in War Zone”

"As Russia’s buildup on the Ukrainian border continues, few observers note that an invasion of Ukraine could put nuclear reactors on the front line of military conflict. The world is underestimating the risk that full-scale, no-holds-barred conventional warfare could spark a catastrophic reactor failure, causing an unprecedented regional nuclear emergency.

The threat is real. Ukraine is heavily dependent upon nuclear power, maintaining four nuclear power plants and stewardship of the shattered nuclear site at Chernobyl. In a major war, all 15 reactors at Ukraine’s nuclear power facilities would be at risk, but even a desultory Russian incursion into eastern Ukraine is likely to expose at least six active reactors to the uncertainty of a ground combat environment.

The world has little experience with reactors in a war zone. Since humanity first harnessed the atom, the world has only experienced two “major” accidents—Chernobyl and Japan’s Fukushima disaster. A Russian invasion, coupled with an extended conventional war throughout Ukraine, could generate multiple International Atomic Energy Agency “Level 7” accidents in a matter of days. Such a contingency would induce a massive refugee exodus and could render much of Ukraine uninhabitable for decades.

Turning the Ukraine into a dystopian landscape, pockmarked by radioactive exclusion zones, would be an extreme method to obtain the defensive zone Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to want. Managing a massive Western-focused migratory crisis and environmental cleanup would absorb Europe for years. The work would distract European leaders and empower nativist governments that tend to be aligned with Russia’s baser interests, giving an overextended Russia breathing room as the country teeters on the brink of technological, demographic, and financial exhaustion.

Put bluntly, the integrity of Ukrainian nuclear reactors is a strategic matter, critical for both NATO and non-NATO countries alike. Causing a severe radiological accident for strategic purposes is unacceptable. A deliberate aggravation of an emerging nuclear catastrophe—preventing mitigation measures or allowing reactors to deliberately melt down and potentially contaminate wide portions of Europe—would simply be nuclear warfare without bombs."


“The Truth About Tonkin”

Val Eisman

“We must never forget how US started the Vietnam war through a false flag incident as Ukraine asks for US ThAAD RADAR DEFENSE SYSTEM which will accelerate war tensions.

"Questions about the Gulf of Tonkin incidents have persisted for more than 40 years. But once-classified documents and tapes released in the past several years, combined with previously uncovered facts, make clear that high government officials distorted facts and deceived the American public about events that led to full U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War."”


“2 flowering plants in Antarctica are growing at an unprecedented speed, a rare spectacle showing a 'tipping point' of the climate crisis, study says”

"Two flowering plants have been multiplying rapidly in Antarctica as the climate crisis has warmed the summers, a study found.

The findings, which were published in the peer-reviewed journal Current Biology on Monday, are the first to provide clues that not even the pristine and fragile environments of Antarctica are safe from the effects of the climate crisis.

"Until now, most scientists thought that Antarctica could exhibit a sort of inertia to climate change impacts," Nicoletta Cannone, a study author and associate professor of terrestrial ecology at Italy's University of Insubria, told Insider in an email.

"Our analyses show that now Antarctica is responding fast and this is due to the increase of the warming trend," she said.


Sam Carana

“Poorest people bear growing burden of heat waves as temperatures rise

Wealthier populations can escape the heat more often, so their exposure to heat waves is not predicted to change”

“Increasing Heat-Stress Inequality in a Warming Climate” - by Mohamma Alizadeh et al.


“Carbon dioxide (CO₂) was 421.59 parts per million (ppm) at Mauna Lao, Hawaii, on February 14, 2022, a level unprecedented in millions of years.

Carbon dioxide levels typically reach their annual maximum in May, so even higher levels can be expected over the next few months.

From the post 'Greenhouse gas levels keep rising at accelerating speed', at:”


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